How do you deal with the crushing emptiness that follows after you finish a long and immersive RPG, Sup Forums?
How do you deal with the crushing emptiness that follows after you finish a long and immersive RPG, Sup Forums?
I play Nioh
I dont
"You like shit, Geralt."
Sam you look like shit
Start another one or watch anime. The only cure is to move on.
Well, I play Gwent to cope with finishing Witcher 3.
I play another
I try to read a topically unrelated book as a palate cleanser
masturbate to porn of the characters
I dont think you know what immersive means
My life is my rpg.
I went from my Divinity OS2 back to finishing Divine Divinity
Where's the fucking Enhanced Edition
same way i deal with all my problems, sleep and masturbate.
>witcher 3
>long and immersive RPG
Divinity: OS is not an immersive RPG one would long for...
By not making video games the focal point of my existence.
Post your Steam stats of playing Witcher 3.
That's right, you little fuckstain. Grow up.
Witcher 3 isn’t that good
I've only done 2 full playthroughs
The open world design is literally ubisoft-tier in its filler and POI spam, and is further destroyed by...
...the loot system, which destroys any incentive for exploration. The weapons you find are worse than witcher gear you obtained 10 levels ago, and you get witcher gear from quests anyway so its not like you have to go hunting for them.
Money holds practically no value whatsoever, and the only loot you find thats useful is alchemy ingredients. Which would be fine if...
...the combat system wasn't so barebones and bland. Throughout your 150+ hour adventure, you use one moveset, 5 bland spells, a crossbow, some bombs and optional potions. The enemy and boss design is so generic and boring though, that using all that hify shit like potions and decoction is pretty much pointless. The biggest strategy is just to mash light attack twice, backhop, and repeat. A large majority of the enemies follow this mentality, and it never truly evolves into anything more meaningful. Why does Djikstra have the same moveset as a wild hunt warrior you fight with Keira?
The game even reskins and recycles enemies in paid DLC, and then dares to call them new ones with new beastiry entries.
The quest design is made for literal braindead children who can't think for themselves. Its obnoxiously yawn inducing because the "investigations" you do are practically you just walking around in circles and spamming X so geralt can shove some more exposition down your throat. It lacks depth, challenge, player activity and more than anything else, longevity. It never evolves into anything more unique or interesting, and it persists through the ENTIRE 150+ hours.
The main quest is basically super mario in poland, where Geralt goes around picking flowers, herding goats and helping every bum under the sun just so he can get the usual message that "nah bro, I don't know shit senpai"
I don't know, I haven't played a good RPG in a very long time. Guess last one was Hollow Knight but you don't exactly relate to a being of void made to kill a god. Was a solid game at least.
Skellige is wasted potential at best, and the game rushes to its conclusion way too fast after Kaer Morhen. Novigrad and Velen use up a massive portion of time, and the entire point of those areas boils down to "your ciri is in another area that requires you to go through like 20 boring side missions before anything substantial happens"
The story sets up its stakes way too high, and thus makes side content break immersion to a major degree. Theres no reason why Geralt would go around killing nekkers for pennies when the literal end of the world was around the corner.
Speaking of which, the white frost, ciris powers and all of culminating at the same time is some of the most cringe inducing shit I've ever seen. Ciri can hop between time and space because "its in her blood lmao" and the white frost is just a prophecy of "dude lmao if it happens we all die lmaooooo"
Then at the end when you defeat Eredin (who is the most bland fucking villain I've ever seen, he has less lines than reskinned shopkeepers in Velen), the white frost just suddenly comes at the same exact time and Ciri defeats it somehow and everythings awesome and then yay the game ends.
Its rushed as fuck and I lost all my interest in caring about the characters during that arc.
HOS is the best content in the game, but it doesn't fix the gameplay gripes. The story is great however and has the only good antagonist in the entire game.
B&W is fine, but again has the same problems with its open world, quest design, enemy design, and even the main quest.
Overall the game doesn't have a single piece of good gameplay, and the only thing that comes close is the boss fight with Dettlaff.
Its worth experiencing because of things completely unrelated to it being a video game. You would get the same exact experience from just watching it on youtube for fucks sake, and even then it would save you money, time and most of all effort since you wouldn't have to wade through boring filler.
get good faggots
Play the Witcher 1 because it is superior in atmosphere, characters, and storytelling to the rest in the series.
So 215 hours each.
You don't think that's not a long singleplayer game? If you also don't think the game is immersive (amazing environment design, lightning and other special effects, solid dialogue writing and so on), you are simply delusional.
I feel satisfied, not empty
go back to rebbit
Nice copy/pasta.
Not him but I pirated it. I hated the parts where I wasn't Geralt, the combat was shit, I wish monster fighting was more fleshed out, the skill tree was shit, and crafting/collectin blueprints was shit. It did have some top tier quests though like the genie one and that best quest I've ever done where you get drunk with your bros and prank call people. Still, by the time I reached the DLC I just got bored and uninstalled. Still looking for a monster hunter game that is fighting monster instead of dinosaurs.
>witcherkeks are kids with ADD and no attention spam
like poetry
>Still, by the time I reached the DLC I just got bored and uninstalled
You fucked up, the DLCs are better than the main game.
