Has there ever been a Video Game death that really affected you?

Has there ever been a Video Game death that really affected you?

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the death of the industry hit me pretty hard

You're missing one.


Shephard's death because of how pissed I was about the ending

I like this arc but that dog may be the worst animal design I've ever seen.

I can't stop dreaming about her. I feel like I'm slowly becoming insane.

>calling jojo parts "arcs"
You wanna know how I know you're dirty dumb anime-only scum?

Big Boss in MGS4

this is good isn’t it?

The baby Metroid.

God, you faggots. This is like Saya no Uta again. A whole ton of faggots not familiar with a genre play a short, shitty "game" in the genre and won't shut up about how good it is and how it's so deep and sad when in reality it's hot garbage. Fuuuuuck off

I got Katawa dick really fuckin hard


I think the only thing thats garbage is your attitude.

Not everyone can be a neet fuckin weeb playing all the VNs that come out ya shitlord.

You all are a bunch of FAGGOTS. Now this is an emotional death.

It's an ugly dog, not much to work with.

>Bomberman gets a launch title on Switch
>Bonk is still dead I could have sworn I read about a new game in Nintendo Power that was coming to the Wii ages ago
>No more Adventure island, Master Higgins nowhere to be seen
>Bloody Roar is dead as well
>Hell, a lot of Konami's franchises are pachinko fodder now

The funniest part about Iggy is how he starts as a dumb ugly dog-looking dog but as he gets more important he starts looking more and more human-like.

>tfw they intended to make evil karma the canon ending and expand on it in infamous 3 but let the players decide
>tfw you could either be a beast walking around the earth fighting people who oppose your 1:10k worth it statistic or playing as a completely new conduit having to either face or team up with beast cole

Black jojo, dog jojo, jojo jojo
?, Gabe
? ? ? Milly Bays Prince ? ?

>like Danganronpa
>always get attached to a character, think they're cool
>my fucking face when solving a murder and coming to that horrifying conclusion they're the murderer

I want to start playing V3, but I know I'll just get burnt.

He was a true hero. He was a true patriot...

>le anime-only may may

who fucking cares

theres no reason to read the source material if it has a direct anime adaptation



Yup, instead we got "how do you do, fellow youngsters" protagonist with a bitch and a cuck as sidekicks.

The first two on the left are Charlie Murphy and Macho Man Randy Savage.

Pink dragon thing is Ryunosuke from One Piece

Wouldn't call it a "death" but rather a permanent leave, Grovyle's sacrifice made me tear up despite being a wee boy back then who never cried at a video game before that.


sorry but there is no reason to read the manga over watching the anime. they basically have the same style and the anime is the exact same thing except it's in motion and in colour as well as voice acted and that makes it better

its not like literature vs film where you'll be missing out on good prose which could offer a different visualizing experience and an experience that may have been shortened for run time

hur hur hur

>treating jojo of all things like it's some high art where you need to read the source material to understand its true depth
Jojo is just silly fun trash. The anime makes it more enjoyable by hamming everything up and not taking itself so seriously. Araki is a hack and he lucked out with parts 3 and 4 by making something just the right level of retarded to be enjoyable.