ITT: things you did that would trigger 99% of Sup Forums

ITT: things you did that would trigger 99% of Sup Forums

I always muted the BGM in Tony Hawk games

I borrow games from people and never return them.

I've played Mega Man X for the first time with sound off

I always muted the music in Crash Twinsanity, the only game in which I've done that.


I like videogames.

i bought undertale day one.

I bought Fallout 4 at the midnight launch with the season pass

I play games like Penumbra, Soma and Darkwood in windowed mode while New Girl runs in a seperate window.
yes, I only have one screen.

i play video games

I think that 90% of the games posted here are childish trash

Oh and on Xbone

I enjoy League of Legends in 2017 :^)

I hate fishing minigames. Worst part of OoT, Animal Crossing and Pokémon desu.

what are some mature games, user

Tbh agreed

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

I muted BGM in Super Mario 64 and played while listening to rap music.

had sex

he plays dwarf fortress,only high IQ extreme low estrogen males play it.

I cheat in every singleplayer game I play.

I modded out the music in MvC2 and replaced it with rap music

I've never ever made a loli pawn in Dragons Dogma

I used a guide to beat Dark Souls

Same, fuck me I was desperate; Todd won't fool me again though, not that it matters at this point.

I play TES:O.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Save scumming in every RPG with meaningful choices.

I savescum in every game that allows me to, and even in some that don't.

Honey Select

I finished Dark Souls 2 but did not finish Dark Souls 1

I find the Grizzly Hills music annoying as hell and always mute it.

I advocate Social Justice

I follow e sports competition of street fighter V and enjoy it like nothing else, but I never played any SF game seriously

four kangs was the most shitty and cheap boss in DS1 after bed of cheetos, litteraly unbeatable after NG+5, even with the meme poise technique

I enjoyed the music the first time I heard it.

then every time after it was just annoying.

I enjoy video games and hate console wars.

I thought everybody agreed lmao4kings was garbage? are there genuinely people who defend this piece of shit?

>new girl
Good taste

I hope you have a painful death

i use walkthroughs and watch let's play

im sorry about the first one though and ive ceased to use them unless its absolutely necessary

I use save editor in Monster hunter games.
So i dont have to fight the same monster more than 2-3 times or have to do non hunt missions.

sadly some tards defend this shitty meme boss

I finished Jedi Academy

on keyboard only

I play Nintendo handhelds in public and don't care about others opinion mostly because I'm physically attractive

And I'm phoneposting right now

I've never played any PC/console games and play exclusively on handhelds.
Post pic or you suck cocks.

Cheating is the epitome of skill in gaming. See Esports cheaters.

I think consoles are inferior because they use controllers.

i never finished a single zelda game and i've played most of them
my first mgs was mgs4
my favourite ff is xii

This won't trigger anyone on Sup Forums. Virtually no one on this current board went into that game without prior knowledge of something in the game.

I always watch the death scenes of any new VN games that come out, cause I dont feel like getting invested in the characters for hours and hours just to see them die in the last 3 minutes for some cheap emotion evoking ripoff bullshit

What's even the point of playing MH games at that point?

I dunno. I went into it without knowing anything other than maybe control scheme, because I played Demon's souls. There wasn't anything known about it to begin with at the time of release.

I prefer to play games on the easiest setting.