Why are western games such trash?

why are western games such trash?

>buy fallout 4
>not a full rpg experience
>buy warhammer total war
>not even a full game
>buy nier automata
>get the full game i paid for

western games are just half the game for $60 with $60 in dlcs so the good shabbos goy can experience the full game.

I thoroughly enjoyed Nier Automata but it isn't even half the RPG Fallout 4 is. I'm sure this is a bait thread for me to post cute androids in anyway though so whatever.

You could have brought Divinity Sin.

>full game

How did you enjoy A2's entire backstory shoved in a gay cosplay event?

>Nier Automata
>full game
Yeah totally because a game where an entire third consists of replaying the first third is definitely a "full game".

It would still have considerable length if it was just the first segment and the last though

It's also in the game via text

Why the long face?

Because you're a weeb.
Just kidding, that's what retards say. The truth is western games are fucking shit.


Is that what it says? he should be happy with a2's delicious toes in his face

Why do you foot faggots have to ruin everything?

a2? more like a2 cute set of feet! (。>﹏

I've been thinking about how much I want to [spoiler\marry[/spoiler] 2B

son of a BITCH

hey dude you messed up your spiler tag

and fallout 4 doesn't have considerable length?

>inb4 Shinuki

maybe try to buy good game so start

ctrl + s, mate.

lol check this guy out he just failed the spoiler tag game LMFAO

Is there an easy way to spoiler on the clover app?

Why are Japanese games such trash?


I never said it didn't, straw man.

pls no bully

Depends on your taste

user I liked the game but if your idea of a 'full' game is a bloated series of replays with minor changes between them, I'm gonna have to disagree. There's a lot of great stuff in Automata but it's nothing that couldn't have been made into one single campaign with a good narrative, rather than 30+ hours of arbitrary replays and grinding for no reason.

>buy nier automata
>get the full game i paid for
No, it was so incomplete that you had to play a second time for an hour's worth of cutscenes (at best). The 9S playthrough dragged the entire game's ratings down dramatically.

>No, it was so incomplete that you had to play a second time for an hour's worth of cutscenes (at best).
This is the blueprint for all of Taro's games though. Still gave you more context for each ending than Nier.

Because you're cherrypicking shitty games to confirm your bias. 90% of all games released in japan are turn-based weebtrash or yaoi dating sims.

I dont really think automata is worth 60 bucks because its a rough product. I think i paid 42 bucks on a sale and its okay for me

Good thing it's 59.99

But Total War Warhammer is more fun that Nier Automata.

Fuck off.

Only good western game I ever played was Destiny 1.

Destiny 2 so far looks better than it so we still have hopes for western games.

>get the full game
>except I have to read side material shit because Taro is a hack
Nice desu ne

Taro has never made a complete game in his life, he's incapable

I want to impregnate Shinuki

>And now part of the characters backstory is in a fucking mobile game and in a stageplay.

Haha yeah no. I pick a game and leave it at that.

I didn't like Destiny 2.

t. Destiny 1 player

Hows Shinuki without makeup and photoshop anyways?

>using a game that sold based on 2B's ass as an example of how Japanese games are superior

you could have at least picked a GOOD game.

what do you want me to do? chop their fucking legs cause some feet triggers you? fucking faggot

>waifu faggots destroy another game
Great, people who enjoy the first games, want to kill every weebo and waifufagg.

If you live in northern italy you might have a chance

stfu weeb faggot

Absolutely this. So many publishers, which fully own IPs, refuse to bring ports of game series over, so we are left playing the third game in a trilogy, that constantly references past games.

Dont worry, I'm a waifufag and I dont even want to waifu 2B when I can have a superior kuudere like Rei. 2B is fucking shit.

I want you to stop ruining threads with your degeneracy

You should be happy that Yoshida's 2B made NierA made the game a success desu.
Taro has been trying for ages, but his mediocre writing and bland character design were never going to make it.


Am I a noob?

> beat the game
> very surprised it's over already (i skip cutscenes in games like an autist)
>read not to fret because the game isn't over
> restart game
> game is exactly the same except now I'm a useless robot
> wat
> never play again

>Taro has been trying for ages
Taro doesn't expect his games to sell well. All he does is makes endings progressively happier per game because of Square execs begging him to actually make a happy ending. He thought Nier's Ending D was happy, for instance, even though he then spent a day hiding in a locker afraid of fan backlash to it because of the reception to Drakengard's Ending E.

I would rather put 2B in a full fledged action game instead in a Taro Game. All I ever wanted was a game about Sunny, Bladewolf and Raiden going on hilarious adventures while fist fighting politicians on top of burning debris.

Ninja Theory released the full game for 30$ instead.

Western games are far from trash, just don't buy those modern overhyped triple AAA games.

