When it comes to shooters. For years

When it comes to shooters. For years

>"fuck cod and battlefield man, these tacticool shooters all suck, I miss arena shooters man, they took skill! I wish a dev would make one, I'd play it!"

>Toxikk gets made, no one plays it
>Xonotic is made, no one plays it
>Unreal Tournament 4 is made, no one plays it
>Quake Champions is made, no one plays it
>Lawbreakers is made, no one plays it and actively tried to kill it

The fuck do you want then, do you want arena shooters or more CoD games, because judging by what you guys play, you love CoD and not arena shooters like you claimed.

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Exactly, these neckbeards don't actually want anything other than what they used to play and even if they remastered Quake/UT whatever they would still just go back to overwatch or something.

I still play the same arena shooters. QC is shit but UT4 is actually pretty solid.

it sucks these idiots killed arena shooters for good, what company will want to make one again when they see that people don't play them? Why not just do more overwatch clones, eople play that shit.

>Unreal Tournament 4 is made

Where? Last I remember they released some F2P garbage instead of an actual UT game.

A game has to be better to make people switch. You can't just make a watered down version like Lawbreakers and Xonotic, or a straight clone with worse performance like Unreal Tournament 4, Toxikk, and Quake Champions.

Neither of those three games you listed are straight clones.

>Battleborn gets made, no one plays it

I don't trust devs enough anymore, nor do I trust the community. I'll play it if it's free, and I do play the new UT but the rest I passed on because they were buy to play and fucking dead.

>F2P garbage
It's not F2P it's just straight up free

That "f2p garbage" IS the game. Epic did it so YOU, the gamer, can actually help in the creation of the game. Instead you'd rather play CoD Black Cocks 4 and bitch about how shooters are dead.

Overwatch is absolute garbage but people still play it, explain that. Same for CoD.

>not trusting CliffyB



Just give me a remake of old GunZ, pre-jijji or whatever that shit website was called.

Arena shooters are unmarketable. You either fuck up the gameplay with shitty graphics, or you create something that people won't bother with because the graphics don't look good enough.

From neckbeards to 'going BACK to overwatch', I can't understand anything in this fucking post.

But i want both heromeme fps games and codshit to die out OP.
That is why i don't buy them at all.

it's okay but nothing amazing
just play Q3A
o i am laffin. it's stuck in development hell because Epic is devoting manpower to Fornite now. it's development model has doomed it from the start. people shit on Bethesda for having modders fix all their work, they should be shitting on Epic even more for having their players make their GAME for them.
>Quake Champions
was announced and developed faster than UT4's entire lifespan which is sad. it's actually really fun but in need of dire bug fixing and content
it's not a fucking arena shooter it's just a reskinned Overwatch with low G. Fuck CliffyB for making a straight Overwatch clone.

Well the rest of Sup Forums disagrees and are busy playing overwatch so they can spank it to tracer in her tight little summer shorts. They let Lawbreakrs die too.


all you had to do was not fuck up ut3, then the ball would have kept rolling

now its too late, people are tired of ALL shooters, not just arena ones

video games are dead, the crash is amongst us

>They let Lawbreakrs die too
I am glad they did.

But lawbreakers has great gameplay,. Sup Forums said gameplay is all that matters

FPS on their own are generally pretty bad, point in case is that the most popular FPS's in the world (Cod and CS;GO) have other aspects to them, for example most people buy cod for the obligatory zombies game mode that goes with it, and most people only play CS;GO for it's use of skins and more importantly, competitive rankings.

Arena shooters are just you shooting some dudes in an enclosed space. No Rankings, no lootbox skins, no zombies. There's nothing to add onto the arena shooter from any of those games listed, they're all the same game.

Law breakers is a bad game, that's why that game failed.

If you want arena shooters to come back you have to add a secondary function to the shooting, like an RPG like game mode where you fortify a position with a team and then either lay siege or defend against one for example.

I personally want more quality single player campaigns like nuDOOM. The only games on the horizon to fill that void are DUSK and Ion Maiden.

Overwatch has hard counters, where if one person is skilled and is the counter to your class, you are not winning at all, while lawbreakers is largely just different classes and play styles, shit that can be countered with skill.

its a small but clear difference from overwatch.

nudoom was abject trash. even the worst doom .wads are better than that garbage.

lawbreakers is fairly anemic in its gameplay.

turn on the numbers for dmg and see what you are actually doing. it has moments it can be fun bot for the most part meh.

Anyone have the cliffy b tweet stop being mean?

Name an fps that has come out in the past ten years with a better campaign.

Xonotic isn't one of the Q3A clones. It's some shitty Unreal Tournament-like game.

Xonotic is not like UT. It's literally built off of Darkplaces.

You're objectively wrong, but feel free to be as contrarian as possible to fit in, your new isn't showing at all don't worry.

I just don't want shooters at all desu.

>The fuck do you want then
A new Turok game in the same vein as Dinosaur Hunter.

