You have ten seconds to explain why don't you have a pork bun in your mouth

You have ten seconds to explain why don't you have a pork bun in your mouth.

Because I'm not late for school.

probably the only good cyberpunk game

>contemporary hong kong
so does cyberpunk just mean neon lights at night?

cause i have it in my hand

cyberpunk is now

Thats toast.

Thats dumb and wrong.

I literally just went out to buy a hot dog

I'm a muslim


I guess I'm just not a real man

why did they never make a #2? this game was great

Just been to Hong Kong. Can't say I'm a fan of pork bun

I'm glad you finally got the courage to come out

The same reason as always; not enough sales.

I had xiao long bao and siu mai today does that count

I already had some Chebureki and Pelmeni.


I'm too poor to afford food.

Because that would involve taking the dick out

It's based on Hong Kong and Tokyo's inner dystopia dumbass, not literally them.

I'm a Muslim

I am already a whole man
Sleeping Dogs 2 never

waseted potential the game.

Those bongs had something going and ruined it with their shit writing and then the "sequel" was cancelled for an mmo.

Rule britannia my ass.

I don't eat pork. I've tried veggie buns from a Japanese food cart and it was tasty.

Why are you suddenly flipping your shit over Snoozing Doggos?

i'm a vegetarian and since i started i've literally never missed any meat besides these fucking pork buns
there's just nothing else like them


It was on 85% off sale a while back and I recently completed it.

I have that shit everyday at work because I cant afford a real meal

Enjoy that lack of B12 kid.

i eat eggs and dairy you dumb asshole

Now when you say eggs and dairy...

i just brushed my teeth.


>Feces are a rich source of vitamin B12 and many species, including, dogs, and cats eat feces.
