Well v?

Is sex better than video games?

some OPs just want to watch the world burn

Gay orgies, specifically, are.

Dunno but video games are available so they're better for that.

why don't we have both gif

>not having sex available to you on a moment's notice
Fucking loser lol

>guys loses at rock paper scissors
>gets to fuck him first anyway

Don't they realise that putting this on the internet might cause people to think they're gay?

>I've got to hit it
what did he mean by this?

But everyone already knows that OP is a faggot?

We're talking more than a moment there senpai. More like, ever.


But video games aren't that great either.

neither are rewarding anymore, just ways to pass time

>watched the whole thing out of morbid curiosity
>still completely flacid
So, I'm partially gay, or what?

>tfw got a boner
Now to go find the video to only watch it once and then never again.

this is the funniest webm ever made

Resist, user.

what game is this?

but not better than masturbation


is op banned yet?


Sonybros cant ever resist gay threads even if its a shitpost.

I watched the whole thing too and I'm not gay. I was just admiring their cocks



>30 min entertainment vs 1 to 7 hours a day

>not deleted

>instant deleted




Fuckin's better, 10/10 times; the sense of connection with a beautiful person who is into you is a high you can't beat. Also, my shame from being overheard and ribbed for having sex is non-existent, vs. I'd probably be mortified if someone addressed my BING BING WAHOO'ing in my own little world at my age.



>1 to 7 hours a day
don't flatter yourself


Those boys got some big video games.




Oh my, I fucking love butts.

Asexuals seem to think not.


kill yourself reddit


Yes, but videogames are cheaper and you can play with them all you want.

Jannies are asleep, post lewd anime (((girls)))


I wouldn't know, I haven't tried the former.

>30 minutes of "entertainment" and work out, and social bonding.
also implying that sex has to be goal oriented, and not just about the experience like a game.

this is why you hate yourself for not being the best at ASSFAGGOTS, and why you absolutely despise walking simulators. Becuase vidiots think life is always about achievements.




>green text
kill yourself 9gag

Why did I laugh at this webm?



Wonder if this is in Cali...


Because you're insecure.

You know I always wanted to see what the south park gay pile would have looked like


no it is in czech


>not wanting to be a wizard
>not wanting to know the secrets of the universe and other verses
normalfags will never understand true power

How do we save wojak, guys?

ask pepe to save him


Did the mods all suffer a stroke?

You can't be further from the truth. Is it supposed to be hot? I want montage of just their faces for SFW reaction webm.



this wojak accurately depicts my low int high charisma cowboy I made for new vegas