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shit this thing is more movie than game
Has anyone refunded it after beating it?
and half life takes 20 minutes you literal retard
What difficulty you fucking retard?
Quake takes 11 minutes and 29 seconds therefore it is complete fucking garbage
I also love to play shooters on the easiest difficulty, rush past enemies and ignore side missions.
i've forgotten how to breath normally now, so thanks for that
Nintendo was a big mistake
>Beaten in one hour on release date.
Are shitposters getting so desperate that they are now using how fast you can speed run a game as a way to shit on it?
Took me 5 hours of GAMEPLAY to finish it on my first playthrough. Normal difficulty.
>side missions in a linear corridor shooter
Just kys pls
Welcome on Sup Forums
I doubt shadman is a speedrunner and he beat it in an hour and a half.
It bothers me they've used emergency stop buttons as door open buttons.
you sprinted through it
>Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Speedrun in 1:17:03
That's an even bigger blow to Lulenstein, Herr Mindlet
What normal difficulty? The game has two labeled as medium.
>S H A D M A N
>Still more people playing a three year old game then playing this shit on fucking launch weekend
Oh I'm sorry, was I supposed to stop and smell the flowers in a high adrenaline linear action game?
Shadman took 5.5 hours (including cutscenes of 3.5) to beat the game on terror billy difficulty which is very hard.
Let's face it, the game isn't that long
Literally who
can you still play the original in the sleep sequence
that was the best part of the first game, because it was a fun fps
How come our girl isn't on this list?
the third one
Welcome to Sup Forums.
So you killed everything as fast as humanly possible, skipped the sidequests, probably skipped a cutscene or two, did no stealth and finished up.
No wonder you're pissed.
>its longer if you play the game the way its not supposed to be played!
>skipped the sidequests
Are there even sidequests in this game?
Literally who
I fucking detest this game and the cucks that made it, but don't a lot of games have similar speedrun times? The guy even skips whole parts of levels through exploits and glitches
How long with cutscenes in total?
>So you killed everything as fast as humanly possible
>t. Nu-Sup Forums
You're supposed to skip the story, not read anything and ignore sidequests?
Most games don't get a 1 hour speedrun on the first day.
Steam says 8.5
You never played Return to Castle Wolfenstein that's for damn sure, mongoloid
Press E to feed the Pig user, it's a quest!
but thats 20 minutes of the fastest gameplay any game has ever had
Yes. Also, at least one hour of gameplay was in the submarine, where all you do is search for things. Worst parts of the game.
Imagine being so shit that it takes you 6 hours to beat this game.
You have to keep in mind that a big way these people amuse themselves, besides video games, is in trying to upset people. They have chosen Sup Forums to be their arena for this sport. They will find any possible reason to piss on a game, even if that reason happens to be completely nonsensical, as long as they can spam reaction images, type like retards, and be obnoxious enough en masse, then a non-problem can maybe look like a problem and maybe then it will make someone upset.
Imagine shitposting about a game you haven't played.
I wonder what the reason was for the CHAINGUN, FLAMETHROWER AND THE ABILITY TO CARRY A LIGHTNING GUN all at the same time if not to run and gun except for in the two levels where you had to sneak
Just pirated the game. Downloaded some Russian shit-pack.
>a few minutes in
*deletes the game*
>2010 Sup Forums would laugh at a singleplayer fps if its campaign was shorter then 7-8 hours
>2014 Sup Forums laugh and rip apart a singleplayer fps if its campaign was 6 hours or shorter
>2017 Sup Forumseogaf is perfectly fine with
it makes me so happy to see this SJW shit bomb.
>dads are bad, moms are good
>ally with commie
>race mixing
>only people to survive NY getting nuked were black people
sweden is a fucking joke
Morrowind can be beaten in less than 10 minutes. Both Morrowind and the BotW speedrun took weeks, if not months to get down, and both games also offer a metric fuck ton of content not related to the main story whatsoever.
The same cannot be said for Wolfenstein II, which is down to an hour THE DAY OF RELEASE.
