Is there any reason to get this thing?

Is there any reason to get this thing?
At the moment it seems to have 1 game, has a high price, a bad design, and too many issues to justify purchase.

Nope, wait a year or so
By then there'll be more games and it'll be cheaper

>At the moment it seems to have 1 game, has a high price, a bad design, and too many issues to justify purchase.

If you really think this then there's no convincing you so don't worry about it.

SMT 5 other than that no.

Hopefully they'll have revised the hardware by then.
It has Mario. What else? A bunch of Wii U ports.

>At the moment it seems to have 1 game, has a high price, a bad design, and too many issues to justify purchase.
(You) clearly don't want it. Take your shit bait thread somewhere else.

Woah, don't get mad, fanboy. I want to know what's good about the Switch. You can't claim it has more games, can you?

Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, Arms, Street Fighter 2: latest fucking edition 234 and arguably Splatoon 2.

I forgot the Bomberman game.

>Mario Odyssey
>Fire Emblem Warriors
Another Dynasty Warriors game. *yawn*
Looks like a dumb gimmick
>Street Fighter 2: latest fucking edition
Isn't it just the HD remake from like 5 years ago?
>Splatoon 2
Map pack

for me, metroid prime 4 if/when the reviews for it drop.

as it stands right now, i kinda want one to be a good goy but i actually have no reason at the moment. it'll just sit there.

A rehash of a 30 year old MSX game. It isn't worth a full price game.

No reason at all user don't waste your money

Hey, you asked for exclusives more than one.
I'm not interested in Mario myself.
Loved Fire Emblem Warriors.
Arms has its moments, but I know what you mean.
SF2 has some changes to the meta, but added retarded OP characters.
Splatoon 2, I have no idea. I don't play it.

if it has stuff you want, and you have money, then it's maybe worth it

if you're not interested in the library, and you're poor, you should stick with what you've got

I haven't played it, so I don't know. Just giving out the names of what are exclusives for now.

>new mario has forced motion controls

nope, I bought one, played about 20 hours of BOTW it's boring, solo rpg, pretty gay, bought mario kart and splatoon, I'm going to trade in splatoon for mario whatever it's called hat game, and it will probably suck, try to finish zelda and that game then sell them all

>Hey, you asked for exclusives more than one.
I wanted worthwhile exclusives, though.
You don't get wealthy by wasting your money. You seem like the kind of person who would buy a 3DO just because you could.

>BOTW it's boring, solo rpg
Like, you know, the rest of the franchise?

as a kid I liked link to the past a lot

at least fucking skyrim has dragons to find and fight, botw is such a faggot version of an rpg, I can never trust reviewers ever, the game is a 6/10

what 1 game?

zelda isn't high fantasy

mmo's have far more content and exciting things to do.


I'm just waiting for the inevitable New Switch and some more games, so year-year and a half before I pick one up.

lol this is Nintendo we're talking about it'll still be $300 new next year as well

there's no competition in the portable market and the X1X and PS4 Pro will still be more expensive than a Switch.

my only issue for the price the Switch is, all it does is play games. it really needs some multimedia apps if it's going to be $300 + online fee in 2018.

I don't trust the screen, looks like it gets easily scratched. Why couldn't they just use glass?

>I wanted worthwhile exclusives, though.
You never stated that. But those are the only exclusives I know of either way sadly.
The biggest pro is that it plays with decent graphics while you can continue on the go by just undocking it.
Biggest con is that PC, PS4 etc outperforms it.

BotW has dragons, although you don't fight them the same way as in Skyrim.

>mmo's have far more content and exciting things to do.
>games continuously updated has more content than a single player game
I'm not trying to defend Zelda, since everyone has their own taste. But come on, to compare it to a MMO?

Zelda isn't an RPG

maroo hasn't been a system seller for me since 3/world

have you tried it? what do you like about it?

I bought the switch for no more heroes and that isn't coming out till next year. Good thing I like Puyo Puyo Tetris though. Splatoon 2, Odyssey, and Botw are good enough aswell.

I'd argue Zelda is an adventure game with some rpg elements. But it isn't strictly a rpg.

I don't have a Switch, it just looks like the only decent exclusive game on the system.

