Tips for Dark Souls noob?

About to start Dark Souls for the first time. I bought the Prepare to Die Edition. Any tips for a noob?

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Just play the fucking game. Why are people so bitchmade these days?

Sounds like you're the bitch, friendo.

normally I would hate this response, but for Dark Souls I absolutely agree.

Just play it you shit OP

the only tip i needed was to go up the stairs over towards the bridge out from firelink shirne

If you feel like you are lacking damage, consider upgrading your favorite weapon.

Strength focused + greatshield is pretty beginner friendly

Play it blind or you won't appreciate it as much.


Kill yourself.

Use a shield, don't invest any points into resistance, avoid the graveyard and the elevator, almost all of the weapons are great and carry you a long ways.



A little bit off topic
Did fromsoft announce any new game?


Grow up it's a game.

The people who make this game out to be hard are those that equate death in dark souls to a game over in most other games. It''s not, do not treat it as such. Each death is a small setback but a much larger learning experience .
Most importantly, if you aren't having fun, take a break or quit. You don't have to like something because others do

Make sure you farm the Prowling Demon's for their greathammer in the bottom of Sen's Fortress

Quite a few puzzles require you to use the Darksign. If you're stuck, it's never a bad idea to try it out.

Its a dumb game. All you have to do is dodge/block. Shield makes it easy. Timing is the key. Game itself is overhyped. Its not a "game changer" mechanics wise. Its slightly more intuitive, so bit different than skyrim which is more mechanical.

The game is only hard if you play carefully and try to clear the way until you find the boss door.
Play it like hotline Miami.
Ignore the scrub mobs pick everything up that isn't nailed down and jump to safety into the fog gates.

Don't forget to stop and enjoy the environment every now and then.

Ignore lock on and just stab things in the ass.

>use a shield
the game will teach him to be a pussy, dont worry

literally the only tip i'd give without ruining the game is that if something feels bullshit unfair near the start of the game, there's probably a better direction to travel in

Some honest advice for you OP is to forget about modern gaming conventions. If you compare Dark Souls to other games you're going to stress yourself out a lot. You'll need a mindset of every death is a chance to learn, than to believe that you're being punished unfairly by the game. Everything is a part of the puzzle, so to speak.


upgrading weapons is really important, stamina is your most important resource, git gud & have fun

What the fuck is this shit? Mod or cut content?

Start with 2 instead, DaS1 sucks balls


Talk to NPCs. Talk to them until they repeat their lines. Talk to them whenever you see them. They tell you useful shit and dumbasses who ignored them will say the game gives you no directions when the first NPC you meet immediately after the tutorial tells you exactly what to do for the first half of the game.

I normally agree with these people but DaS does a horrible job at explaining its mechanics, and it specially fucks you because you can't respec in the first game.

Things that will save you many hours:

>equipment load affects your rolling speed. Don't go over 50% because armor is nowhere as important as dodging
>don't level resistance
>learn about weapon scaling
>upgrading your weapon is more important than leveling up your damage-dealing attributes
>Humanity reverts your hollow state, which allows you to summon players/NPCs and make you susceptible to invasions

play a real game like salt and sanctuary

>I never played this game before, please spoil all the difficulty and challenge before I even try

Holy shit don't listen to this faggot

they intentionally don't explain the mechanics. the whole point of the game is accomplishing things by yourself to give you a feeling of great elation. also you should level resistance up to 15 or you're going to get poisoned by rats and that would be embarrassing.

Don't use the Drake sword. Don't use the master key for your first character.
I personally always take the firebombs as my gift so I can kill the first two bosses quickly, since they're weak to fire.
Also consider spending a little in attunement so you can use some basic pyromancy, it scales off the glove and not any kind of stat. Fireball at least is basically free firebombs.

Take the Master Key as your starting gift and go play

This,its like modern gaymers want to get spoilered and spoonfed every single time.

Yeah I got a tip for you.

Leave Sup Forums and never come back. This place is a shithole of thread reposts and zero conversation value.

dont read up on things. Dark souls is enjoyed most when knowing as little as possible.

Shields are great, OP even.

Patience is key, dont be greedy.

If you want to have "fun" but kinda ruin the experience:

wrong video.

get the heater shield

Don't level up dex