Xbox One X

The most powerful console ever made.

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And no games to go with it

Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming.

Who cares? Sunset Overdrive's good and Halo 5 is decent, but that's it.

Fuck, post-2010 MS have just been depressing after how decent the OG XBox and 360 during the first half of its lifespan were.

Friendly reminder that in the space of just a couple of years, we went from


are you getting paid for spreading lies on the internet?


Why buy a console when you can get a good gaming pc? I thought consoles were supposed to be cheaper for a reason.

Oh snap, original xbox games and minecraft gonna look so good on this thing. THANK YOU BASED PHIL

Yep. Original Xbox games will look and perform better compared to regular Xbox One. Can't wait.

looks like a fat PS2 in the mirror

You can't get a decent pc for £450 chump

Hell yeah bro we get to play games over a decade old instead of new exclusive ones! Who needs a console with games when I can play fucking Fusion Frenzy on my xbone!!!!!

PC is a PC, console is a console

>Why buy a refrigerator if you can get a washing machine?


What's the point? I don't know anybody who owns an xbone and i doubt this new one will change anybodys minds. You can make the most powerful console ever but its just a fucking paperweight if there are no games to play on it.

I would buy an XBOX if
- I didnt have a ps4
- It wasn't way overpriced
- It had games

It looks cool and has power, but that's all it has going for it. It's like a brand new iPhone that you can't make calls with.

>ohhhh i can wash my clothes
>I can store food for weeks and survive longer



It's no fun to shitpost about the xbone at these hours, it's prime britbong hours and none of you euros were stupid enough to buy one

me and all of my friends have xbox ones

oh hi xbox, i didn't see you there, i was too busy rendering pc games at 60fps or higher.

All according to keikaku, I had to weed out the few yurop xboners. You're gonna hang now boy

>PC isnt a console
Oh sorry consolite I didn't see you there, it's had to see your shitty console through my literal forest of 417 games.

>still uses ancient Jaguar cpus

Oh and i can install a lot too! I bet you cant do that on your xbox or playstation!

>Ayyyyy-lmao ware

This is like a lazy Twilight Zone episode

>*scene of a boy bringing his dad the newspaper, then going to help his mom in the kitchen*
>*commercial about the Xbox One X comes on TV*
>*boy sprints into the room, tugs his father's sleeve, points at the TV*
>"Look at that, Pa! They say it's the most powerful console ever made!!"
>*Father takes his pipe out of his mouth, raises his eyebrows and points at the screen with the pipe stem*
>"Gee Billy, that really is something!"
>"Can I get it Pa? Please Please Please! You know I never ask for anything!"
>"Well Billy, *toussles Billy's Hair* You keep up those grades and we'll see!"
>*Father resumes reading paper in armchair, as Billy exits he folds his paper and continued watching the commercial with interest*
>*Pan to the Narrator standing in the corner by the radiator, hands folded*
>"Witness Little Billy Hopkins, age 12. Normally studious and unselfish boy, Billy always does his chores, is at the top of his class and never fights with his sister. Up until now Billy's source of fun and entertainment has been analogue, but with Christmas around the corner this most recent technological innovation has the young lad excited beyond belief. But a console is only as good as its games, and the present that Billy will find under that tree will be from... The Twilight Zone


what the fuck happened to steam machines?

fuck off this isnt real

>this isnt real
it fucking is you truthlet, they sold some of them

no stop doing this to me

heres its reveal at MLG years ago, it real faggot
>some random review

This always gets me. The combination of the gormless expression on the kids face, the absurdity of the product and the fact that it throws the the primary CoD audience of the time into sharp relief.

xbots are literal autists holy shit

They were kind of a dumb idea is what.

M$ has no game.

Has no 1 selling FPS story game in the world.
Has no 1 selling FPS multi in the world incoming next month.
Has no 1 selling Racing game in the world
Owns no 1 selling game of the last 5 years period in the world.
No 1 indie game of the year.


When PS4 had no games at the start it was all about the power, now that xbox won't release a less powerful console to Sony ever again its all about the games.

i will never forget the gloirous E3 where MS up and destroyed themselves

xbone has 2 games
ps4 has 1 game

>Has no 1 selling FPS story game in the world.
thats COD
>Has no 1 selling FPS multi in the world incoming next month.
thats also on PC played mostly by chinks, this will go as well as the CSGO console port
>Has no 1 selling Racing game in the world
thats Gran Turismo
>Owns no 1 selling game of the last 5 years period in the world.
and wich is that?
>No 1 indie game of the year.
MS published Divinity OS2?

>xbots are this desperate
its not even funny anymore

>thats Cod
CoD is a multi, Halo is a story. Name a better FPS trilogy storyline than Halo, I'll wait.
>Thats chinks
Yet you still play it on a Microsoft platform, people are kidding themselves if they think this won't move units for Microsoft look at ever Fortnight thats available now on consoles.
>Gran turismo
No Forza reigns sales king this generation, not hard with the steaming pile of shit GT has become.
What is Minecraft.
What is Cuphead. Subjective true.

They think can compete against consoles with overpriced toasters.

>also on PS4

>also on PC


>all that goal post moving

I like Cuphead a lot, especially as a storyboard artist, but divinity 2 is a better game.

