What's your favorite indie kino, Sup Forums?
Cave Story and Yume Nikki are fucking trash
What's your favorite indie kino, Sup Forums?
Cave Story and Yume Nikki are fucking trash
like most of these, LISA is really good too
rocket league and factorio
The kinest fo kinos
>Cave Story and Yume Nikki are fucking trash
Haven't seen taste that terrible in a while
hollow knight, super meat boy, hotline miami and bastion are my jam. what is the japanese one?
Eh, I couldn't really get into it. I've heard the story is good, but the gameplay seemed kinda shit - especially in the first couple of hours. I don't mind turn based battle systems but LISA's just seemed so generic and lacking in any kind of depth or uniqueness.
Touhou 8, but you could honestly sub it for any of them after 6. I actually prefer CAVE games but I wasn't sure whether they classify as "indie".
>makes you do a 3 minute long pointless, braindead non-puzzle every time you die
I love pushing elevator buttons and walking back and forth underwater
Terrible OP.
I can understand why people like cave story, but Yume Nikki is garbage. It's just an RPG maker walking simulator with some "trippy" visuals. There's no gameplay and there's barely a story. There really isn't much to it. Highly overrated.
The only indie I've played that I've been completely satisfied with was Hollow Knight. I'm gonna give AHiT a chance once it goes down in price.
where's ftl?
This. People kept talking it up like it was some deep game when all you do is just walk around.
Never played the game but Yume Nikki has produced some amazing shit.
that's some good taste there op
>hollow knight
I just got done with Hat in Time. It's surprisingly very good. Hat kid controls incredibly well and the music and humor really hit the mark for me.
Some points to be wary of though:
-It's incredibly short. I 100%'d it in 10 hours. definitely not worth the current asking price.
-It's lacking polish. Lot's of dodgy visual glitches or things not triggering that should.
-It's really easy.
If you can get past those three points you're in for a good time.
is deadcells any good?
Been meaning to give the Salt n Sanctuary devs' other games a go. It was the combat that carried the game anyway, not so much the RPG crap and it didn't even have a map.
Enjoyed most of those. Post-Rebirth Binding of Isaac very quickly became a slog of mediocrity and haven't bothered with Hat in Time.
I've been enjoying JYDGE lately. It has a weak story and all the "secrets" are references so it's no surprise it didn't pick up steam, but the game is a solid mix of loadout-based top-down shooting missions that start off pretty forgiving and end up ridiculous gunning for the Nightmare Medals.
its fun
Yume Nikki in general but out of that 4x4, A Hat in Time.
I'm not even fully sure what the story is in Hollow Knight. But my autism wants me to make sure that I've explored every nook and cranny of the game and attain every ability.
Also that said, It's maybe the first game in years, that has awoken that desire in 31 year old me to care about actually trying to beat that section or boss that I keep dying to. Dark souls I literally gave up on trying to care about cause of its difficulty. I suspect after I finish Hallow knight I might try that again though. That feeling after killing the Soul Master was soo fucking good.
It gave me tears.
what's the japanese game? (3down, 4right)?
Hotline Miami
Anyone played this? Worth it?
read the thread
i want to play n++ so fucking bad
literally the game that might sway me towards a ps4.
this thread?
Nevermind just realized it's not even indie.
I always thought indie games were a bit shit, and that they were given too much exaggerated praise back in the days when "Braid" was held up as the pinnacle of the genre. But, in the last 5 years or so they've really picked up steam, and now as far as western games go there seem to be a lot more great indie releases than triple A ones. I play fewer and fewer big budget games each year, while playing more and more indie releases.
The Japanese industry is the opposite though. The big studios are still pumping out decent games from time to time, while Japanese indie developers pretty much exclusively develop VNs and mobile shovelware.
can someone please explain this term to me
Unironically Cave Story
Also Shovel Knight
Grub dad eating his kids completely ruined that game's story for me. What a shitty and mean spirited plot point. Way to punish the player for enjoying your game enough to 100% it.
It's on steam and could run on literally any computer.
Well Jap indies just kind of keep to themselves, and most that do shell out the cash to translate tend to be after a quick buck.