>toxikk and xotonic are bad
>ut4 is not as good the older games plus it only has two game modes, ctf and kill the others
>characters with different hp pools make it to quake, thus we get quake champions
>lawbreakers is made, not even SJW play it, surprised? not one soul.

Perhaps if they add more modes to ut4 and put it on steam, I'd play it.

>Toxikk gets made
reakktor made one of the shittiest shooters of all time, neocron
while it was a good mmo, they had no idea what shooter gameplay was, i had no reason to trust them

>Xonotic is made
already didn't care for nexuiz, why would i want a weird ass port of it

>Unreal Tournament 4 is made
was it?

>Quake Champions is made
not an arena shooter

>Lawbreakers is made
not an arena shooter

you also chose to omit warsow and reflex, which both had nice playerbases for some time

anyway, arena shooter popularity was never big to begin with, and most of what made arena shooters popular was modding
if there's no modding community, then you won't have the casuals looking to practice their code and try out "fun" gameplay elements, who are the ones that wind up supporting the playerbase the most

how many people do you remember that bought quake 3 because they were waiting for bid for power to come out?

QC is more arena than QL which has CA in it.

i didn't play QL because i own Q3

QL is really just a better Q3. VQ3 was a mistake.

without the Q3:TA maps and gametypes (especially 1-flag) i have no desire to touch QL

Make an arena shooter with anime girls, that will sell

Nobody plays Q3TA or even VQ3. Everyone has either moved on to QL or CPMA.


>straight clone

then you don't even play quake so i'm not sure why you're here

this thread was made asking why the people that aren't playing, aren't playing

i didn't like q3dm17 either, but i still played quake
just because that's where most of the players were, did not mean i wanted to participate in playing with those players

i want to play 1-flag ctf on inner sanctums
i want to play overload on scornforge
i don't want to play harvester though, that was a shitty gametype

Quake 4 and DOOM 3 BFG Edition are criminally underrated arena shooters.

this pretty much.

if you want to play 1 flag ctf go play quakeworld

>Unreal Tournament 4 is made, no one plays it
UT4 is garbage that was released in pre-alpha, the devs abandoned it and then they expected the community to finish the game for them.
If I wanted to play UT I would play UT99 or UT2004 because atleast those were finished.

yeah good one, that game is as much of an arena shooter as halo
>no reflex mentioned
the GOAT that nobody plays it really shits all over QC and it's technical problems considering there is only 1 damn programmer

arena shooters suck ass and there hasn't been a good tactical shooter close in a decade

>Perhaps if they add more modes to ut4 and put it on steam
now i'm reminded that UT4 will never be on Steam since Epic decided to hop on the proprietary digital service bandwagon. thus, cutting off potential players who only use Steam.

>QC not an arena shooter
fuck off with this meme. QC at it's core is still very fucking much an arena shooter. the abilities are brief in effect and serve as an equalizer to avoid snowballing. only shit thing about QC are the bugs and Anarki not getting nerfed. honestly it has the best chances of being a popular arena shooter of all other choices once it irons out its issues and comes out of early access.

>trying this hard to fit in
DOOM is literally Doom on steroids.

I want RTS games desu sick of shooters rn

i like Q3:TA more though
but nobody remembers Q3:TA
it's sad

speaking of q3 i need to download that map pack with the q3 dreamcast port maps sometime
never seen 'em

isn't QC already doing pendulum swinging style balance patches?
hero shooters are just a different genre dude, let it go

>since Epic decided to hop on the proprietary digital service bandwagon. thus, cutting off potential players who only use Steam.
What the fuck? They still sell all the Unreal games besides Championship on Steam. They already have a presence. Fucking morons.

>>"fuck cod and battlefield man, these tacticool shooters all suck, I miss arena shooters man, they took skill! I wish a dev would make one, I'd play it!"

I don't think I've seen anyone say that. I have said that I missed ut2004 though and I tried ut4 for a few months, but you can only play a dead game for so long before you get bored.

Lawbreakers isn't arena btw, it's just shit. It was REALLY shit in the alpha and beta stage but it only became below average on release.

How about you make the games that you like to play and stop giving so much of a fuck about what "all gamers" want.
If you put out your game and it gathers an audience, then there's nothing wrong about catering to those people.

The problem stems from people trying to "get broad market appeal" instead of just making good shit.
Product Managers are all the same. Always trying to find a good product market fit instead of doing something interesting or taking some risk. Don't want risk? Just come to Japan and release only to Japanese people. The west likes risk.

>It can't be bad if I think it's good
The game's design is objectively terrible

>Unreal Tournament 4 is made, no one plays it
You mean an alpha came out that Epic seems barely invested in and it gets next to no media coverage anywhere because it isn't fucking finished.

>trusting Cliffy "Chainsaw gun" B
I don't mind him. I think he's cool for the most part, political opinions aside, and I enjoy some of the content he makes.
It's silly to blindly trust any entity in the gaming industry, press, or community now days.

They need to add a classic mode already to QC so you can all stop bitching about it being an arena shooter or not, and to avoid said balancing issues. A mode where everyone has 100 HP/armor cap. I am ready to admit the balancing has been a bit annoying so far. Clutch and BJ need buffs and Anarki sorely needs a nerf. Sorlag was OP at first but was at least toned down.

