Did Bethesda chopped off the last third of the game to rush it so that they wouldn't be late to start political controversy? This ending is anticlimactic as hell and TNO was exactly the opposite. Where's the fucking revolution?
Did Bethesda chopped off the last third of the game to rush it so that they wouldn't be late to start political...
Other urls found in this thread:
In the season pass only $24.99 goyim
The entire game was the setup for said revolution.
DLC will be some side stories that don't involve BJ and his crew.
>even more fucking retarded Sup Forumsack shilling to try and stir up some controversy
If you'd played the fucking game you'd see that in actuality the marketing was full of bullshit, as usual, and that Sup Forums, as usual, was also full of shit. Ultimately there is ONE DUDE that is a commie, and he gets called a "bolshevist coward" and a yellow-belly by BJ straight away, who calls him out for picketing draft lines and sitting there doing nothing while the Nazis raped Europe.
(Spoiler alert: I'm a conservative and I think you're retarded for trying to start this kind of divisionism. The only way to resolve the idiocy of extremist leftists is to change their minds, not to scream at them until they hide in a bunker and never want anything to do with you.)
You bought Wolfenstein: New Colossus and Wolfenstein: New Colossus Season Pass, right user?
Huh...You didn't? Im afraid I have to turn you in to the though police now....Not hating Nazis violates the Soviet constitution, my former comrade.
Why are the cutscenes so fucking long
Usually I'm ok with stories in shooters but they just go on and on and on
The final boss is free speech.
You're retarded, mate. Where did I compain about politics in the video game itself? It was Bethesda marketing who wanted to open that can of worms. I don't mind the story in the game, it wasn't heavy handed or jacked with propaganda disney style, it was decently done with two particular scenes being totally genius. It just felt incomplete.
>getting this triggered by false flagging
At least they're fun unlike Kojimbo shitty games.
You can spout all the bullshit you want about it being "Bethesda" (the game was made by Machinegames you retard) but you know exactly what you were trying to do by posting this thread, you snidey cunt. You're no better than a pinko.
>though police
Come on Todd
Ha, you're legit mad. Bethesda marketed the game, not machinegames. It was them who wanted to stir up the controversy and bring Trump along.
>falling for the {{{zenimax media}}} lie
>Where's the fucking revolution?
The game was just a message, the revolution takes place outside of the game komrade
Can't wait for the Jeb! DLC
outcast grandma joins
By the way what the hell is colossus in the title? Probably cut it out of the game?
It's a complete rehash of the first but worse.
Comparing Kojima games to Wolfenstein: Big black nigger dick
How fucking dare you
Kojima doesn't have anything as good as this or Hitler scene: youtube.com
BJ has a point, French communists literally sabotages a significant amount of French military equipment just before the Blitzkrieg as an anti-war protest (I guess).
I'm playing it right now.
Played it on third highest difficulty. So far no serious performance issues a little bit of stutter at one point but just one.
Gameplay is still fun.
Oh my god the "story"
Really fucking easy. Because the AI is terrible. I'm not sure what happened here, but the AI clumps really hard and runs into where allies just died as I continue dumping my mag into the area. I blame how linear the first two levels end up in encounter areas. The holdout at the high rise was moderately difficult since the AI was attacking from both sides. Then I figured out the mechs got confused if you ran back and forth and that the helicopters kill them for you after a certain amount of time.
Also I find the big guys don't have nearly enough hp to be a threat except when they throw 2 or more at you. But whenever they do you have a laser weapon which kills em really fast.
Lame ass weapon variety here. And the nail gun upgrade sucks dick.
Seems short. Roswell is mission 3, apparently the game is 6 hours long but the cutscenes are over 3 hours too. So uh, yeah.
So far
>dad is wife beating racist
>letter from before the bomb dropped on New York to wife, mentions an annoying negro
>diary, mentions an annoying guy speaking Spanish
>everything relating to the black lady oh my fuck
>also the black people are smart hackers
>also they're at the top of the Empire State Building because ??? And they got there through the lethal radiation by ??? And they keep themselves fed by ??? And BJ is wearing regular boots during the cutscene even though he's in the power armor and then it shows her breastfeeding and then BJ says and I quote "Come and get me you racist white Nazi fucks" and then the black lady becomes the leader because ???
This is so fucking bad. They are shoving "white people are racist" down your throat at every turn. I've yet to read a single thing from background characters or whatever that doesn't casually or overtly drop RACISM.
tldr; point out the part of your essay that explains
1. how this improved TNC's story
2. how political squabbling makes sense in universe, given the nazi's straight-up overpowered everyone with jewish space tech and the first nuclear weapon
i've been playing in 30 minutes intervals, TNC is a fucking slog through cutscenes
>not liking the story
>surprised that race is a subject of conversation amongst black characters in a nazi-ruled USA dystopia.
todd pls, I'll buy more creation club coins I swear!
Why are they in the story
They make no sense to exist
BJ says a line he would never say
Why does the Empire State Building still have fucking GLASS on it the atom bomb would have destroyed it no fucking questions asked so why does it have glass you incompetent fuuuuuuuucks
All the characters in this game are like circus freaks. None of them are particularly likeable and game doesn't force you to. BJ is essentially a nazi. The most evil person in the game is a woman. Whose daughter is a cringy fat feminist traitor. Game make fun of everyone and has the tone of a Saints Row game. I'm a Sup Forumsack myself, but I don't like overstretching things.
I've spent more time on my phone fucking around during cutscenes than I have playing the game.
This sucks.
People got triggered at their marketing, which was based on actual political tensions on the USA.
Is not about killing nazis. No one (but the left) complained about CoD WW2.