>my only issue for the price the Switch is, all it does is play games. it really needs some multimedia apps if it's going to be $300 + online fee in 2018.

really it's fucking gay that I can't buy super mario bros wii 2, and the luigi shit, and 3ds games as a consumer, THEN, it would make it worth it, and classic games who gives a fuck if I spend the money, they aren't even available. Poor fucking showing since you buy their premium product but the lock them on systems, by the time they do release those eshop easy ports, I will have resold and be pissed and never fall for nintendo bullshit ever again.

Splatoon is a map pack and BotW is a port of a Wii U game.

>mmo's have far more content and exciting things to do.
>games continuously updated has more content than a single player game
I'm not trying to defend Zelda, since everyone has their own taste. But come on, to compare it to a MMO?

yes if it's 10/10 game it should be as good as a single player mmo

If you don't like the lineup then don't buy the system.

For me, it's a combination of liking the exclusive and wanting to play those Wii U ports on a system that isn't the Wii U.

Seriously the Wii U sucked.

But the Switch sucks, too. What makes it better than the Wii U?

Wait for someone to hack it. Sort of what they are doing with the PS4 now.

At least it isn't as expensive as in Sweden were it costs 430 bucks. Bought it while I lived in Japan, so I got away cheap.

>yes if it's 10/10 game it should be as good as a single player mmo
If we are going by your reasoning, WoW is the best game ever made. You can play it completely by yourself and it has content for years.

>But the Switch sucks, too. What makes it better than the Wii U?
It doesn't have the retarded TV controller. And it is a hybrid which gives you the ability to bring it with you without losing any progress.

Then play Botw on you wii u or emulate it on your pc.

With that great battery life?

I have a vita, and not hacked, I support it, and I find it has far more games that I like, there really is no point to buy a switch for a few years. Unless you have to play mario games for entertainment.

I have Mario, it's really fun but it's really easy and the graphics and sound lack that traditional Nintendo Oomph and the usual tacked on Waggle controls, the game is definitely designed around quick 20-30 min portable play sessions and not long runs where you 100% areas

It's the best Mario game since 64.

>1 whole game
>scratches itself during normal operation
>gets stupid hot in normal operation
>controllers feel like absolute shit
>probably going to be a revised version in like 2 years time that fixes all the problems the old one had and nintenbros will flock to buy it

Just wait, OP.

also, nintendo needs to have a ps+ service where they drop a game every month from what I listed before like supermario bros 2 wiiu, as their first game you get for subbing

You can play a solid 3 hours in a performance intensive game like BotW or Mario on the go. That's pretty good in my book. Also if you absolutely have to play longer, get a battery pack. It's just pretty neat to play on a plane or long trainride. That's what I do.

You don't need to use the Nintendo controller. They just rolled out an update that added compatibility for a multitude of controllers. This includes the Gamecube controller alongside most USB gamepads. Not to mention that there's Bluetooth controllers. I use one of those.

Sadly, it is about the same length as the 3DS. There is a list of its battery time somewhere, but Zelda is the most battery consuming one it has as far as I know.

>You can play a solid 3 hours in a performance intensive game
Hopefully they fix the battery in the revision, then.

>Zelda is the most battery consuming one
okay this explains a lot
moving the dock to my desk was a good move

I don't know nigga, different strokes etc. I have BotW, Odyssey and Mario+Rabids. Those are giving me lots of fun. I don't sit down and play for 5 hours straight on this console anyway, you can but it really does shine for shorter sessions. It's a great little machine.

Same here. I have the docking station between two of my computer screens.

I don't think a "great little machine" is worth $450 AUD.

I just have it behind my screen. I don't even take it out any more. I also found out my screen has speakers today, which is interesting.

If you don't care about the portability thing, then it's a more powerful (if only slightly) sytem that is just a normal system without retarded gimmicks like the giant touchpad controller. Hell its Joycon Controller configuration is pretty comfortable to hold compared to that 3 hour batteried beast of a children's tablet.

The portability mostly shows itself in indie games or games that just should be handhelds. I am mostly thinking of Disgaea 5 when I think this.

The joycons do have some waggling to go with and that sucks but it's better than the Wii U by a country mile. The Joycons are actually responsive for one thing.

Besides all that, a system is only as good as the games. If you don't like the games then you won't like the system. But I do like the games, and I even enjoy its portable nature for alot of titles.

