Over 80% PC games are pirated


This is why we can't have nice things. We will continue to have loot boxes and micro transactions being incorporated into more and more games because you cheapskate PC fucks keep pirating.

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let's shoot for 90%

like i give a fuck


The sooner you realise there will never be an end to
1. Pirating
2. The limitless hunger for more money by companies
The sooner you'll become a man.

ah yes the "lost sale" theory, always brings a smile to my face

>One anecdote means 80% of games are pirated

Shut the fuck up brainlet.


How can they even prove that piracy rate? The Witcher 2 was so affordable so soon that I simply can't believe that the majority of western pirates haven't purchased it at least once by now.

desu, if I'm a dev, I'd be sad if nobody gave enough fuck to pirate my game

actually lootboxes and microtransactions keep getting added to games because Sup Forums fully supports valve and buys keys to open their CSGO crates.

So are movies, music and anime. Who fucking gives a shit? As long as I can torrent something on the internet, I'll just pirate that shit

Yeah I would totally give half of my monthly salary for a 60$ game if I couldn't pirate it

Maybe if you stopped charging $80 for a 2 hour experience then I'd stop pirating games

Oh wait, I dont pirate games anyway. I buy them on Steam when they are on sale, or on GoG where available, and only pirate abandonware titles

>A game that, at it's time, was niche as fuck
>80% piracy rate
>Now one of the most successful WRPGs ever

It's not funny though, it's annoying
It's a boring conspiracy theory that moron keep spouting

Piracy is free advertising.
The sooner your realize that the better for your company.
Not only that but you create long term following and potential bigger sales in the future.

This. Consider anime and music. If people were only allowed to buy these things legally, they would never reach the exposure they have today.

Youtube alone is one prime example of giving exposure to the masses by allowing them to freely access it. Well that is before the copyright laws ruined the fun for everybody.

this. piracy increases sales. devs should thank us for being theiving subhuman filth.

>x% of thing is something
does it get more fake news than this?

They can't, they estimated by monitoring active torrents at the time.
Being affordable doesn't mean anything if you have zero income or no was to pay it (like over paypal/ steambucks back in 2011 when they made the estimate)

*no way to pay for it

Not to mention likely the next big company giant. They're already almost there. If Cyberpunk is as successful as Witcher 3, and if GOG continues to do well, CDPR are going to be huge.

And unlike all the American and Japanese companies, they have dirt-cheap labor.

This is old as fuck and complete shit, but I guess you already knew that

>Last archived 4 years ago
Old news
Remember, """game journalists""" don't deserve ad revenue nor clicks

>Baseless data claim
>that's why we will have lootboxes
fuck off

All of the games I pirate I would never pay for anyway so I refuse to be included in the 80%

Why buy a PC if you won't pirate?

Pareto's law

Actually I heard from Sup Forums if you click on ads with no intentions of buying anything you actually harm companies.

>pirate Witcher 1 one long time ago
>holy shit this is amazing
>buy w2 and w3
Ended up not liking them but you can see that piracy pays off eventually for the studio.

Thats not ture.
All they want

So much games are played? Imagine now something sells 1 million on pc. Thats only 20% legit sells and 80% have pirated it.

PC wins once again. No one has such a giant playerbase.

And yet you never bought 1 you piece of shit
If you enjoy it buy it
If you hate it delete it

I actually deleted W2 and W3 but im keeping W1.
You cant stop me.

>Last Modified: April 2012
>5 year old thread
Kill yourself

Why are you shitposters so desperate to shitpost that you go searching the arse end of the internet on literally who websites for shit to shit poo st about?

You really need to get your lives in order.


Yup, it's possible to count every single stolen copy somehow. They were just too lazy to do it.

Yes, it also brings a smile to my face, when there are more and more games designed for shitty "consoles" and then ported to PC - if even that at all.

Tell me, how's Red Dead Redemption on PC?
It surely must have way better frame rate than the cuck console versions.

Tell me, how's Fallout 4 compared to PC Fallout 1+2?

