You can be banned from a game you spent money on just because someone’s feelings got hurt

>you can be banned from a game you spent money on just because someone’s feelings got hurt.

How the fuck did we get here?

By consistently playing bad games


This is why I don't play those games.

>It's ok to emotionally abuse people online because it's online

>implying I play overwatch

>emotionally abuse
>saying gg or calling someone a name

People back in the day were never this thin skinned.

>playing multiplayer games

>having no social skills or mental toughness, so you get upset by anonymous people on the internet

By consistently playing bad games

Retard problems.

>Inb4 PUBG

Sadly this is kinda true for me now. I can't deal with the SJWs or the 12 year olds anymore.

My only escape are games with no VoIP like MMORPGs or white male dominated games like sims.


Learn to not fucking abuse people over the internet you dumbass edgelord.

>People back in the day were never this thin skinned.

this, everyone is just a gigantic whiny pussy now.

>emotional abuse online

Literally how? You as an adult person are responsible of your own sensitivitys

>im an asshole in online games
how the fuck did you get there?

This. Fucking snowflake generation can't take some bants. Just fucking mute the chat if you're a little cocksucker who can't deal with anything.

fucking snowflake crying about a ban, go play something else faggot

People get banned when they spend more of a game typing than they do playing. I talk shit in games and I've never been banned from anything. You have to try pretty fucking hard to get banned.


Yeah, sorry, but calling people retarded autistic niggers isn't banter

Sometime around the mid 2000s, the internet got flooded with newfags and since they never grew up with the internet and how vicious it could be, they did have thick skin that only years of being called a faggot or pice or shit can get you. Since they became the new majority, the entire internet has become one giant safe space.

I miss the old days before social media.

Nope. They're going to report your ass and you're going to get banned from the game. Easy.

If they get offended to the degree of crying "abuse" by simple online insults, they lack confidence and banning the people who offended them will only contribute to their escapism and their desire to live in their own bubbles. People should toughen up and learn to deal with their offenders, especially when it's someone that doesn't even know who you are.

Banter is part of the fun, but if you don't like it then don't let it affect you to the core.

It literally is. It might be low tier, but it is.

>How the fuck did we get here?
Girls started playing Overwatch.

Nigga just close your eyes, walk away from the screen

>Can we get a tank with a shield to hold the choke points

>If they get offended to the degree of crying "abuse" by simple online insults, they lack confidence
No. You can do all the mental gymnastic you want but at the end of the day you're just being an asshole, people don't like you for being an asshole and you just don't like it when you get banned for it.

Here's a suggestion : Don't be an asshole.

Can you honestly give a valid reason as to how calling people names online is beneficial to anybody? It doesn't make you or them better at the game. You're only making yourself more upset. It either does nothing or just makes the experience worse for everyone involved. It makes no sense.

calling someone a fucking retarded autistic nigger is entirely fine unless they're fucking southern belles who waft at their faces when they hear something like that and yell out 'WELL I NEVAH' you fucking pussy. If you go into an online game and suck at it and fuck up a win for your team, for example, guess what you deserve to be called.

shut up faggot

kys faggot

because it's fun

You develop a tolerance for bullshit. It’s why coddling children and tell them that everyone is a winner is bad. People need to be told they’re shitty every once a while, it makes them better.

I think the problem is that so many multiplayer games have such heaps of downtime ingame. Whenever you die in Overwatch or a MOBA you spend a minute walking back to the fight, with ample opportunity to spam insults to everyone else. Back in the days with games like Quake and StarCraft 1, you were constantly busy and simply didn't have the time to spew hatred.