Portable DOOM gives me a raging boner

Pretty cheap if you ask me. But I don't know, I enjoy it. Like I said, it's great for when you're on the train or bus or just lounging in bed. I have a PC for proper gaming. It could use a bunch of shit like Netflix, browser, YouTube etc. They are lagging behind massively on that front. If there's games you like buy it, it's fun. If there aren't then wait. It's not rocket science brother.

you're talking to Nintendo fanboys who bought a Wii-U, the concept of value has no meaning on this board.

but is completely right, the Switch isn't going to replace another platform (NOT EVEN THE 3DS!) as someone primary gaming device it's just going to offer something different that what's already available.

I hear the Joycons cut out a lot. The Gamepad never cut out on me.
At 30fps?
It's not cheap. I wouldn't pay $350. Besides, my state doesn't have passenger trains, we drive our own cars.

fps may matter
i don't care
i just want to rip and tear

if you buy one now it'll be at a firmware where hacks are being developed for piracy

What sort of revision would you guys like to see? Personally I'd want them to ax the portable aspect and make a home-only edition for half the price. Kinda like the 2DS was to the 3DS

15fps 20 minutes of battery life, melts the plastic explodes in your face and fuses the Joycons to your hands.

The way Doom is meant to be played.

Splatoon 2

>actually using the joycons
retard ddtected

>I hear the Joycons cut out a lot
They fixed that.

You can play Doom on the toilet.

Does docked mode only do 720p currently? Because that needs to be fixed.
If they keep portability they need to either use a glass screen or have more screen protection.
The pro controller should be standard for a docked only console, and charging joycon grips for portable.

>I hear the Joycons cut out a lot. The Gamepad never cut out on me.

Only some of the first generations did that. It was a design oversight.

the only revisions I would want other than a larger HDD is a better way to insert and remove game cards while the system is docked, moving the SD card to literally anywhere else and putting the headphone jack on the bottom.

I know Zelda is 900p docked. Not sure what Mario Kart 8 is so it might reach 1080p.

Honestly, anyone who buys a console at launch is a retard. Waiting a year for some games to come out is better.

Mug niggah, I know I'm getting a switch eventually but fuck buying it, playing zelda then waiting 6 months for mario to come and the waiting another god knows how long until Metroid Prime comes out.

>it's great for when you're on the train or bus
Nobody does that

how has this thing been selling? when will it overtake the ps4/xbone sales?

The only socially acceptable time is on a plane

It's definitely the smarter option for those with more patience than money.

That certainly ain't me though.

>A society that has long looked down on them.

Yeah about that...

>plane takes a sharp turn
>Switch falls 40,000ft and breaks

Were you playing on the wing?

>no planeproof consoles
This is why PC is superior.

You asked for games, not games you like. If you don't like any of the games it has except Mario, then don't get it faggot.

>Is there any reason to get this thing?
are you mentally ill?

>have 1 game
>has a high price
if you're a poorfag
>a bad design
>too many issues
not a single one

ohhhh, bait thread. nevermind!

But one is a rehash and the others are the equivalent of $10 download titles.

Aside from Mario what is the other good game for a traditional gamer? Zelda is a Wii U port remember.

So there's Mario and some ports. That's only 1 exclusive.
>if you're a poorfag
Either you're bad with money or you're spending your parent's money like a manchild.
Scratched by the dock, charger on the bottom, overheats, short batterlife, loud fan, uncomfortable, plastic screen, bad cart slot placement.
>not a single one
Dead pixels, dying units, connectivity issues, games crashing.

Stop being a fanboy.

>Give me titles
>B-but not those titles!
Good to know you don't think the games are worth the buy. Don't get the console then. I enjoy my switch, user, I'm sorry you won't.

>traditional gamer
Apparently Golf Story is pretty good though

I think I'm too old for Sup Forums, it's just the same circle of shit falseflagging and shit posting, there's not even any video game talk anymore.

>no gaems

I mean the standard male young man that posts on video game boards like this. Not some casual shit for Mommy. So far I see Mario and thats all.

So you'll pay $60 each for a 5 year old port of Street Fighter, a rehash of Bomberman, a reskin of Dynasty Warriors, and a Splatoon expansion pack?

why would you expect it to change. its the same thing you loved in 2010. if you cant take the heat get out the kitchen gramps

Mario and.....

>outsold by 3ds

Ah, makes sense then. Also, I was surprised to find that golf story is a fucking RPG. I just read that it was good and didn't really look into it