A WHOPPING 12 gb ram

It will be outdated in a year, what’s the fucking hype for?

burdoned with a laptop CPU

steam machines were just overpriced as fuck

building a custom pc would've been a lot cheaper

You can, but the GPU won't be as good. The CPU will be miles better, considering even super cheap Pentiums/Ryzen 3s are better than the piece of shit that is the modded jaguar that's in the Scorpio and PSPro.

MS has nothing to market the Xbone with so they are hoping buzzwords will carry them as always
never forget about THE POWER OF THE CLOUD

Most people don't have the nimble little elf hands of a 12 year old Chinese boy to assemble a PC in a mini ITX case like the ones the Steamboxes had

It is going to perform better on Xbox One X no doubt with the increased horsepower.

t. Salty PSFags

You know what has even better Back Compat? PC.

>Milgrau faggot having a meltdown

Neck yourself before the Switch overtakes the Xbone and the pain becomes even more unbearable.

G4560 + GTX1060 BTFO the Xbone X with a similar price.

Who cares about form factor? Other than the tiny portion of people who have very little space anywhere for a PC, it really doesn't matter. Also, it's easy to build any size of PC with any size of hand. Perhaps you're thinking of phones?

sorry white piggu
this is a Japan industry once more
go home and open some lootboxes

>Less power than my phone

literally you

how many GOTY's does your phone have?

that was the conference that made me go and buy a PS3

what a fucking joke

>why buy a refrigerator if you can get a washing machine?

>what are you even saying here?
>xbox and PC can do the same thing (play games)
>fridges dont wash clothes and washing machines cant store cold food in it?
>i am confused on what you meant by this

>What is Minecraft.
The thing that is on everything but the kitchen sink?

nigger even a food anology would have been better

>buying a cheap rig with a powerful CPU for £450
>upgrading it later with a powerful GPU for £300-400
>buying a new console every year
£450/yr + games and online
less than £750 one time

>M$ has no game.
>Has no 1 selling FPS story game in the world.
That's CoD. Halo died when Halo 3 came out.
>Has no 1 selling FPS multi in the world incoming next month.
I'm sure it'll be as popular as the console ports of Overwatch and CS:GO are.
>Has no 1 selling Racing game in the world
That's Gran Turismo. If you're thinking of Forza, that's a Skinner box simulator now.
>Owns no 1 selling game of the last 5 years period in the world.
A fad, one that M$ bought long after the creator knew the well was drying up already.
>No 1 indie game of the year.
Lazy asset flip that runs at a whole 20fps on top of the line hardware, I wonder how great it'll be on Xbone!

that's why you should always go PC+PS and Nintendo if that's your thing, ignoring MS consoles

>Tegra X1
>Less powerful than a phone SoC

Come on user, you can do better than this.

>Name a better FPS trilogy storyline than Halo, I'll wait.
Half life, Half Life 2 and Half life 2 episode 1

you must have some nasa-shit phone cause there isn't a single phone SoC that comes close to the X1, especially since X1 is a 15W chip which just aren't made with low-energy phones in mind

>what is windows 10?
answer: it killed their phone business and is killing their console business

??? But then I can't play old Xbox titles. I'm not buying a PlayStation for 2 exclusives, no matter how much I wanna play them. I can do without bloodborne since I like replaying DS3 and Persona 5 can be emulated.

>But then I can't play old Xbox titles.
Unless you're 12 you've already played them, so who cares?
And that's just the 820. Pixel has 821.

And it still averages 900p on majority of the games, less than the standard PS4 model.
Why is Microsoft so detached from reality?

I wanna play them more. Do you just abandon games once you finish the story?

>he doesn't have Sinkcraft

point at him and laugh

>I wanna play them more.
If that were true you'd still have the old console you originally played them on.
Don't bullshit me user, just say you're a collegefag/underagedb& that never played any Xbox games.

Funny fact this Xbox is more powerfully then most of the pc niggers that post on this shit site

Why do you lie on the internet your not going t9 get friends from here kid no need to try and be cool

I do have the old ones. 2 originals (one I've had for years, another modded one I got cheap), 2 360s (again, one I've had years, another that was found in a bin that works perfectly fine), and a one. My only problem is that after getting a powerful PC, anything below 1440p (though 4K is preferable) looks garbage. Hoping for some simple resolution increases like they're planning for MCC.


>Original Xbox comes out
>Blows away PS2 and gamecube processing power
>Nobody gave a shit anyway PS2 went on to sell 150 million lifetime

History repeating

I used to work at Best buy. We carried this shit. I never saw anyone buy it, though.

whats that thing in her butt?

ass too fat

I know I'll take some lumps for this but I honestly can't find PC hardware that would give me 4k to my tv for less than the price of the XBOX.
I'm on the fence about getting one, I have a day one X1, but it's been such a shit show of a console that it's made me question console gaming in general.
I'm 36 and I started from intellivision and old 386 DOS machines and have played everything between here and there. I liked the convenience and ease of use but now they have as many bugs and issues as PC.
Maybe it's time for me to give up gaming and start woodworking, that's what old people do right?

fpbp as always

Nowadays Phil Spencer wanna talk like he got games to play But no game come out after E3 Just a bunch of cancellations And Microsoft acts like Xbox got games.


like lamborghini in country side.
without games it wont sell much, microsoft has to make The chose: PC or Consoles


I miss the games the 360 had. Fable, good Gears. What happened to Microsoft?

>being this new

To be fair Xbox One has millions of players still and the better racing series.

Until the ps5 comes out.

>implying you can play RDR2 on PC