Have you ever bought a game because it had a cute girl in it?

Have you ever bought a game because it had a cute girl in it?

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Yes. Wolfenstein 2.

Yeah. I kind of picked KOTOR because Bastilla was so hot on the box. I wasn't disappointed desu. Not this time anyway.

Oni on PS1 and Sudeki on xbox


A lot of people played Nier, yes.

Gamers. It's an cute anime about games.

Every anime skank looks the same

>no nose
>eyes the size of softballs
>the state of weeaboos


Strangely an actual good anime

Atelier Sophie. Never again.

Well duh, what other criteria is there?


>anime about games.
Heh.. For one episode.

Nah. I'm one of those guys that fucking hates moe. It makes me actively angry, so buying a game for a character like that not only wouldn't happen, I probably would be more likely to avoid buying a game if it had an obnoxious looking girl in it.

People that buy video games for cute girls are the biggest faggots on the planet.

90% of them might, but the remaining 10% are mai waifu

don't forget that rule, 90% of everything is bad etc

Why do you hate it so much? It's no different than any other form of media, it's just not pandering to you specifically.

modern anime is garbage

That boy looks cuter than most girls.

I bought an Xbox original and DoA for Hitomi, thought she would be my waifu.

I fucking hate fighting games and barely touched them. At least I got Shenmue and Splinter Cell with it though.

>When someone talks shit about your favorite game

>Inb4 some moeshit loving nu-weeb makes a passive aggressive post with a smug anime girl

Young males often hate cute soft things and see it as emasculating, ie "gayshit for fags"

Yea right.


Yeah, that's part of it.
I was honestly just curious about his opinion on it, since I've never heard anything but same face and insulting the fans as actual arguments against anime styled stuff.
He seems like he might genuinely hate it as opposed to just shitposting, so I wanted to know his thoughts on the matter.

Elves? How original. What are you going to post next, a nekogirl from the 80's amd 90's?

Young men have yet to be disillusioned by life and the reality of dating and the modern woman. They haven't come to understand the charm of cute girls yet.

I only bought GTA to play as Momiji and fuck around with mods.

Nier, Nep, other JRPGS

Was your pic supposed to prove me wrong? That unironically looks terrible.

Oni are better tho

i mean yeah it devolves into harem garbage immediately but technically there are games/game culture in every episode


Regrets: none.

This anime was dogshit.

>It makes me actively angry,


>generic sameface moeshit
Fuck you

Hate me more gay boy.

I'm not a "young man". There is a 99% chance I'm older than you. I have never liked moe garbage, and it will never change. I hate it precisely because it's incredibly fucking fake and irritating. It's pretending that women are cute, stupid puppies so that losers(IE you) can feel that they're approachable and obtainable in your fantasy setting when the reality is that girls like that do not exist, you are deluding yourself, and even if a girl like that did exist they would find you repulsive.

It has nothing to do with emasculation or that you're some kind of enlightened wizard for swearing off of women. You're just pathetic faggots trying to justify your pathetic behavior. But since you're surrounded by similar pathetic losers on the internet, you forget just how much of a faggot you are.

To answer simply, I hate the type of people it panders to, I hate the fans of it, I hate how fake it is, and I hate how its stupid baby shit intended for retarded pathetic losers.

Is there a proper development of its plot or is everyone acting like a virgin and nothing ever really happens?

>literal misogyny

Sorry man, I just don't get the appeal. 90s characters all look so sharp and deformed. The don't have the comfy softness that modern anime does.

It appealing exactly because it doesn't exist in real life faglord.
If I want realism I will go to a bar or whorehouses.

>post 90's garbage moeshit to defend 10's garbage moeshit

You are likely going to get shitposted into oblivion but I'd like to say that I agree completely.
Unique and expressive artstyles are best, mainstream moeshit is low effort tripe for the lowest common denominator.

It appeals to you because you are a pathetic loser. This is a fact.

>everyone acting like a virgin
they are virgins tho

>my opinions are facts
16 year old, pls go

I can guarantee you're a loser. Know why? You buy video games for cute girls and like moe anime. You act like there's genuinely some chance you aren't a loser. Literally everyone posting in this thread knows I'm right about you. Even you know I'm right about you. Which is why you can only say "t-that's just an opinion..."

Copy/pasting faces, expressions and body types is objectively awful art, opinion has nothing to do with it.

How is that misogyny?

>posting ghosts
Spoiler that shit, it's not Halloween yet.

Yes, and I really regret each and every one of them.

You see, the proper trick is that you find a FUN game, THEN you mod in cute girls, because the majority of anime games with cute girls have fucking trash gameplay.

Life is Strange
Remember Me

Angry 16 year old.

I'll never understand this fetish

>I hate the type of people it panders to, I hate the fans of it
That's nothing to do with the product man.

