So this is coming to PC too right? I don't want to buy a shit tablet for one game.
Shin Megami Tensei V
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It'll come to everything except ps4.
It's neat how it's gone from "hahaha switch haz no gaemz" to "plz bring this game to X, I don't want to go out and buy a shitty tablet"
Doesn't matter anyway.
The nintendo switch emulator is almost finished.
I hope so. Fuck consoles. Persona 5 is already basically confirmed for PC as well.
it'll take alot more games on the switch for me to even consider buying it.
People do the same thing with PS4 games, why are PC only players so dumb?
>Persona 5 is already basically confirmed for PC as well.
No, it isn't.
Welcome to every console/handheld ever.
>sony nigger in denial
Can't wait for your tears. Yakuza is gonna get ported too.
No it isn't delusional nintenbro.
yeah but this is probably the fastest it's happened
To be fair if a platform doesn't have at least 20 non indie exclusives that I like i won't buy it main reason I'm not buying ps4 right now.
It will come to pc eventually at the end of the switches life span when theres the switch emu.
/vint) showed that most PCfags were BRfags and other 3rd world cunts. They initiate platform wars and create port begging threads.
>making pc ports
Try emulate it in 5fps in a couple of years or so.
Put SMT back on Sony consoles
or else.
Just use the switch emulator. Nintendo consoles always get really good emulators.
>if a platform doesn't have at least 20 non indie exclusives
Do you own a Switch?
ATLUS is not a merciful god.
Just be happy with Synchroncity. That was some tight shit wasn't it?
Try buying a switch instead then.
I think that ATLUS would consider bankruptcy first before touching PC.
Makes perfect sense.
People with money dont give a fuck
First on PS4
No, I don't buy shitty tablets for one game.
post yfw you're not Brazilian or Russian
Me neither but I did buy a switch and its pretty great.
>all these consolecucks defending the cancer that is exclusive games
What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you want your games to sell more and enjoyed by other people?
Well you must have lower standards than me then
>I will never have a Russian gf
Probably, I just dont like standards get in the way of enjoying things.
>making a game for more than one console
>Don't you want your games to sell more and enjoyed by other people?
No, I like it better when you don't play them and write tragic posts on forums and comment sections about how betrayed you feel and how "you will never support the devs again" as if you ever did it in the first place.
No but I own pc ps3,2 psp, 3ds dreamcast and GameCube out of all the newer gen ps4 appeals most but I only want to play bloodborne Yakzua and uncharted so not willing to part with my dosh
Don't worry. Japanese devs are already moving to PC slowly but surely. It's only just Atlus and Vanillaware that's left. They're idiots and losing out on a lot of money for not porting their games.
they ported it for the wii u. So shit aint no delusion. The delusion would be that they would also decide to localize that shit as well. Now that is straight up delusional
So I should shitpost to feel better?
The game is exclusive no matter how much you shitpost, and if you have money youd buy all systems and enjoy all games.
There is nothing stopping those other people from buying the systems and the games is there
What was the last one, Catherine?
Mark my words you fucking console losers. You hear me right now? Loud and clear? Well good, you better listen the fuck up.
I did NOT spend $600 on my GTX 980 another $300 on my overclock i7 @4.10ghz, 16 gigs of ram, and deluxe cooling systems to keep this beast at proper temperatures to NOT fucking play Shin Megami Tensei V. You hear me you little faggots? I have spent WELL over $1000 on my gaming rig, and I WILL play Shin Megami Tensei V on it one way or another. I abhor, I hate, I LOATHE the idea of even thinking of some cheap shitty console from Nintendo being allowed even 30 yards from my basement. If I need to make a fortress with my pizza boxes, Big Mac boxes, and liters upon liters of piss bottles to to keep that shitty underpowered piece of plastic toy away from my very being and my beautiful prized possession (that's my PC in case you don't know, fucking low IQ peasents), then so be it.
Atlus, I will ask you nicely once more, You WILL port Shin Megami Tensei V to the PC platform via Steam, it WILL obliterate the console version, and I WILL pirate it just to spite you dumb fucking slant eyed gooks for even daring the even spite us; the proud and powerful PC master race.
Were you born after 2012?
Y'all know the entire franchise started on the Famicom, right?
I thought this whole "hurrrr more people should get to play xD" shit was the logic behind the Persona 5 port begging. Why do you guys change the narrative suddenly?
PCfags are the worst fanbase desu.
