Hey, Sup Forums. What game should we rip off next?

Hey, Sup Forums. What game should we rip off next?

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Gitaroo Man

The Sims

PUBG with Dark Souls combat

Violated Heroine

Paper Mario


you can rip off my skin

advance wars

russian roulette

That indie bartender game. Self cannibalizing.

That actually might be pretty good..

no fuck off

armored core

but dude... PUBG with Dark Souls combat tho...

Armored core with Dark Souls combat


ff tactics

i think youre overstimating chucklefuck's ability here

they only make 2d pixelshit

Gotchu, senpai

chucklefuck va-11 hall-a

>they only make 2d pixelshit
2D with dark souls combat?

animal crossing

how hasn't it be done yet? it's another goldmine like stardew valley was

What about dark souls with PUBG combat?


What's even the point of using a third party publisher nowadays?

In skyrim

too late

Depends on the publisher, but they might front the cost of development or marketing.

I can understand for the development cost but for marketing you only ever need to shill to death on Sup Forums

Why does Sup Forums hate chucklefish?
Gimme a quick rundown.

>you only ever need to shill to death on Sup Forums

Don't forget that the vast majority of indies are normies who think that Sup Forums is problematic and reddit/twitter/review sites is the way to shill your game.

and this is why notch is rich as fuck
and says a lot of truth that upsets people on his twatter now that he has no liabilities

ugghhh starbound could have been so good

how did they fuck it up so bad

they turned goybound to shite

indie dev here

what game should I clone to make millions off of?

something you can add a sappy story to, because feels fags eat that shit up

Sorry, can't do story. Can't do art either. I need something I can clone 1-1 using pixel art and replace all meaningful content with procedurally generated stuff to sell off as "replayability".

The Sims or Animal Crossing, and make them moddable.

>PUBG combat
You mean getting killed seemingly at random by someone somewhere you never even saw?


>you only ever need to shill to death on Sup Forums
if only it was that easy

Did updates ever get thick and fast?

>blizzard finally splits its arena from WoW due to constant complaints of it being horribly unbalanced
>is still horribly unbalanced

>fighting some guy
>get backstabbed out of nowhere

So dark souls

Hah, I know the guy who did this redone vector logo.

He did it pro-bono because the old one annoyed him. Now you know.

Well their last update was towards the beginning of June, and all it really added was mechs (Something that modders had already gotten working just fine.) and space stations, as well as a bit of a revamp to space travel. Spoiler Alert: It's literally the same shit as before but with animations now

>achievement: kill streamer without getting banned

That doesn't explain much though, like what did they do that made it shit? Besides being absolute trash at optimizing, it runs extremely slow on my PC meanwhile Terraria runs at a consistent 60 FPS at full settings
Mechanically speaking, Starbound seems really fun, it's just hard to enjoy when it runs like molasses. What else is wrong with it?

it ended up mediocre as fuck
they had originally great ideas and turned them to shit
there's a serious lack of variation in planets and monsters

Wargroove is going to be a smash hit, and publishing Stardew Valley was so fucking smart since Tiy knew everyone would just assume Chucklefish made it solely because the title is similar to Starbound

Chucklefish is never, ever, EVER going away unless Tiy pulls a Griffith and sacrifices everyone to get a job at Nintendo, which seems pretty probable. He's going to be Reggie in a few years and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>revamp to space travel.
All they did was add even more time to travel between planets, including adding extra steps to get into orbit, all of which only serves to waste the player's time and make space travel tedious.

this looks pretty sick imo

>He didn't read the spoiler

lol not really

backpedalled on almost all their promises and stopped developing on it after releasing the first playable version

no variation
little content
no reason to build anything

I am somewhat looking forward to their Little Witch Academia ripoff since the LWA series sucked and the official game isn't the genre I was hoping for

They had some great ideas but they're all poorly implemented.
>recruiting crew members is awesome but most of them are useless (hopefully that was improved with the space update)
>gathering fuel while being followed by ghosts is thrilling until you realize they're not much of a threat
>cool planets but no reason to visit each type more than once
>most dangerous planets (toxic and magma) have nothing on them to reward exploring them
>music instruments are a great idea but they're bugged as fuck
>better building, furniture, NPC housing system than Terraria but almost no reason to settle down
>movement upgrades feel good (loved the grappling hook) but not enough of them to make the combat as deep as Terraria

now the straight up garbage aspects of the game
>main quest is too repetitive, the bosses suck and the end has no impact or reward (good part: the 5 dungeons)
>procedurally generated side quests are exactly what you'd expect: bring me X resource, escort/talk to Y, go kill Z (good part: recruiting crew)
>very few enemy types (12 monster types, people with guns, people with melee weapons)
>skinner box progression system

Not to mention Starbound had most support from the very beginning and messed even that up. It's best mod, Frackin Universe, adds a bunch of things for all of Starbound's disjointed mechanics but still doesn't do anything to tie them all together in any meaningful or at least obvious way. And then not to mention the smallest hotfixes breaking every mod from the previous version so most good modders gave up and all that's left are fetish mods.

Meanwhile Terraria's modding scene only recently became endorsed by the devs and has produced at least 4 major content mods that are each almost as big as the game itself.

It's a 2D game. Realistically, getting 144 FPS with PCs is good. Terraria has that.

Some other features from the competition:
>accessories providing up-to-septuple-jumps, running speed, dashes, life regeneration, reforgable stats..
>gear providing set bonuses
>grappling hooks and items for flying / hovering
>a bunch of potions
>a lot of dyes and costumes

>better building, furniture, NPC housing system than Terraria

this is an altered image


Fuck this studio, seriously.

>fetish mods

So have they completely abandoned starbound?


They promised some 1.4 patch and a 1.3.3 "hotfix" patch.
These people don't seem to be very good programmers. They keep breaking shit.
Also starbound is fucking boring as fuck. Multiplayer boils down to role play.

starbound is garbage, it was better during beta.

Then they forced the persona of their community manager into the game, and proceeded to force a linear story surrounding it.

>These people don't seem to be very good programmers. They keep breaking shit.

Their main dev got fired during the beta, before they completely altered what the game was about (the story part).

He got fired for being a pedophile, got arrested for tryina contact children on their own forum.

They essentially have no developer that made the foundation for the game, and that's usually a sign that a game is doomed.

All the new developers they hire can do is attempt to reverse engineer the old code and hope they fix it.

ATM, they are p much fucked and stuck with minor additions / modifications and no new code can be added.

>How to get GOTY for the braindead masses

Well that explains why the races are pretty much cosmetic now.

Still pretty excited for Wargroove, the game looks really solid, apart from the commander art of course.

Put more emphasis on the shit part.