Do you like post processing effects, Sup Forums? Which one do you think looks better?

Do you like post processing effects, Sup Forums? Which one do you think looks better?


why the fuck would you willingly fuck up your game
you're not ricing your car the look of the game was chosen by a team of artists who know how to make things not look shit, unlike you




4, minimalista

tfw no ms paint filter

1.. 2 looks to dull and 3 looks to washed out, 4 is just a maymay so that leaves me with 1

>the look of the game was chosen by a team of artists who know how to make things not look shit

2 is the only correct answer

reminder that the final ultimate edition of RE4 will exist within your lifetime

mod that turns Ashley into a super thicc gyaru slut when

jesus fuck, you just reminded me how fucking trash RE4 is.

RE4 is an amazing game you fucking no taste plebbit nintenbro drumpfkin blunder cuck



>there are people that don't like RE4
I pity you.

probably somewhere in 2018 for the island release but they're faffing about in mercs maps last I checked and they still have weapons and character models to do so idk, next Christmas???

>Do you like post processing effects?
When used right, yes.

4, it actually has colors.

>actually liking games with shitty controls

You need Jesus in your life

I actually turned off all post-processing in TEW with a console command and the game ran and looked much better afterwards. At points, I would turn on the post-processing again just to see how it would look, but immediately would nope out of it.

Help a nigga out and show us how to do it

What's the point of this? RE4 has already had millions of HD remasters. There are plenty other games that deserve this treatment, like Silent Hill 2. And Resident Evil 4 is literally my favorite video game ever created.

Is the first one worth playing or should I just go right to the new one?

EW1 is Dark Souls with guns.
EW2 is Skyrim with guns.


Thanks dude

>RE4 has already had millions of HD remasters
It's a mod of the PC HD remaster

I already own the Wii version silly user.

The controls are unironically god tier

>shitty controls

My point is RE4 has already been given enough attention. Upgrading it even more is like giving supplies to the rich instead of the poor.

>Those mirrored planks
Shame that HD textures make it so apparent.

The issue with this is that Battlefields lens flare isn't dynamic, it doesn't matter if you come from the dark to a bright scene