>Sup Forums shits it bed over dishonored being way too short when it was released
>now thinks it's a masterpiece
>Sup Forums shits its bed over metal gear rising being way too short when it was released
>now thinks it's a masterpiece
>Sup Forums shits its bed over vanquish being way too short when it was released
>now thinks it's a masterpiece
>Sup Forums shits its bed over wolfenstein the new colossus being way too short
hmmm, i wonder what Sup Forums will think about wolfenstein in a year or two
>if you're against nazis you must be a sjw
>best selling nu wolfenstein
all the black women in the submarine look the same and have an afro
There are these but also the ones you get from the enigmas on map table
>weeks, if not months
>speedrun videos were uploaded of the leaked wiiu version before the actual release
nice try nintendo shill
>but half life
nice whataboutism cuck
>he thinks swedes are normal people
Swedes are 30% nazis and 70% commies. This game was made by the 70%.
>Day One
>Less than 2 Hour run of game
Good job
Nobody really bought it.
lmao, just lmao if you play games instead of just running past everything on the lowest difficulty
That is of the 40% of white swedes. We all know the majority of swedes are mudskins.
>Dishonored, MGR, Vanquish, Wolfenstein TNC
One of these things is not like the others.
>open world game where the first boss can be accessed immediately vs linear corridoor shooter
B-B-B-B-BUT NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!
>but muh sidequests
that have no effect on a story or ending or overall lore. shills btfo.
If you'll stop being retarded for a moment and look at the release day, you'll see that the top speedrun is from nearly two months after the game's launch.
Stay salty Wolfshill.
prey takes 15 minutes to speedrun
prey takes 30 hours to play
morrowind takes 2 minutes to speedrun
morrowind takes 200 hours to play
>tfw on the first week of its release your singleplayer-only 2017-AAA shooter is beaten in a SHORTER TIME than the afterthought campaign for 2007's, multiplayer-centric, Modern Warfare.
>moving the goalpost
>top speedrun
And the top speedrun of wolfenstein the new colossus will be released much later as well, dipshit.
Wolfenstein takes 1 hour to speedrun.
Wolfenstien takes 5 hours to play.
>but muh sidequests
Yeah, he should have invented his own gameplay, maybe even invent his own side quests while he's at it. Like what the fuck are you even talking about, you fucking retard, it's a bland shooter, there's not much to it.
Wait, there are people who defend this shit?
Damn, I can understand SONY dickriders, Nintendo, CD Project etc.
so the lower the speedrun time, the longer the actual normal gameplay time??
well then 4 hours sounds about right
Doesn't the achievements play into it if you are allowed to refund a game or not?
I can imagine getting 1/3 of all achievements and the one rewarded for completing the game renders you unable to refund.
I don't dislike the fact that you can finish the game so quickly if you speedrun it, that would be absurd and anyone arguing that is fucking dumb.
What I dislike (from clicking on several random moments throughout the video) is that finishing this game in the most efficient manner seems to consist of sprinting through corridors past almost every single enemy with subpar AI.
I dunno... maybe it gets better in higher difficulties, but even with that aside, unskippable cutscenes exist, which is a problem particularly in high-octane action games. Also, isn't there a difficulty with no saves and permadeath? That doesn't sound good.
Honestly, I've never cared for a Wolfenstein game ever, and I guess this is still no different.
Wolfenstein takes 1 hour to speedrun
Wolfenstein takes 5 hours to play
I liked wolfenstein 1, i'll probably like wolfenstein 2 and pick this up.
What's Sup Forums's massive insistence on length?
>I doubt shadman is a speedrunner and he beat it in an hour and a half.
I don't understand it. Is it bad game design? You can understand older games being ripped apart nowadays, but this game just came out.
game is super fast on pc and ai is dumb.
Isn't that the point
How did we go from pure first person shooter action with fun exaggerated designs and MechaHitler to linear set pieces with 3 and a half hours of shitty tone-deaf cutscenes with hamfisted sociopolitical commentary on how nazis are the eternal evil while communists are the good guys and whites are born with original sin 2.0?
Oh you're referring to the leaks where people ignored 99.9% of the game, rushed to Ganon, and got perpetually assblasted because no one knew about the stunlock glitch until well after launch.
lol he actually one shots everything
>wolfenstein internet defense force
i prefer to shoot niggers
a new breed of retard
they turned wyatt into a DUDE WEED LMAO
>there are non stop thread when games done quckly is on
>based speedrunning!!!
>someone speedruns the new wolfenstein
>hahahhaha game BTFO!!!!
>you must join some ragtag minorities and commies to beat the nazi
>commies are more socially acceptable only to sjws
If you wouldn't bang Sheva just cause of her black skin - you're a nigger