Why do so many PC gamers only care about graphics?

Why do so many PC gamers only care about graphics?

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please stop posting pictures of my mom

please keep posting pictures of 's mom

very beautiful bobs

from my experience it's the opposite
if you look at the best selling PC titles (even excluding poorfag f2p shit), they're not particularly impressive graphic-wise
it's the consolefags that constantly try to start shit up between each other over who can make their 720p 30fps game look the prettiest

So how can we demonstrate the power of pc and show console fag who is the real graphic boss in gaming

which makes sense- one could say that impressive graphics on PC aren't that surprising since you can just upgrade your components. Consoles are for the most part stuck with the parts they had from the start, so building games for console seems like it'd include a lot more minmaxing in terms of getting the most out of what you got


pc is the innovative platform

>best selling

Most of the games that don't have great graphics don't cost much,that's why they sell more.

What are you talking about? Top played PC games look like outdated, bland garbage.

They are used to having games look and run perfectly compared to console kids enjoying mostly whatever they play

Because they can, if you have a good rig you're to want to best experience possible.

For the first year or so of the PissPoor's launch all Sonybros cared about was graphics, xbox basically abolishing exclusives just gave them something else to spout endlessly.

Name 5 recent PC only titles that are innovative

Fuck me, her titties actually look real. Rare sight in anime.

The best artists can make gargantuan boobs still look good. It's all about the curvature, weight, and spacing. Unfortunately, though, a lot of shitty animu artists can't into sag and just draw two circles and leave it at that.

Because they spend 1000's of dollar in their life getting new videocards

How else would they be able to justify spending well over the price of a console on just a graphics card?


>Not playing your games in 4k 144hz 1ms 120fps


Why do so many start make threads with loaded questions?

If that's true then why are PUBG, Doter and LoL the most popular games?

>no ass

she looks just like my mom

pc gamers only care about in depth simulations and management systems

I want to cum inside your mom. I want to plunge my dick inside her and make you a baby brother

Underwear that cover slightly more than bras and panties are superior


So I can write gpu intensive code for shits and giggles

Why don't moms have hobbies?



They do, my mom plays vidya and golf

giv mommy gf

My grandma just bought herself a PS4.


its why im learning, its tough shit to learn
but its all gonna be worth it in the end

because oppai loli are cute as fuck

Too busy loving their sons

>no Rachel Mcadams

It's shit

Right, so graphics don't factor into it.

Who is this?

So is this a VN and is it in English?

She's not even 40

my mum

The graphics just need to be presentable. That's all.

As obvious as it may seem, it's the consoles who are obsessed with grafix. So much so that the devs will make the game look as realistic and detailed as possible rather than making the game. There's also things like Minecraft in 4k on LE MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE EVER XD which no one ever needs. Meanwhile, on my fucking toaster barely even able to run the game in the first place. The only reason I want to get a new computer is for the FPS. I'll only care about grapfix in games I can jack off to like MMOs. Everything else doesn't really matter unless it looks like legitimate shit garbage that hurts my eyes.

is it on sadpanda?

Is it released at least?

>semi-realistic oppai loli tits

Can such a thing be true?


because they don't play games.

It's like that car mechanic guy that has a really sweat ride that just endlessly tinkers with it to get the best performance while never really driving it.

I like seeing nicely modeled butts.

>Why do so many PC gamers only care about graphics?

Boredom really. Since really a lot of nerds really are mostly seeking to get recreational upset about shit. So they shitpost to bait other to upset them so then they can be all faggity ass drama queens and enjoy them negative emotions.

Consoles owner are so deluded whenever they even try to rationalize their purchase it just comes of as ignorant. Until the day a console gets a stable, smooth framerate (60+ fps) they are objectively wrong because performance DOES matter when it comes to how smooth or fast someone can react when playing any game that isnt an interactive movie and plays itself

>Those fucking muscles
Game with extremely detailed graphics quality and an extremely muscular girl protagonist that beats people up when? Fighting games always look like ass and have ass proportions unfortunately. I want to be able to see all the contours of her rippling and in 8k.

That's a boy, it's Sol from Guilty Gear


>Bust size: P Cup


tits too big

tits too big

My statement still stands.

bottom row middle left
Is that jennifer tilly?

Yesss, yesss this is my fetish

Dear god, thank you for giving me this fap

tits too small


the entire /e/ board is dedicated to this. why are you retards drooling over anime tits? itsl ike youve never seen them before

nice trips
>I like big tits so I'm black
fuck off

framerate > gameplay > graphics > story

Niggers love big asses
Chinks and weebs love huge titties
White boys just take what they can get


>take Shizune Fuutou
>give her black hair
>new character

Why is this allowed?


>Play abysmally shit game
>I-it's okay as long as it runs well
I will never understand PC-ucks.

r vs K selection

That's not necessarily true now. I only play on PC now and I don't care about graphics.

But then again I'm a nu-PC gamer who only became interested over the past few years as more Japanese games got ported, so.

I'm glad i know my milfs.

Sauce on the artist!

>implying I play shit games


One day, he's actually going to get his nuts crushed by some conslut and he'll stop drawing.

Nah, I don't think that would deter him any more than the massive wave of indie games and follow-the-leader games on PC will from buying Japanese games.

There's something highly satisfying about maxing out the graphic settings and witnessing a game run flawlessly. That's not an experience that console peasants know.


i don't think its true
i only care about gameplay/framerate

>White Countries - Boobs
>Chimp countries - Butts


you just gotta have so much love in your heart for the oppais

>the entire /e/ board is dedicated to this
It's actually more like /d/, but at least here I don't have to worry about all the dicks.


>North Korea

North Korea has access to porn? Or is Kim Jong-Un a butt guy?

Ass - NA, South America, KANGZ and Sand Niggers
Boobs - Rest of World


she still looks the same some 20 years later and its fucking UNF

No more balls means no more sex drive. What's the point in drawing sexy girls when you can't even get hard anymore?

Maybe he'll become a monk or something.

>Ass - no contribution to society (WTF Iceland?)
>Boobs - Builder of Empires, Constructors of Society, and Spreaders of Culture (And Argentina)

>What's the point in drawing sexy girls when you can't even get hard anymore?


I mostly care about the framerate, and im not that extreme, im happy with 60

Framerate>graphical quality,a choppy framerate can make a game unplayable.

>when I play console games I don't give a shit about the technical construction
>but when I play on PC the slightest issue with my experience (ie locked resolutions, framerates and microstutter) puts me in a frothing rage
>the fact that even though the baseline PC experience is better than the console is irrelevant
>the knowledge that my experience could be improved with a patch/ini tweak/driver update haunts me
>will spend hours getting the game as could as I could get it to when I finally play the game
>decide it's shit and uninstall

why does this keep happening


Fuck you, Argentina is WHITE