filename thread, keep it vidya
Filename thread, keep it vidya
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like pottery
what scene was that?
Apparentely Ki Adi "what about the Wookie question" Mundi was going to assault some CIS capital ship from the inside but that scene never made it.
I'm fucking dead
tf happened here
Not videogames
Stop ruining the fun, mod.
One impossibly autistic douchebag from Fallout forums. I don't know the full story, but just look at what this guy, it's like he was made of purest form of salt.
Brilliant film making. You know you're going to get a good film when your actors have no situational awareness because everything is just a fucking blue screen and they're swinging their sticks randomly because there's nothing there so there's no meaning to any of their actions but they'll fix it in post.
give it a lick
looks more like a message for/from trans
>samus discovers donuts
>not "actual graphics.gif"
Missed opportunity
At least in a men's restroom, you won't have to put up with fucking bloody tampons.
It's the other way around. Women's restrooms are filled with used tampons and tons of disgusting shit.
Youtube link?
did it die?
you can tell this was drawn by a virgin
women's toilets are nasty as fuck
you'd think there would be no piss on the floor since they sit down to pee, but they intentionally piss on the floor
>lol someone else has to clean it up lmao
I've worked in retail for six years and I can assure you it's the woman's restroom that's revolting. Literal shit on the floor. And the place I work at is clean in all other areas and in an OK neighborhood. It's like they don't realize they still have shit stuck in their fat ass cheeks and when they go to standup it falls out.
ask any janitor about this, it's the other way around
numale cucks always fucking whiteknighting for women, I swear to fuck
>summon the janitors.jpg
That image gets posted on /tg/ all the time as 'scroll of reveal janitors' or similar
in every part of western civilization, this is the exact opposite
women are absolutely fucking disgusting creatures and will only fool you to think they're clean and beautiful
> t. Someone who has never been to a women's restroom
What in gods name is this?
Like the other anons said, it's the other way around. Literally shit everywhere in women's restrooms. Not even in ghetto places either, just regular places like department stores.
is there anything superman cant do
Probably because most women hover over the toilet when using it because "public restrooms are gross!"
I could watch this all day
Why is Altair carrying a dagger and 0 bales of sheep wool?
>Literally punished by slavemasters for trying to learn how to swim
>le xd black people can't swim xd
fuck off
>T. saltiest nigger
Spotted the butthurt nigger
I think it's referencing this?
well that explains why niggers couldnt swim 400 years ago
what about now?
t. loser traitor nation scum
That slaveowners abused their slaves is why a perfectly serviceable labor system died out in the second millenium.
It’s the opposite. I’ve worked in my current job for a year and there have been 5 emails reminding women to keep the toilets clean, but absolutely none about the men’s.
Women are more disgusting than men.
Tautology there, mate
I'm european
what now, subhuman?
So is there any actual nudity in the anime or should I not bother at all with reverse searching ?
>American education
Europe is not a country
how about you reverse image search it and find out yourself
>Sam Jackson at the end
You just know he's muttering to himself how fucking retarded this is and how he just wishes they'd give them actual direction.
Nope, best you get are some more shots like that.
what is this from?
Mmm, it tastes just like raisins.
The filename is supposed to be
>reveal janitor.png
Dumb pleb.
Did google reverse search, but its useless nowadays and then I stopped bothering. But nice bait
Thanks man
pizdez m8, thx
>'Beef Twister'
What's that, Superman-ing a MILF or something?
just like niggers to gang on poor whitey when they know they've been beat
>one on one fight
>until whitey is winning
>then every nig in the room jumps in
.fight ends when a second white guy shows up
>oh shit bruvvas we outmatched