Has anyone played Battle Brothers? Is it worth tenbux?

Has anyone played Battle Brothers? Is it worth tenbux?

who the fuck would pay 10 dollars for that??? wow? hope u got 10 bux lol

op this game fucking sucks delete your thread

>map is full of men sticking out of manhole covers

What in the actual fuck.

I remember when we made fun of this game a year ago


maybe. its fun for a while but comes down to abusing one attack and there is no progression really.

Why not just draw regular sprites?
This looks so stupid

from what I hear it's a mix of mountnblade and xcom
seems fun but I don't know if it'll last

what attack

I tried this game a few months ago and refunded it cause it was so not interesting. The "figurine" aesthetic of the characters is a gimmick to get your attention. There is nothing notable about the gameplay at all.


The "figurine" aesthetic is there because it takes less effort than drawing a full character, let alone animating one.

Worth it, but know that the devs released the 1.0 and bailed, no mod support, no future content. Because of this, game got a lot of bad reviews and devs gave a free single monster dlc to calm people down.

It's basically Mount&Blade but turn-based. Easily worth the money, devs were bros and the game is fun as fuck.

They released several patches after release for fixing bugs and so, and the FLC is a nice addition.

Pretty bummed about the lack of mod support of any kind though. Would be nice to see what people would have added.

I posted this and it was pcool

It's medieval X-COM, so if that seems appealing to you, it's definitely worth 10 bux.

The battle system is well thought out, the game is challenging, but it's possible to deal with everything.

The biggest problem with the game is that's it lacking in content and variety. EVERY single battle is you vs enemy 5 tiles apart from each other. There are different terrains but you will be avoiding most of them since they're cancer. Sometimes you will also get ambushed, which will start the battle with you surronded with enemies, it's rare though and it's the only variety. There aren't many enemy types either, but they all fight in different manner with unique AI, so that kinda makes up for it.

There is pretty much 0 mission variety as well, it all boils down to regular fights.

The overworld map is pretty much devoid of any mechanics, just some random events firing from time to time. The meat of the game are the battles.

It might sound negative, but I put probably 50+ hours into the game. If you like ironman games, where you try to figure out the best strategy to minimise the RNG fuckery, it's a fun game for a while.

I feel like they should have spent more time on what's outside the battles. The events are really good and well-written, but they're random and there's usually not much choice involved.

BB is also one of the few games where being a absolute prick to people is the right way to go.

Yeah. Its pretty decent tactical game. You get used to art and it is pretty detailed and looks nice.
Get cheat engine for speedhack because default
speed is sloooow.

Devs bailed and dropped the ball. I mean coder guy still fix bugs but development ended and NO MORE CONTENT. Also marketing guy just disappear from internet after backlash.

>no cavalry

Fuck that noise

Oh yeah, this is a good point. The speed at which the AI makes it's moves is a crime. And there are sometimes battles with ~40 AI units. Literally wasting your time.
They even made it slower, because the faster movement setting used to just move them instantaneously.

Good game, worth the money, base game would be better if it was a campaign full of well designed missions. As it stands it's a grindfest full of samey randomly generated missions.

Yeah devs gone full retarded in the end of development.
>ignoring all feedback from close betatesters
>throwing off balance
>buffing some enemies for no reason whatever

i really like that there doesn't exist a single named woman in the entire game

just men bonding together by killing other men. when was the last time you got to play a medieval setting without any retarded womyn larping around

Strong gameplay, but gets really grindy.

They increase grind just before release. Need to make game take longer.

this pic is why I get 9 lives on every merc
and avoid fighting more than few marksmen until I get at least 200 point armor on most of frontline

Except it's not and it doesn't even come close the Mountainblades overworld map

just imagine the gachimuchi mods we could have had
rip dreams

I prefer collosus plus steel brow.
Help you avoid injuries but yeah heavy armor help a lot vs ranged(unless they have master arches).

I like it

Though I suck at it.

Played like 28 hours, it's decent fun

They tried with full sprites, but there wasn't enough space to put details, so they went with larger upper body.

I tried it, but it was not for me.

Like a shitty copy of darkest dungeon....

what is with all the people getting angry about no mod support stop being so entitled the game is fine for what it is

No, it simply was too much workload to draw the whole body, you would need different poses for different weapons etc. and they wanted to have the worn gear shown on soldier.

The style they chose is great, if someone doesn't like it that's just plebeian taste, it looks like a boardame almost.

How they even similar.
Are retarded or burger?

For me it's the other way around, DD is like a shitty version of BB.
You probably will prefer the one you played first, since the games are quite similar on surface level.