>I hate how fake it is
Well yeah, it's obviously fiction. That's obvious from the get go, nobody thinks anime stuff is that realistic.

>I hate how its stupid baby shit intended for retarded pathetic losers.
I mean, you could apply this same sort of idea to most forms of media. Most stuff just copies other stuff that sold and panders to their
intended audience, the only real difference I can see is the art style and the fans it's aiming to sell to.
Game of Thrones, The Bachelor, Marvel/DC films, etc being some pretty good examples.

I don't know why I expected to learn anything here.

Did it once.
I regret it

>Have you ever bought a game because it had a cute girl in it?

It isn't harem at all though. He only dates one girl throughout the anime

00's garbage moeshit was best

You're being disingenuous here, right? You have to be.

It's misunderstandings put into overdrive

>on Sup Forums
>calling others losers

You wouldn't be here otherwise

I mean technically, the whole game's based around them, so it's not that suprising

>being a white boi

Hyperdimension series, but then I ended up legit liking the games

It's for racists into humilation, but don't really realize it or can't own up to it.

You're being obtuse on purpose. I don't care if you learn anything. I did not magically expect you are suddenly going to stop your pandering baby garbage just because I point it out. I fully expect that every loser that loves moe anime to love it forever because it helps you forget that you're a sack of shit. Which is why you will pretend to make some faux intellectual "attempt" to understand me when in reality, all you want to do is try and justify your shitty moeblob garbage.

The difference between moe and other forms of entertainment is the types of ideas that moe pushes(everything is meant to pander to pathetic losers, so they have all female characters act like retarded, braindead children) and the types of fans it has.

Not all forms of entertainment or fiction are equal, retard. You can figure that out on your own, or remain a pathetic loser. Either way, no more time for you.

I feel like that word doesnt mean what it used to mean anymore.

You're right, but there are levels.

That's like 90% of harem shows.

Still fucking pissed that Nyaruko ended up like this and didnt delve deeper into the Cthulhu mythos.

Cthuko ;_;

Shantae PC and HGH.

Stop lying. It's a cute anime about disproportionately beautiful nerds thinking everyone's cheating on everyone when in reality they aren't. And sometimes there's Guilty Gear playing in the background.

This is why old man Miyazaki hate you weeb fucks so much.
He's right.
Otaku are trash, they aren't human.

Look at this guy trying to act like he's any better. You're still here with the rest of us my dude. You don't need to prove anything. It's ok to like yourself

This anime had nothing to do with games for 90% of it. Then the anime had the audacity to have an actual good episode 12 and say "fuck you, guys, we could have made a solid anime about Vidya but have you that garbage instead"
I can't say an anime pissed me off more than this one before

What do you think it means?
I am saying that he's feigning ignorance of the fact that "fake" obviously didn't mean fiction in this context, among other things.
That's the textbook definition of disingenuous.

What's this from?

Well, judging from how garbage haremshit and moeshit sell while actual meaninful shows flop, yes Otaku are the fucking scum of the industry.

You know this isn't 2006 and we can't immediately check to see this isn't you nostalgiafags masturbating to close ups right?
The animation quality is good at times so far in episode 1, but yall act like 90% of them are as good as Mob Psycho 100 or Nichijou.

>presenting an idealized version of a woman is bad
>presenting an idealized version of a man is fine
You're retarded and I'm definitely older than you, as if that mattered.

>defacing a work of art with shitty graffiti


>Not all forms of entertainment or fiction are equal, retard. You can figure that out on your own, or remain a pathetic loser. Either way, no more time for you.
>Copy/pasting faces, expressions and body types is objectively awful art
The masters art copied each other all the time and cartooning uses template designs all the time. You're pretty much calling Looney Tunes garbage.

What are some good anime that aired in the last year? Preferably excluding slice-of-life genre.
>go to Sup Forums
Sup Forums has pretty awful taste in anime in my experience

Fuck off. This board is for Sup Forumsposting.

several times

>excluding slice-of-life genre.
>Sup Forums has pretty awful taste
thank god Sup Forums doen't spoonfeed tards like you

>Sup Forums has pretty awful taste in anime in my experience
>I looked at the catalog for five minutes and then made a spoonfeeding thread
Tell me I'm wrong.

lurk more, newfriend.

isn't this the one where the girl breaks down and the mc just fucking stares like sperg?

My Hero Academia, Made in Abyss, Owarimonogatari, Konosuba. That's it.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Tsurezure Children
Diamond is Unbreakable
Boku no Hero Academia

Right, so I was asking if it was any different.

That's like 90% of harem shows.

I don't really mind when the story gets a proper ending but when nothing really resolves itself and the show/work is missing a proper conclusion it's just garbage.

Is it cuck shit?

Go back to your containment board, moe spergs.


>complaining about moe in an anime site

I bet you hate yuri and loli too you fucking newfag.

>He doesn't know about Nyaruko raping Mahiro