Yeah all their new games (UT4, Paragon, Fortnite) will be on their own service now. Quite frankly I stopped caring about UT4 considering all this dumb decisions Epic has made. I'll just stick to 99 and 2k4.

>Overwatch is absolute garbage but people still play it, explain that.
Released by one of the largest names in gaming for both PC and console with one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever, aided by a hundred thousand fanartists making smut from the character designs. It really isn't hard to understand Overwatch's success despite how mediocre the game actually is.

Overwatch is okay, the big problem is how miserable it is to play solo. It's not even worth it really.

>They need to add a classic mode already to QC so you can all stop bitching about it being an arena shooter or not,
yeah i'd stop saying that if it happens
but till then, it really is something different than an arena shooter

it's kind of like team arena, except they knew to keep guard/doubler/scout as team only elements, away from the arena maps they added

It's just free nigga. Everything is there besides the maps I want and gay ass vehicles faggots like. It's a sequel to UT99 and 03

>>Unreal Tournament 4 is made, no one plays it

Last time I checked they were still in "prealpha" few years after game being announced.
And still they basically cannot decided what they want, what weapons game should have, what game modes, anything literally.
There are even different versions of the same basic weapons with different stats, so many servers use different weapons set/rules, so this is simply a mess, even though it could be a cool feature.
The worst is probably that main devs seems to want to make just another UT3 without any major changes, so why even do UT4 instead turning 3 free and working on it again?

What happened to Diabotical?

I just want another game in the vein of Unreal Gold.

I love UT1/2004, but UT4 for some reason feels, ehhhh I dunno, movement is kinda slow maybe? It's like I'm playing some weird UT/CoD crossover.

Never happen, man. The age of FPSs like Unreal came and went with Unreal, and Metroid Prime.

I don't know.
It also has to be a good game

>love arena shooters and fighting games
>they're both dead or dying

toxikk was literally ut3 reskinned and with less content
UT4 is left to rot because epic expects the fans to make it for free
Quake Champions has retarded hero shooter abilities
Lawbreakers is call of duty with an antigrav mechanic

Titanfall 2

Deus Ex Human Revolution

This, actually. The only thing D44M did better was the soundtrack.

What's so bad about characters having unique abilities again? This just sounds like a knee-jerk reaction

Not him, but abilities remove focus on twitch shooting, which is the whole point of classic arena shooters.

It destroys the balance of an arena fps game utterly and turns it into Overwatch lite: deathmatch version.

I want more FEAR 1 and 2. Or at least give me Half Life 2 with physics shit.

>but abilities remove focus on twitch shooting
confirmed for never having played QC. abilities mean fuck all if you don't know how to fucking shoot or move.

Yes, if you stand still and don't shoot, abilities won't help you.

I don't see how this disproves my point though.

Are you daft? A good player will fucking wreck you no matter what your stats or abilities are. Can you lead a rocket? Know when to time a rail? Know how to strafe and navigate a map? It still comes to skill no matter what.

>The fuck do you want then
Single-player focused rooty tooty point and shooty's with a fantasy/monster aesthetic.

All FPS nowadays are either sci-fi with ayylmaos or modern military.

Give me a modern Heretic, HeXeN or Unreal.

Yes, good player will wreck bad one. I don't see how this disproves my point though.

I could have gotten into LB, but the characters blended too much with the background.
that and they may have been too small.

IDK, maybe its me since I feel the same with Battlefront 2 and battlefield 3 and4 multiplayer. Can never tell who the fuk is shooting at me and everyone is too damn camouflaged or far away.

>tfw they managed to actually fuck up Quake Champions
>outsourced to Zenimax and Russian coders


>that orange fog all around the screen
Why can't devs just keep shit clean?

Arena shooter players are faggots who already moved to PUBG, the only ones that are trully loyal are the people who never stoppsed playing them to being with,

>But lawbreakers has great gameplay

No, not really

This so much.
Hexen was fucking great, it felt like playing through a metal album cover.

Unreal was amazing as well with interesting alien worlds that still felt kind of grounded. No lazy glowing plants and purple grass, but a cool planet with mysterious architecture and fucking nailguns.

Yeah, I had the same exact problem. Solved it by using wallhack.

I want NO shooters.
That is why I do not play or buy any of those other games. Not fuck them, I'm just not buying it cuz I don't want it. Fuck cod tho. No seriously fuck it. There's not a single title released in either of the 2 series that wouldnt have been better served as a map pack for the game that previously existed before it.
Blops 1 was best suck it fags.
Fortunate Son intensifies.

I feel like people who complain about the abilities literally just haven't played Quake Champions.
It's something that slots on top of things that are already there. They don't replace anything.

>even the worst doom .
>when Doom 3 exists
Kill yourself hipster, it's objectively the best SP shooter made in the last 10 years,

Why do they exist then?

It's trash.

howdy neighbor. now you know our pain