>Go to the movies
>Pay money to watch a movie
>Behave like an absolute retard and ruin the movie for everyone else
>Get kicked out and no refund
wtf how did this happen

You're really just proving my point senpai. Faggot means nothing. I can pretty much guarantee I'm much older than you and have been a part of this for much longer. Online bant means nothing. It's completely worthless

>because it's fun

Fun is just a buzzword people use because they aren't intelligent enough to come up with a good response. Grow up child

>it makes them better

It doesn't though. People get better by playing, not by being called niggers

Not him but people here don't care about that shit you fucktards. It just proves his point and shows how much of a shitty person you are.

you are a worthless piece of shit who should never interact with anyone ever

It would be boring if everyone behaved nicely and respectfully. Anger, revenge, humilliation, superiority, banter, are all part of the multiplayer experience and contribute to make it even more passionate. Don't censor human expression in videogames.

Not the same at all. It doesn’t take skill to watch a movie and movies are places designed for people to be quiet.

It's really hard to judge what's "being an asshole" these days. Sometimes just asking someone if they'd mind switching their class/loadout sets them off. Just plain makes people not want to interact with each other.


If no one calls you out for being shit at a game, then you won’t know you’re shit. If the party keeps dying because the tank is shit, are you not going to tell him? Sugarcoating things doesn’t work.

Feel good circlejerking.


Blow it out your ass.

What does that have to do with anything

You'll only get banned from a game if you act like an autistic asshole who does it constantly

you know those terms & conditions you blindly agree to when you start said game?

Yeah turns out there is a bit in there about harassing other people. Weird. Actions have consequences in places other than Sup Forums. Maybe stop getting your rocks off by putting others down?

For example you just called him an asshole, he could take offense on that comment and cry you were abusing, then you get banned. Simply as that.

Being offended is entirely subjetive and it depends on your own tolerance and confidence to feel or not to feel harassed.

>calling someone a nigger is the same as emotionally manipulating someone to become entirely dependent on your from the moment of their birth because you only had them to be your caretaker as you got older

If someone isn't doing a good job you can certainly tell them. You can tell them things they can improve on or give actual advice to help them get better. You know, giving constructive criticism like an actual functioning member of society not just saying

>le you fucking retard git gud i'm plowing ur mum's pussy while you're being a faggot piece of shit

>Don't censor human expression in videogames.
They don't censor you, you're free to spam nigger during that one game. You're just going to get rightfully shown the door after.

I agree that this one is a drawback. You get reported for literally everything.

>typical image reaction spammer
Here's a tip : Nobody wants you even here on fucking Sup Forums.


Athletes yell and curse at other players and their teammates all the fucking time? Why? Because it helps them better. Hell, MJ beat a teammate’s ass one time because they weren’t playing to the level he thought they could. He eventually won six titles with that player.

The point of games is to win, not babysit other players. Sometimes the best criticism in is also the harshest.

>How the fuck did we get here?



Just about anything be construed as harassment. Hell, saying gg is.

Exactly. I'd rather people get their rage off in an actual competitive environment than being stupid shits in normal conversation.

We need another war. This time of relative peace has created a bunch of soyboys and dried up coochies.

You only had to listen

>says random user behind his keyboard on an anonymous image board

t.draft dodger

I mean you are wrong. Go read the terms and conditions of whatever game it was you were banned from. Harassment is usually pretty specific, most of the time it's defined as repeated instances of deliberately upsetting or bothering another player, especially if they've already asked you to stop.

so GG isn't harassment. But GG 5 times in a row is.

Regardless, all you pussies complaining about other people complaining about you sure do sound like shitty little snowflakes. Control your own behavior and then you don't ever have to worry.

But who are we kidding here, video games are the central focal point of your life and you harass people online because it makes you feel better about your own pathetic existence.

You can easily tell you're a person who has never been in a war or even been in the military. You have no idea what you're talking about

literally the only time i ever do well in fps games like overwatch is when i spend the entire round berating my team and calling them gigantic pussies for playing too passively

the only time i'm not left for dead for daring to make any offensive play is when i'm insulting the masculinity of my teammates in every conceivable way possible. I didn't have to do this before I don't know why but it seems like people are way more willing to just...not do anything these days

Please stop lying on an anonymous image board

Not that user, but I support war, and I'm a draft dodger.
Natural selection at work.