I've heard about that but I just lost the will to play. Same thing happened in FFXIV
>implying one needs ADD in order to not want to read such a massive salty copypasta
>I'm just going to ignore this post which perfectly explains why the game is garbage because I can't defend the game so im just going to call it a pasta
classic witcherkek
>I didn't like it so nobody else can either!
FFXIV is shit. Plus that's a MMORPG, what the fuck?
Though if you didn't like Vanilla W3, you probably wouldn't have loved HoS and B&W either.
>tfw played 1, 2, and 3 back to back and enjoyed all of them
i will NEVER have that feel again
The same way I deal it whenever it appears. I endure it.
He is not the one who called it pasta. I did. The two posts were posted only one minute apart. One with brains can easily tell it's an obvious pasta.
Fuck you.
t. teacher
I've fallen for this with Gintama. "it gets good after 50 episode!". It didnt'
Tylko Polaczki lubia te gowniana gre
I nie udawajcie ze nie jestescie Polakami skurwysynki
I never once defended witcher 3 you fucking underaged faggot.
I skimmed though some of it and I actually agree with some of "your" points, rather whoever's points you copypasted, since all Sup Forums does is parrot opinions. That whole post regurgitated the same criticisms of the game already said about a million times. Nothing was added to the discussion.
>literally using dude lmao and "cringe" as criticism
i drink in bars
I'm playing through it right now.
The game is fantastic, I don't want it to end.
I have a question though lads, I thought the Wild Hunt were like omnipotent demons from another dimension to capture Ciri for whatever reason, but it turns out they are just elves from another dimension, right?
Why the fuck is Imlerith just hanging around in Velen fucking goatwomen? What if Ciri was found again, would he have to somehow try to get back to his unit and find her or is it just an off day for him?
elves gotta nut
>reddit spacing
No, that's the standard for separating paragraphs, you meme spouting goof.
You fucking idiot probably never worked in an office environment. You probably call everyone separating paragraphs redditors because you are an autistic meme loving fuck.
What this user says:
>watch webm
>ha ha, roastie is about to faceplant
>fuck slow down
>bitch you're gonna kill yourself!
>this is suicide!
>thank god
What a ride.
>not a single counter argument / pasta has been made so far
Did Witcher 3 fags ... dare I say it... get btfo?
i rape
To this day, no one has bothered to read that article.
but you can just jump into the dlc with a pre-leveled geralt
>doesnt like gintama
you know what they say about underages here ,right ?
Why would I waste precious neurons typing out a response to such juvenile trite? Such pitiable effort posts beget responses of the same quality.
I'm 32, the show is boring and not that funny.
Wanted to do the main story before touching DLC. Turns out that was a mistake but oh well.
Kurwa mać
If I'm going to play this for the first time today, is there a recommended difficulty? I remember some people saying the combat is better on harder difficulties
Just pick Death March and the moment you get to Velen the game will still be a fucking cakewalk.
Sadly my main gripe with the game, it's too fcking easy
Start the next game.
My gripe with the game is the edgy grimdark writing but the source material was written by a Polack and influenced by aSoIaF.
Or Game of Thrones in normalfag parlance.
Well yes Geralt is a mary sue and the world is so crapsack it's a miracle anyone is even still alive.
You'll have to look through this if you want to enjoy the game, honestly, it's so standard in fantasy settings by now this shouldn't be the problem and the witcher atleast comes with 200 hours of 'fucking degenerates' or 'none of my business' that you should be able to enjoy it well
Same feeling. I don't understand why some people feel the need to sway others into hating something. I mean I do, but I would never do it.
As far as I can tell, it's literally autism.
Also to add to this, if you want to cakewalk the game you should spec full alchemy. Igni sign stacking is good too but if you want a harder experience just put every point into the red skill tree.
cause it's fucking ass
you sound autistic, dude
usually when i finish a long one i dont want to play it anymore, i just get enogh of it
but after a while i get the feeling to play it again or to play something similar to it
but i can never get rid of it
Difficult for me to enjoy a game were everyone is an ignorant, sadistic hypocritical cunt.
I'm from a country where everything is milk, honey, sunshine and rainbows so the game just feels oppressive and sad.
But that's Poland for you I guess.
By fucking my girl, normally
Couldn't get immersed into any of the Witcher games at all.
I honestly had more fun with the Mass Effect series. Only the first one was kind of open world, the other 2 were just set stages throughout corridors or something like that, but the premade and carefully constructed levels were way more fun and memorable than bland open world shit, they had way more focus on the story as well. It was good ride for me, I tried Mass Effect: Andromeda as well but it just didn't do shit for me. The original trilogy will always be one of the most immersive and memorable shit i've ever been through.
That feeling of emptiness once you finished a long and immersive RPG goes away after some time, just play whatever else you find, indie crap, action-adventure, stealth, do something that consumes your time and keeps you occupied.
>How do you deal with the crushing emptiness that follows after you finish a long and immersive RPG, Sup Forums?
The thuth is that I did not. W3 was the last big game that I played.
Also listening to the soundtrack and shitposting in the witcher threads helps a bit.
this and pic related