They have their moments, though. Long as you don't mind anime models or whatever.
WAIT WHAT. I just finished getting all the grubs and got my reward and then left. If I go back he eats them?
He's the cocoon, you dip. Hence the "Metamorphosis" achievement and that the grubs are still alive inside him.
They ARE still bugs.
I'm actually fluent in runes so untranslated is okay too, but I've honestly never seen anything really worthwhile out of the Japanese indie scene. Any recommendations?
no online multiplayer
also i just looked it up and its on xboner, which i was thinking of getting.
Cave Story, Braid, and Journey
>Cave Story and Yume Nikki are fucking trash
Fuck you, Cave Story is GOAT
I don't know, the combat in SnS wasn't even that great to be honest. The whole experience was really better than the sum of its parts. The exploration and platforming in particular really added a lot to the souls formula.
I always though the dishwasher games looked a bit shit. Ska studios's art syle is absolutely horrible, and if the games just play like a linear version of SnS then I think there probably isn't too much value to them.
They should really hire a decent artist.
Recently? Eh, not really. Bit of an anticlimactic way to end that.
I've got my eye on Break Arts 2, this weird Mecha racing game that's a bit too horizontal honestly, and SkyLens from Zenith Blue, the Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae guys, is looking good but a fair way off.
Playism really has just been picking up crappy VNs lately. If we want to stretch the definition of indie than Yomawari: Night Alone looks alright, if gameplay-lite like Firefly Diary.
Is this game actually good? I'm quite interested in it because I'm a big fan of DMC style action games. It reminds me a bit of Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae though, which is definitely not a good thing because that game was shit.
If MHK was below your standards, then no, you won't like this.
why isnt darkest dungeon on this list
TBoI, Hollow Knight, Papers Please, Super Meat Boy, Factorio, Furi, Hotline Miami, LISA, Rain World, VVVVVV, Undertale and my favourite is Risk of Rain.
Because I've never played it. A couple of my close friends own it and they both said it gets stale after a dozen hours or so, so I decided to pass. I thought the art style looked nice though.
>Literally a good condition for knights without any cons
Ori and the Blind Forest
>but it was published and backed by Microsoft, it can't be indie!
In that case neither is Cuphead
never really play indie games except for enter the gungeon, which i platinumed. so i guess that
Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, Hyper Light Drifter, LISA, FEZ, FTL, Braid, Super Meat Boy, Cuphead, Enter The Gungeon.
All of these games were fun. What made them fun is how there was passion in them. Not like Yooka Laylee or Mighty shitter 9.
The gameplay is really great and fun, but there currently isn't a lot of content once you get a hang of the gameplay
I still recommend getting it since the price will probably rise with the final release
>no Terraria
Do you even enjoy videogames, user?
I do, but I don't like mine craft or building games in general so I didn't bother with Terraria.
I didn't play with lego much as a kid either. Never been much of a creative type.
Super Meat Boy is a bad platformer
Jap indies produce shmups out the ass. If you don't like shmups then you're just out of luck. That said this game will fucking never come out. It's called iMalice for the record.
its not bad its hard.
I disagree. It's not among my favorite platformers of all time (DKC2, Tropical Freeze, SMW), but I found it decently enjoyable. I enjoy how quick the gameplay is and how the levels actually push you to utilize everything you learn, unlike most platformers which can be beaten by simply using the basics throughout the whole game.
The End is Nigh was bad though.
no it's bad, it's braindead mobile tier and it's sequel just proves this point
the only thing you need to learn is the unweildy physics, everything else is blatantly obvious
Terraria os more about the combat and itemization than building
You hardly need to build in terraria. Just a few commieblocks for the npcs. It's more of a gear progression game, and a pretty good one at it.
I've been playing Flinthook lately and it's pretty fun. I also recommend Blue Revolver and Mecha Ritz if you enjoy shmups. I've been trying to dig through my backlog and recently finished Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight which I also feel was pretty competent. Rabi Ribi seems promising as well so far.
Two others I recommend are Strikey Sisters (really simple, neat Breakout style game) and Odallus: The Dark Call which is also holding up at the moment.