The fucking kind of stupid ass idiot would want such a fucking faggy thing?
no, as a switch owner i don't care at all about actually playing SMT or it's success
the only reason i'm interested in it is because Sup Forums is eternally BTFO because they will never ever play it unless they buy a switch. when it comes out i'm sure it will be """"the worst in the series"""" and i will enjoy even more tears.
But I never port begged for P5
I played that shit ass game in PS3 and am done with it
It was worse than 3 and 4
So you're just a Nintendo fanboy then. You're probably one of the shitposters saying Persona 5 will come to PC
Is it really though? It took about a year and a half for Bloodborne to get released after the ps4 release. The Switch came out in March and smtv doesn't even have a release date yet.
I do enjoy photos of mutants from Eastern Europe.
>make a game in Unreal Engine
>say it's exclusive only because previous installment worked good as a handheld game
Atlus is impossible.
Keep crying losers. At least until emulation catches up.
It's being made in the UE4 engine. Theoretically they could port it to PC with no problem. Given that this is their first time using said engine, however, I see the chances of them going through with it being very low.
It would be pretty dumb of them to not port it though, given the engine. I can't imagine SMT would explode on PC like Meme Souls did, but I can't see how they possibly wouldn't just make some easy extra profit on it. Might actually expand the audience again.
I guess your reply was supposed to make me angry or something but it actually just made me fall in love.
Left and right would look perfectly fine if they had hair done and weared something normal.
wait there's a trailer for smt5
And our friend in the middle?
>You're going to play as the lanky fedora kid instead of that cute girl
Why can't Atlus do anything right?
If that's your reasoning then it's more likely for it to be ported to PS4 and Xbone
>Implying right at the moment the demons strike you won't get to choose between the male and female (male) as your MC
>Persona 5 port begging threads
>LOL sony niggers getting nervous! can't wait to take another exclusive lmao
>SMT V port begging threads
Why do people STILL deny this is a Nintendo fanboy board?
>doing this
Pick one
doing this
They were inspired by Dishonored 2. Don't worry, a sassy black woman who don't need no man will be in SMT V too.
>Suddenly people care about the inferior series
Nintentoddlers will latch on to anything to justify their choice of console
Russian girls have bigger tits
>inb4 source
Just google breast size world map
what is this?
most likely, along with persona and yakuza. sega already said they were bringing these games over, it will just be a year or two after launch most likely
only nintendiapers do this
Free side scroller that fatlus released for pc. Surprisingly well made.
The entire franchise that you all love so damn much started as a Nintendo series.
Just keep that in mind, y'know?
it wasnt atlus and its japan only.
>SMTV is now a persona clone
>muh highschool kids
what a shame
The actual fucking game isn't 720p though, is it?
>Mainline is inferior
Console war faggots need to be gassed.
im sorry
who cares, they can play it on nintendo consoles in japan, we'll play it on pc in the west. its a win win for everyone
Persona 5 remake will come to switch and yakuza will come to pc
Switch is the only viable console in japan and sega aren't idiots
>japan only
>on PC
Am I being memed on? Or did they really put on some fucking DRM on a free game?
>Persona 5 remake will come to switch
in your dreams buddy
W-well at least we'll get a constant 30 FPS, right?
>turn based game
i hope so
It already has an English translation.
>So this is coming to PC too right?
Yeah, it's gonna be bundled with the emulator.
What is this, 2006?
its just a free, short, side scrolling game made by another dev to promote strange journey. probably cheapest to make it for toaster pc's
Mario is 60 and this doesn't look more intense than Mario.
Mario looks like a gamecube game.
yes, a fan made one. its still officially japan only
So will this.
Find me a Gamecube game that looks as nice as Odyssey, and runs at 60 FPS.
You don't have to buy a Switch. Atlus made the prologue game PC EXCLUSIVE. If that isn't fucking proof SMT is coming to PC, nothing is!
I just hope we get a Demi-fiend costume
ahaha faggot
It's alright I'll just buy a used switch off of ebay in a year and hack it for its entire library like I did with the 3ds.
SMT1's MC had no job, was young, and lived with his mother. It's implied he was either a high school kid, a college student, or a NEET. SMT3's MC was a high school kid as well. 4's was the basically that alternate world's version of university, in a sense. Anyways, high school kids are nothing new even to the mainline series, given that at least there's Demifiend.
Just like monster hunter but in reverse. And so many nintendo drones defended nintendo moneyhatting until monster hunter world