Euro rpg

>euro rpg
>forces you to play as a straight white male

what did they mean by this?

dude in elex isn't white

he's a redneck

elex guy looks like a copycat of the developer

based yuropoors

It is unacceptable that in 2017 you cannot play as a female character

What would black witchers do anyway?

Steal horses and muhdick

Poles arent white

Not really?

Whiter than you, mister 56%

power fantasies of eurofags being raped by muslims

Black men rape white women daily and usually get away with it. Who are you to talk lmao

Witcher doesn't play in Poland you dumb fuck.

>no character creation

i'm euroshit

Keep larping, plumber

>But that sword is for crackers !

They mean straight white males have proper backgrounds and some interesting story to go along with the game

Elex worth a pirate?

>he needs to self-insert so hard that the lack of a character creator is a deal-breaker to him and/or is a huge criticism of the game
hello neogaf

>roleplay means customization


Yes but don't buy it. It uses bought textues from a website called ""

They don't deserve any money.

Why would you want to play as something completely soulless, a pawn, a bunch of nothing that only has cool stats and perks?

I don't understand this thing. It's nice to have well developed characters

Oh no, they used an asset. I guess the rest doesn't matter at all.

>non-burger game with non-burger influences
>surprised when it doesn't feature cancer Burger pseudo-politics
Really activates my almonds.

TW is based on a book you dumb nignog, it wasn't their idea that the main char is a straight white male.

Well you know how these people work. They'll end up asking for some sort of reboot where the character is no longer straight, white or male.

Sorry not asking, demanding, along with an apology.

Straight white males are my fetish ;_;

I mean, you create Jax's soul by playing.

>roleplay doesn't include customization

It can, or it can not. It's not one or the other. Obnoxious little cunt.

>polish game
>based on a polish book
>you play as a pole
they meant to be polish, user. given that you're almost certainly a burger, you probably have seventeen different bloodlines and no sense of pride, so i understand why you're confused.

> I discovered the RPG genre with Oblivion

That's right

>this is what eurocucks believe
Even the Japanese understand roleplaying better than you.

You must be new. The OP is shitposting. Please lurk for 2 years.

u r fuk retardted sorry....

Absolute state of Elex haters

>Dark Souls is an RPG

Oh boy, what the world has come to.

It's an action game with RPG "elements".

>Mass Effect
>Final Fantasy
>The Witcher
>Secret of Mana
>Deus Ex
>System Shock 2
Yeah man, totally need to create your own character for a great rpg. If you couldn't change armor or pick dialogue I'd agree, but that's not at all the case here. So stop being a retard.

>dark souls
this has to be some extrememe bait

Hey bby, want sum fuck?

>posts a bunch of action games and visual novels
>considers them RPGs
eurocucks and their RPG criteria

And you posted Dark Souls and Diablo. Less rpgs than the games I posted that's for sure.

thats a hack n slash

By eurocuck criteria, so that means nothing.

Killing monsters

I'm american, just not a retard. And congrats you posted one of the few games more broken than Elex.

Still an actual RPG, unlike your shitty action games.

>Fallout 4 is revealed
>oh my, you are forced to have a backstory as a generic pre-War person and you can't be gay, boo hoo evil Bethesda
>Elex comes out, no character creator at all, no gay stuff, you play as character with a fixed background
>wow best RPG evar, based anti-SJW developers

I actually think Elex has better gameplay than Fo4 but the hypocrisy of some is hilarious.

Those are two different groups

That's not the issue with Fo4, the problem with that game is the fact that they removed RPG elements pretty much entirely and made it into a borderlands clone.

I wish Bethesda would stop making RPGs already seeing as that's precisely what they want to do looking at how they phased out stats and shit in Skyrim/Fallout 4.

Stop browsing and fix your broken soul, OP.

> Forced as in the developers break into his house and make the limp wristed OP play the game.

This, I sometimes enjoy the ability to customize the character but when you have that option the story potential takes a nosedive.

Even in a game like Persona 5 with a silent protagonist how the MC is treated wouldn't work if he was a girl.

Op here, you do?

I've only started playing it yesterday so i wouldn't know

>>Deus Ex
>>System Shock 2
I am sick and tired of this meme. These two are both easily in the top 10 games of all time and anyone who disagrees is a gigantic faggot master, but they they are NOT rpgs. There is no fucking ROLE PLAYING in them, other than minor choices about some skills. You play the campaign in pretty much the same way every time. There is no way in either of these games to play your character in any specific way.

Black magic?

>He never heard of Planescape

Speaking of planescape, how is Torment on ps4? Saw it at gamestop for 16 bucks yesterday and was almost gonna buy it but then didn't

>MFW Valve finally unveils a new Half-Life game - A reboot with a black Gordon 'Freed Man'
They could call it Half-Life 3/5