what happened?
What happened?
China happened.
that's actually not that bad for a pc release
most people buy AAA games on consoles
Warframe is this fucking popular?
>Pubg peaking at 2.2million
Why does it keep growing? I'm scared, Sup Forums.
that is actually horrific for PC release it's about 15k off the mark.
chinese job crates
Friends play it, other friends wanna join them, and it snowalls. Eventually it'll stabilise and either slowly decline slowly into old age (but still do well) or explode violently only a core stay.
>most people buy AAA games on consoles
>FPS games on consoles
Completely honest here.
I can't play a game that's so heavily politicized, I just want to play vidya games.
crates are worth tons of money, and steam is great for laundering money via keys, I know a few guys running chinese bot farms making around $8000/day from selling crates to get steam money, buying keys with that money, liquidating those for real cash, then making more accounts and selling the old ones for half of what they bought the game for (one guy's holding on to them to grow his amount of accounts in case they lay down a ban wave anytime soon, though none of the people I know have experienced any bans whatsoever.)
In profit they end up making around $1,300 a day, it's not too bad. But they also have farms with several thousand computers in them that are internet cafes by day.
I'd be sweating right now if I was a leftist or my skin color was anything darker than pic related
doom 2016 has sold more than 2 million copies on consoles
it's obviously lagging behind asscreed
this has been a pretty disappointing year for bethesda sales
Right now there are more people playing ELEX, a shitty old school rpg with 10 year old animations made by 30 german guys in their basement that playing wolfstein II
People played it for 4 hours.
Maybe the shooting is actually fun
>New Colossus
Peak players - 16,050
Peak players - 24,594 (on release)
they fucked up.
prey was good tho
shame about its abysmal sales
China. China is inflating their numbers and the streamers are adding to it. The western player base is overshadowed by the chinese. This is also why the recent ratings it has is fucking dogshit, because the chinks are mad.
>less players than elex
I didn't bought it coz i cannot upgrade my pc right now.
They will have more money eventualy.
dey took her
Wow a short single player game doesn't have as many people playing it as absurdly popular multiplayer games?
Wolfenstein is Poland. It's getting spitroasted by AC and mario.
imagine what it must feel like to lose to ubishit's photocopier
>using Bethesda's and Nintendo's name to give your congratulatory pat on the back more credibility
Fuck Ubisoft. Don't toot your own fucking horn.
origins is actually the most different acreed since 2 came out and changed a lot from 1. Not very good, and still incredibly buggy but if there's one thing it's not, it's a copy of syndicate.
ELEX is actually good though
>doom 2016 has sold more than 2 million copies on 2 different consoles
4 hours long cinematic experience broken up by poorly designed shooting gameplay segments.
$60 for a 8 hour game
That's expensive as fuck
>14k people playing Dont Starve Together
What the fuck?
Wolfenstein II peaked at 16k players.
that's really really bad