>Rabi Ribi
Literal pedo trash.
its not mobile tier. All the levels fallow a good theme. Controls are tight. Every Level Challenges the player to employ techniques they learned before. The game rewards reaction time and risk taking. Why do you not like it anything specific?
designwise it's like a shitty dos platformer from the 90s with better physics, instead of learning things properly you can bruteforce 90% of the light world with trial and error, which becomes blatantly evident when you get to The End and the game actually demands you to learn the game properly, the game is also hideous to boot, the only praiseworthy aspect of the game is the music
>every Level Challenges the player to employ techniques they learned before
wow, that's what Nintendo has been doing since the 80s
>Hyper Light Drifter
>Shovel Knight
>Samorost 3
>Rain World
>Nex machina
These are probably the ones I have enjoyed the most. The hardest part is to find anything new to top these.
Is there anything similar on the Halloween sale? Something that has that hook what would keep you playing.
Rain World and Pathologic.
Hyper Light Drifter
Don't Starve
Crimson Clover: World Ignition
Devil Daggers
Risk of Rain
One Way Heroics
Aaru's Awakening
I liked Oxenfree
Sunless Sea
Space Moth DX
Lovely planet
Cosmology of Kyoto
Trials of the Illuminati: Animated Christmas Time Jigsaws
I like most of OP's apart from Papers Please which was boring for me
Eh, it's far from terrible but I didn't really like it that much. The music was great, but the humor was a mixed bag for me and the gameplay was not all that good. What really killed it was the obnoxiously slow walking speed and pointlessly simple puzzles. The dev clearly realized the movement speed was too slow too, because he went out of the way to make those obnoxiously long backtracking animations.
I didn't really brute force my way in any of the levels. I found The End to be a satisfying challenge putting my skills to the test. I agree the music is pretty good too. If your play through left you feeling the sentiment you stated before I can understand your frustration.
>Cosmology of Kyoto
Wow never heard of this before but it looks fucking great. Thanks for the rec, user.
put Bomber Crew on that list
Supergiant and the Bit.Trip are my two favorite indie "series"
I also really liked Hotline Miami 1 though I dropped 2 partway through because of the gun focus.
Pyre's my second favorite game of the year, fucking masterpiece honestly.
Gonna play Cuckhead in november sometime.
Gotta wait until I get a Switch to play Runner 3 sadly.
Cho Ren Sha 68k, webm related. The game is free to play.
no problem, it was another user who introduced me to it a couple of months ago
Hollow Knight and Cuphead are the most recent loves for Indie I had.
Shovel Knight was also great and I'm looking forward to King Knight's campaign.
I put a lot of time into Isaac, but I can't really work up the motivation to put any more time to into it.
Terraria I also love, whenever I get into it I dump hours into it.
Pic related is a game I loved but didn't have the community to keep it going. Had online multiplayer and a steam workshop, but it's pretty much dead.
Haven't played Hat in Time yet, definitely planning to.
this is the true list of IndieKino
I want to play this but it won't fukken run on my PC for whatever reason
trial and error trash like this really soured me on the game, I'd probably be indifferent towards the game otherwise
Oh also Transistor and Pyre are significantly better games than Bastion. One of them should be in the OP over it honestly.
>cave story
probably too hard for you huh OP
makes sense
OP here. Bastion is the only one I've played, but I actually bought all three when the bundle was on Steam sale, so I'll definitely check out the other 2 eventually.
Bastion is still a really good game, but I'd say the two later entries surpass it in just about every regard besides maybe the ending.
The combat systems of Transistor and Pyre match the quality and creativity of the music, art and story. Whereas I feel like Bastions much closer to the "pretty indie game with simplistic gameplay" trope (Though it still has good build variety going for it.)
Mildly entertaining review, but is that your personal blog or something? Seems like a pretty fucking obscure thing for you to link otherwise.
>he doesn't know who icycalm is
Should I?
Lurk more faggot
>Not knowing icycalm
You are blessed, that nigga is retarded. And a horrible writer.
That said I wasn't crazy about Cave Story either.
kino means cinematic so where are the ubisoft games