>Where's the fucking revolution?
Shut the fuck up and stop excusing the shitty ass story.
You are not a polack and it wouldn't matter if you were, because you'd have shit taste either way. The story is terrible. The dialogue is terrible. Every single note that's from a white American is either casually racist or a love letter to a black girl. BJ's dad kills his dog because he kissed a black girl.
This shit is not caricature. If it is, it's the worst goddamn attempt I've ever seen and oversteps caricature directly into open mockery.
dont worry anons, DLC is on the way!
The story was pretty cool, you seem mad because it was ridiculous but honestly what did you expect.
Chill, dude. You're raving. You went playing the game expecting this and it's all you've seen. You're no better than libcucks watching Kimmel cry like a bitch.
>as good as this
it was pathetic
thank god finally a black protagonist
imo there was a tone problem, it's hard to make good racial allegories when one side is barely human evil nazis
Something that doesn't have wildly inconsistent tone.
You have an absolutely brutal, awful, evil scene right at the start. Like god damn. I was legitimately unsettled by it. And BJ constantly monaloguing about how he is literally dying and his body is breaking down while he prays to his dead friend, begging for a little more time and strength so he can continue on. Make a better world for the children he won't live to see.
And then it pulls this fucking travesty of a script in cutscenes. Completely divorced from the internal narrative in gameplay sections, to say nothing of how much it's out of tone with any other Wolfenstein game. TNO had some stuff that was marginally humerous, but that was few and far between. It was a bleak game with rays of hope, determination, salvation.
And then there's this. The game feels like it was written by two people and one of them had half their brain surgically removed. I can handle campy. I can handle cheesy. I cannot handle an internally inconsistent story that cannot be described as campy because it's clearly not being campy it's deliberately race baiting and at best, satirizing it. But that's not fucking good. Satire is not at home in this game. There's specs of okay writing. The conspiracy nut dude is campy in a good way. Wyatt tripping on acid, okay they kind of oversell it and I miss old Wyatt but it works, it's the 60s I get it. The race baiting bullshit is not good and detracts from the game with how fucking ridiculous and blatant it is.
so brave of bethesda. sorely needed in this white-male dominated industry
I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like the tone is wrong. It's so strange in parts, to the point where I genuinely don't know what their intention was.
>"Emotional" scene where BJ tells Anya he's dying
>Then DUDE TOILET HUMOUR LMAO guy busts in
I think I understand to an extent what they were going for, but it just doesn't work. It's humour done by someone who isn't funny, and it doesn't lighten the scene, it just makes it uncomfortable.
The thing about the first was it wasn't played for laughs, it was funny because of how serious it was treating some completely ridiculous setpieces. When you go to the moon it was funny, because it was a nazi moon base, it's something completely silly but played straight. This just misses the point so much.
they did everything at hand to stir shit up
What are >reviewers saying? Is anyone acknowledging the faults it has or are they getting swept under the carpet?
If they play up the b-movie angle of this like it sounds like they are from the description, it could actually be cool.
They won't. I don't think they actually understand what a "B-Movie" is.
Oh god the literal toilet humor. Fuck you for reminding me that actually made me angry. I was shocked the game pulled that "joke" right as BJ is telling Anya "I am going to die in a week" I just couldn't believe that. It absolutely ruined the scene emotionally.
And right after that, BJ is back to the monologue. "Well I told her, but I wasn't afraid of telling her it seems, I was afraid of telling myself."
It makes me wonder who wrote the first one and if something has changed with the writing team. There's nothing even close to as bad as that in the first.
>social justice wankers
>acknowledging faults
there's a lot of POWERFULL stuff in it for them
Even though the ending kind of just happened out of no where and felt really anticlimactic I still think the game is great.
Going dual shotguns with the triple shot upgrade and that sprint gadget that lets you blow people up just by running into them is insanely fun.
Tbh the best part of the game was during the middle. That decapitation scene holy fuck and the entire Venus part were great.
I was wondering that too.
It's probably the Ausmerzer flying fortress. Or maybe the base on Venus. Who knows.
Maybe it's just their way of saying THIS IS WAY BIGGER THAN TNO!
Maybe Colossus will become the new "Easy Sequel Title 2: OMINOUS WORD", after auch gems as
and so on.
I think I actually hate this game.
shit you have a time machine?
can you tell me what stocks to buy?
>Whose daughter is a cringy fat feminist traitor
Point me in the direction where Sigrun is a feminist. She's a shrieky, meek naive beached whale with depraved sexual fantasies (actually pretty vanilla from what we see) and a coalburner. And no point does she attempt to justify her actions with
She wants to be personally acknowledged as a human being and gets taken advantage of by both Bombate and Grace. That's all.
not him, but engel is chopping necks and threatening to send her healthy at any size 400 lb daughter to a health clinic when you meet her, i assume it's to establish non-body positive = literally hitler, and feminists are the only people who screech about body positivity
She is not a feminist, but she would be in 2017. She would also have her hair pinked.
Engel also mimic oral sex between her daughter and Caroline, do you think the devs were telling us that lesbians are nazis?
along with caroline getting bonked on the head 3 times, i thought the mother/daughter bickering was kinda cute, but that conversation should've been done radio voiceover style as BJ was in the wheelchair, also another scene that didn't transition to promo material well
How the hell did you find the Engel and Sigfrund interactions "cute"?
Don't remember this part of the game. Do you actually kill some KKKs in another timeline maybe?
That's probably one of the side missions, haven't played those myself yet.
the'yre on the farm set and in roswell sidemissions
I don't think so, I mean, was that scene really necessary to the game?
look at the butthurt Commie haahahahahhahah
Yes, absolutely.