Sane men who've been through war would not want to go to war again if they were given the choice

>Control your own behavior
They can't, which is why this thread exists.

Yeah dipshit and athletes get yellow carded / thrown in the penalty box / lose yards for their team / whatever it is when they get caught talking shit.

You think there aren't consequences for their actions as well? Banning is the consequence here.


You did good, not one drop of American blood should be spilled for Israel. They can go fight their own wars.

>so GG isn't harassment. But GG 5 times in a row is.

Subjetive. 1 GG can trigger me or maybe 3 are enought to claim it as harassment, since the number of GG needed to be considered harassment isn't ruled then it doesn't even work as an example. People want rules under measurable causes, not sensitivity related actions

I like being an dick and calling people names. but just doing it 24/7 like every platform on the internet is Sup Forums and never getting serious.

This shit was brought on yourselves, you abused your freedom. Instead of being an asshole sometimes, everyone just started being an ass hole ALL the time, and now something is being done about it.

How about toning it down a little bit, you keep acting like angry toddlers throwing fits you get your toys taken from you. otherwise stick to singleplayer games

>be mentaly ill
>blame gaming community

League of Legends is the worst when it comes to this.

>WAAAAAH WAAAAH, someone said that I played badly! Report, report!
>"Your behaviour is not in line with most players"

I mean you can feel free to vomit words at me, but you're wrong. Terms of Use are generally pretty specific in their individual definitions of harassment. They are drawn up by highly educated lawyers who leave no room for doubt or lawsuits. You literally have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and we both know it.

Control your own behavior and you never have to worry about this. No one has ever gotten banned because they said GG once.

what the fuck is this place anymore even

Nice reddit spacing. You should really go back

Then we just have to go to war until there are no sane men left. A man only had a certain capacity for fear, you know. Spend a few years in hell and all the fear and pain and regret that makes you human will get drained out of you, and you will be reduced to a biological machine whose sole purpose is to inflict suffering on the world.

We need to stop turning away from the abyss. Decency and humanity have no place in our world.

Now switch "mentally ill" to "oversensitive to other's comments" then you get why this topic is all about

When did Sup Forums get infiltrated by pussies? What the fuck happened?

t. freshman halfway through his first semester

>war is natural selection
Are you retarded?

That's the whole joke. They abused their free speech and right to be asses and now people are just getting tired of their bullshit.

Is this you?


now switch "oversensitive to other's comments" to "I am unhappy in my own life and so I avail myself of every possible opportunity to spread that unhappiness to others" and you'll understand why you don't have a gf.

Except yellow cards etc. affect only one game, while banning is permanent, you fucking imbecile. That's why actual games have votekick.

wow that is some crazy autism there. I bet you either lay awake at night wondering why you don't have a gf or you've convinced yourself you are happier without one. Either way, I feel sorry for you.

You don't get banned in league for playing bad. Only flamers think like that because they're the one getting banned after harassing a bad player.

Of course abuse isn't bad but you're using it the same way people use Nazi I.E. to conflate it with things outside its definition to silence things you don't like.

Most games got warnings and chat restrictions.
If you get banned straight up i dont think that many players want to play with you.

>disregarding someone's opinion because they used one specific word
yes, so mature, teach us grandpa. fyi, not even trying to prove anything here, you're just a cunt, retard

>reddit spacing

I've always typed like this, I don't have an account on reddit. Do you have a list of things that you can call someone out for being a reddit user, then you don't have to actually discuss anything?
can we stop with the reddit paranoia?

>war isn't natural selection
t. future purple heart recipient

Not him but it just shows your inability to properly have a discussion without insulting people. You should get help.

same thing with car, you buy it, you drive it bad, you get your license revoked, can't drive your fucking car anymore. grow up kid.

Except for the documented cases where people have been.
Riot is fucking cancer, and I say this as someone who has never been banned for anything.

waaaaaaaaa, i agreed to terms of use with punishments that i find to be over the top and then when i incurred one of those punishments it made me saaaad!! waaaaaaaa