Piracy = for consumers
DRM = for for corporations

This battle will never cease, but if you're a consumer supporting DRM then you're a cuck

I steal games and im so so bad. A real pirate so you deal with it.

Aren't both the PS3 and 360 hackable?

>EU withheld a study that shows piracy doesn't hurt sales
>The $430,000 study's conclusions perhaps didn't fit what it wanted to hear.


Too bad there's statistical evidence to the contrary.

This thread is about PC.
"console" stealing is definitely way way lower, which explains all the games that are designed for "console" first. Companies go where the money is.

You're a statistical anomaly

Not this BS again.
That's a "study" that is based on asking fricking people and that's all there is to it. No way that anyone stealing games would be totally honest, top kek.

If this here is guesswork, then that study is basically throwing dice.

food analogy time:
i would magically copy and eat a 1000 dollar luxury restaurant dinner for free if i had the opportunity, but no way in hell would i ever pay for it. would this be a lost sale?



Name 99% of PC games that suck ass

The dream

This is ignoring a rather obvious point:
Digital goods can be reproduced nigh on endlessly so how many people pirate the game doesn't matter. The only thing that does matter is whether enough people do actually commit to buying the game. I wonder whether this piracy statistic also includes people who try before they buy due to the ongoing trend of not including demos in games.

The "console" ports. All of them.

we can't have nice things because there is a huge bunch of priviledged ignorant millenials in the world who insist on buying lootboxes and microtransactions

what do you mean by the quotation marks?

I'm polish and CD-Projekt are fucking idiots

Witcher 3 didn't have DRM - so I pirated it, no fucks given. So did everyone else.

If you're stupid you don't deserve to make money, Ubisoft makes money and their games aren't even good. That I can respect.

>using millennial as an insult
are you older than 35 or younger than 18? Because if you fit in the age bracket you're a millennial yourself.


I pirated too desu but didn't the Witcher 3 sell pretty well regardless?

>I don't respect X because they don't use DRM
so this is what the polak intellect looks like

>Digital goods can't be PRODUCED when there is no income though.
That's why PC gets "console" ports (if at all) and not the other way round like in the actual glorious PC days.

The deal is
>Pay me, so I can produce more of this
You say "fuck yourself, I wasted so much money on this shit ass PC, that will be outdated in 6 months, that I can't afford to pay for anything else at all"
>Okay, fuck you too then. Will produce for "consoles" instead.

make sense

Whut? Witcher 2 was released for Xbox 360 also.

Only in today's cucked world would it be allowed for someone to gamble $60 on a game they have no chance or trying out to see if one likes it. But we all know this is precisely why demos got taken out of the equation. Companies found out that people are more likely to not purchase a game if a demo is available because then they would judge the game. And on top of that, they have the "gaming journos" in their pockets, they create narratives.

>I'm polish
stopped reading there.
Yes of course you are a fucking thief.
That's nothing new.


>literally playing a Polish turd

what does free as in freedom man pirate?

used to DL tons of games from warez sites and torrents as a kid
asked parents to buy games I wanted to play online
(UT2004, Warcraft 3)

nowadays I could buy any game I want(preordered DaS3) but there isn't enough time to play most of them
now I would only pirate old/obscure games or shit with terrible DRM

Any game in the world doesn't have DRM after a while. Because they are cracked.

polacy jedzo guwno

Blame developers for making unoptimized games and creating the meme of "It's your rig you need to upgrade, bro XD, go to r/pcmasterrace".

>Witcher 3 sell pretty well regardless?
Yes, because it's a dumbed down matter of shite.
>designed for PS4+Xbax1X.

The piracy numbers on Witcher 2 & 3 are irrelevant. They both sold truckloads of copies because they were actually good games. How many good games sold badly, specifically on PC, because of piracy?

Botnet programs and a Windows VM because you can't run shit on Gentoo

>"I was checking regularly the number of concurrent downloads on torrent aggregating sites, and for the first six to eight weeks there was around 20-30k people downloading it at the same time," he said.
A developer checking a download site once in a while and doing some maths with that is apparently a scientific study now!

