The Galactic colossus is the best experimental weapon

>The Galactic colossus is the best experimental weapon.

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>not the ayy lmao nuke launcher

Paragon best.
Just flood them with a swarm of experimentals.

A reminder that this is the coolest unit in the game.

You will never get to use it in a proper online match.
Thats why I hate community patches while decade old bugs are still not fixed.

RTS games are always shit online.
Botmatches are the most fun where you actually get to use all units in the game.

RTS games have steep learning curve as it.
When you enter online all of your skill falls through the floor and its about who can harass the other player more and spam units faster.
Exploiting micromanagement bugs like stopping nuke with a bomber is crucial for success.
Those bugs are still not fixed since release while they keep leveling fractions to the ground and make useless balance patches.
Thats why I dont like community patches.

Aeon are xeno-lovin' fucks that should be shot, but damn if they don't got the cool experimentals.

UEF doesn't do awful, fatboy and atlantis are cool as hell.

I never learned how to use the experimental sub.
I think partially was the game to blame I thing something got broken at some point in the version I had.

Dessies and cruisers are so powerful.. really making Setons an average-playing map on 800-1000r.. even up through 1300.

>tactically screening nukes with bombers

>harrassing is helpful

>spamming units
The main problem with the game beyond general QOL issues is how eco-centric the gameplay is. It's possible ecoing for 20m, albeit then setting up 3 T3 facs and making a bunch of units.

Playing with mics / skillful team, it's simple enough winning because of the levels of strategy that are popular.

Are you suggesting that blocking nuke with a bomber should be allowed?
Are you fucking serious?

It's difficult to build, but I always try for a Mavor, because it's awesome.

What's to learn?
It's a sub+air factory+T3 aircraft carrier.

What are you talking about? I see GCs in a ton of matches. Not even particularly high level ones either.

also I dont now how many high rank matches you have played or watched but things like T3 span is almost unimaginable.
The games is resolved way way before that.

Talking out yer arse m8, FAF has some incredible online matches, just YouTube it.

Thats bs and you know it.

I've seen a bunch of them. We have a different concept of fun, it's okay.

>mfw building an array of 20x20x2tier engineering stations for a total of 800 unit swarm of insta-building
the only downsides are that you need insane economy for this, and you can also only be this retarded against bots

I was mostly getting at the idea that you don't see all the units used in online matches. Admittedly there are a couple of redundant units whose job can be done better or cheaper, but for the most part (and dependant on how the match goes) you see a pretty good spread.

Are we talking about matches on Forged Alliance Forever here? There's hundreds of matches on YouTube with GCs used. Granted it's less common in 1v1s than team matches, but if the opponents are evenly matched, I have seen it go to T4 stage.

not him but what's the matter with that?
if you are good enough to manage it why not?
it's logical too, that a plane could collide with a missile

Stop posting this hoax, mechs were created 5,000 years ago by god.

Agreed. Not like it happens that often either, so I accept it as something that's irritating to have happen against you, but entertaining enough to make up for it.

Because anti nuke defenses become redundant that's why.
Might as well ditch every other unit and just play the game based on exploits.

>Because anti nuke defenses become redundant that's why.
but it isn't
pulling off the blocking with planes is hard as hell

Maybe for you but not for high tier players which is were you are I are aiming at when we are playing the game.
Which is reaching top.

you and I*

It's fair. Rushing nukes and D is awful.

What maps?

It's posssible on Rohan having full t3 mexes by 21m.


u autistc as fuk man

so you say while playing autistic game

As much as I enjoy FA, I have no idea how how the resource-gathering aspect of the game works

just get to the green things first.
Building placement bonuses are irrelevant in multiplayer because of the way how buildings are destroyed when they are in a close proximity..

It's not at all reliable among the top players, I have seen it done only a few times in several years, and one of them was an accident.

Isn't it pretty common to at least surround mines with metal storage?

Try these videos for an idea:


Based as fuck.
Also best experimentals are all Cybran

SupCom 2 is garbage

what are you talking about? that game NEVER happen

I played online and got overwhelmed really quickly by Harvogs with shields.

It's a really fast-paced game -- any playing?

That game was so shit that I can't even come up with a good bait praising it and saying that it's better than SC1.

Before I started playing this game I thought it's plain as fuck due to empty, large maps.
But holy fuck it gets glorious.

SupCom FA has 20m of ecoing for a lot of games.

SupCom 2 has powerful / fun units really quickly.