"skill ceiling"

>"skill ceiling"

>artificial difficulty



>grind mechanics

i like bideo gams

You're in the wrong place then.

>ludonarrative dissonance

>aim assist


>inspired by dark souls

now that's a nice thick rod of BBC (big brown chocolate)

>the DARK SOULS of *insert genre here*

>Sup Forums is for video game discussions

First time I laughed at one of these.


>str is better than dex

Iizuka pls

Literally nothing wrong with this, but hey, you're not the one working hard doing reviews. Fuck off.

t. gaming """journalist"""

Hey polygon

>gaming journalism is bad!

Underages detected. This website is for 18+ so leave.

Sup Forums is a 23+ site actually.

>reddit spacing
>you need to leave
You're the faggot who thinks it's okay to fall every game with a tiny bit of difficulty 'the DARK SOULS of *blank*'
Dark souls isn't even hard you sperg


I don't even visit that shitty website, neogaf is way better.

Literally what's wrong with comparing games? That's right, nothing. You dumb troll.

A valiant effort, but your bait should have been constructed with more intricacy. Perhaps next time your endeavor will not go ascertained as swiftly.


Okay this isn't even subtle.
Go bait somewhere else, nigger

I don't get it. Are you implying that it doesn't exist?

>I don't get it. Are you implying that it doesn't exist?