And the real number would be exponentially higher.
If every download equals a lost sale they would theoretically lose trillions

What did they mean by this?
Witcher 2 was released for Xbox 360 and certainly felt like a minimally interactive movie or something.

he's there because he said "if you really must use proprietary programs, better if you pirate them just don't pay for them"(don't support them)

>industry that solved piracy problem by offering digital service and cheap games bitch about piracy the most
If people don't buy your game - they either don't know about it, or they know it's shit. Make a better game instead of blaming pirates. They wouldn't buy your game anyway.


But piracy is also the limitless hunger of pirates, no need to sugarcoat. Everything at odds is at a power struggle. Corporations wanting customers to buy their games and pirates wanting endless handouts, no one is universally "right" no such thing and each want their cake and eat it too. What matters is how the guys in the middle(paying customers like me that put in the money to help sequels happen) get affected, honestly denuvo was a great compromise it didn't hurt most games as bad as securom and other DRMs did and it also appeased and encouraged publishers to port more games to PC.

At the end of the day all I care about is having more games developed for my platform and it's a shame that denuvo is worthless now because publishers that were on the fence about porting now have yet another solid reason not to bother investing in a port. I hope the denuvofags come up with something decent soon so I can continue to buy my games day one on PC. Looking forward to MH World hopefully the release date isn't super far off to consoles thanks to failing denuvo.

>waahahhh pirates prevent us from gaining a few additional *potential* millions on top of the billions we already have this kills the video games
>all the while advertisers,marketers,investors and a platoon of other people that have nothing to do with video games gain most of the money anyway
i can't believe how many corporation enabling cucks are out there.
and its not exclusive to video games its all over the place.
corporations are not your friends no matter how hard they try to portrait it.

bullshit, rms doesn't compromise that, he's a free software fundamentalist and would never even indirectly in a round about way advocate the use of proprietary software

What a shame. Why don't have those pirates any compassion?

It has more to do with the shitty state of the industry than with anything else. They want that mass appeal rather than sticking with just PC because lowest common denominator just includes console peasants by default. It's also why so many games are not just console ports but bland, simplified and generic as fuck in addition to having to do so to work with the limitations of consoles. It's why lootboxes wouldn't go away even if Piracy did cease, it's because they know they can get away with it and profit off the backs of the tiny fish and occasional whales that their large nets manage to catch.

And a decent game will get more than enough sales off of people who do purchase the game legitimately.


And yet Witcher 3 sold over 20 million copies even though it was just as easy to pirate. CDPR doesn't even give a fuck if people pirate their games

Look here everyone, this is the post of someone who didn't read the study because 307 pages were too much for his ape brain.

Please only post if you actually have any idea of what you're talking about.

Why do all pirates strawman that every company is EA? Is that the only company you pirate? Then why do Pirates have such shit taste? Why would you pirate shit? Is this a scat fetish? Why do you try and give a moral reason for piracy? Are you insecure? Are you secretly aware everyone looks down on you?

At the end of the day all people are inherently selfish.
Nobody is going to stop trying to make money/save money...

>Apple store, Amazon store, google play
>Games only go to 15 gbp
What does smartphone piracy have to do with anything? Is that a big field of piracy? Do you only pirate mobile games?

Name two developers who aren't EA

If piracy is just, how come pirates are afraid of the law?

Are you equating the actions of a developer creating a product for sale to support themselves and their families with a pirate taking said game, enjoying themselves and then arguing on imageboards how they're morally superior?

I've heard of one mobile shit game that had piracy so bad the company went bankrupt, but titles like these always sold well

Hell all those people pirating the Witcher 2 are probably also in places like Poland and Russia. It's just free advertising at that point since they talk about it online and increase interest through word of mouth

Shit, even the head guys at CDPR used to pirate games in the 80s and 90s because of how expensive and hard to get games were

If free speech is just, how come dissidents with opinions that don't coincide with state mandated thought regulations are afraid of the law?

No I don't.

This. Clickbait should be banned.

If you pirate a game and buy it later are you still a pirate?

Free speech isn't just. Telling your enemies military secrets and revealing protected witnesses is a terrible thing to do.