No, go ahead and refund the game. Playing as the robot is just a post game mini game. Congrats on beating NieR Automata!


The same execs who wanted a successful game?


>West vs East

Both are loaded with shit, quit acting like brainwashed faggots.

Nobody expects Taro's games to sell well. If they did then he'd never have made a game after Drakengard 1 (even though D1 sold well enough in Japan for D2 to be made with the intention of making it a series). The only reason he keeps making them is because one of the executives is a big fan of Taro's games and has said that as long as Square continues to make money Taro can keep making games.

>why are western games such trash?
I have an easy solution for you, don't play AAA trash.
You liked Nier, which is a niche title. There are a lot of great niche titles made in West too. You could easily find them if you wouldn't choose a game to play based on the amount of produced lewds.

Damnit I dont live anywhere near Italy

Why live

>new games does relatively well
>turns into a series
>writer gets elevated into meme status
>execs don't expect the games to sell
You are too retarded for me desu. Last (you) from me.

No clue but she has a pretty nice body, not sure why she has the fake tits though, 2b doesn't even have huge tits.

>people complaining about nier not being a complete game

it is a complete game. while i was disappointed you didn't get to play as 2b through the entire game, the story kept me going.

i didn't want to end the game on route a, route b was much more of a satisfying story and route c tied it all together. the other routes were just small arcs in the storyline. you guys missed the entire point in the op.

if this were a western game you would get route a and b, you'd pay $15 for route c and $15 for d and e.

The time difference between Nier and Automata was 7 years. 10 years between Drakengard 1 and Drakengard 3 as well mind you. He's directed 4 games in 14 years. His games are too out there to expect anything more than good niche sales, Automata being an outlier and selling far better than expected.

With N: A three quarters of the "game" you paid for are hidden in side materia, including Japan only stage plays and concerts

Japs are also pretty bad in terms of DLC
Slavs are where its at

Yoko Taro might get to make a good video game yet!

>buy fallout 4
you're retarded if you bought that
>buy warhammer total war
it's game in niche genre, ofc they would sell tons of dlc or two games for "full experience"
anyway even vanilla total war is more complex and fun than
>nier automata


>full game

did you miss the part where you had to replay the same 2 hours of content over and over and over?
are weeb really this fucking dumb?, nier is great but it is no bastion of original content

Since they're fake tits can't we post the nipples?

Any good slav dlc apart from Witcher?

>Fallout 4
It's shit as every modern tes game. Why do you buy it in the first place?
>Total war
It went cash cow past rome 2, developing a game literally each year.
Stop buying shitty games and complaining

looking like butt desu senpai
plastic foam tiddies

Does your Jap games let me summon Elector Counts?

No? Then you dont have my consent.

speaking of butt

Why are weebs always so salty, condescending and hostile?

why are japaneses games such trash?

>muh pachinko
>free to play mobile shit
>no gameplay dating sims
>entire country recylces the same shit art style ad nauseam

just because you play the handful of good game that have been cherry picked to be localised because they aren't shit doesn't mean theres not a whole fucking mountain of garbage

I'm kinda sad about this.

Inferiority complex of not being born Japanese. You can bet these people run around with their hands behind their backs and wear silly naruto headbands.

the only sad thing is she wont make more porn
thot deserves no sympathy

This only adds to my arousal

>Trying to reason in a bait thread
>Made by horny weeb
>In an attempt to make people post lewds
Your attempt is honourable but futile.

>choose a game to play based on the amount of produced lewds.
what's wrong with that?

dont mobille post

Lewds are merely the result of appealing design choices, which are not necessarily an indicator of a great game.
Anyway, Kukuris are the miracle of this universe. Post more Guru-Gurus.

Japanese culture isn't even that good. Absolutely pathetic.

>buy Nier Automata
>Get a buggy mess
You may prefer Japanese games but 90% of the time they're unoptimised and/or incredibly buggy and are often made by people with a blatant misunderstanding of technology (i.e. that PC port where they offered "4K mode" and "60fps mode."

I'm too lazy to get out of bed

Western games don't know how to mind control my dick.

especially because her natural ones are quite good. tits don't have to be giant udders to be nice

No shit, her tits are actually really nice it's sad she put on fake tits for 2b. R.I.P

I want to play Nier. The one with the old guy. My PS3 disc drive doesn't work and there is no digital version. Would watching the games story on YouTube be acceptable? The gameplay looks kind of shit anyway.

Enjoy not being able to spoiler easily

I can always go to my clipboard and paste it from there but the older version of the app had a convenient button for it

So she trades nudes for money and is surprised when they circulate on the INTERNET?

What a stunned fuckin cunt lol

but all my favorite vidya is western tho

That every patreon slut to be fair. It's really hilarious that they dont see this coming a mile away.

German cosplay KANA almost had a similar meltdown when patreon subs spreaded her lewds.