Can we talk about phone gaming here?

Can we talk about phone gaming here?

It's the future, you all know it.

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DBZ Dokkan Battle is pretty tight.
That's it.

>It's the future, you all know it.

>prontera culvert
is that fucking RO?

Unfortunately 99% of games are just ploys to get your attention long enough to look at an ad

Everyone has a phone, not everyone has a console/PC.

You don't have to be a genius to figure this out

Yeah buddy, RO is back

I really don't get who is playing some of those games, like MOBAS on mobile. I like playing on my phone when I'm on the bus or else, I usually don't have time to do 30 straight.

Its not because of the limit on controls.

>It's the future, you all know it.
It's not early 2010s anymore gramps. I'm assuming you're memeing, but if you're not, consult a doctor.

In all seriousness, despite fading out to complete irrelevancy, mobile garbage did influence gaming as a whole, and in the worst way possible. Companies like EA and Activision DOUBLE their annual revenues thanks to all kinds of microtransaction bullshit including, of fucking course, lootboxes. If someone genuinely thinks they can stop this shit, you're just wrong. Hope you're ready for lootboxes in 95% of all AAA games to come out in the next 5 years

I don't think so. Mobile games are cash grabs that use as much addictive elements as possible. Very few of them are actually games. The only good games I've ever seen are ports to mobile or the occasional platformer. The vast majority of them are just trash.

>It's the future, you all know it.
Why did you have to throw this b8 on your post? I legitimately want to know some decent phone games I can play on the go.

You mean the past
It already peaked and it produced nothing of alue

Best phone games? Preferably ones that can be played in portrait mode and go easy on the battery.

People dont want to pay more than 1-2$ for a game on mobile and even if its a game that they would gladly pay 20$ for on consoles or PC.
But the fact its on mobile somehow makes it so it cant cost more than 2$.

This mentality is why companies are more likely to make fremioum shit than actual games fort mobile.

>because a lot of people have a mobile that means they're playing games on it or have any interest in them

No. Mobiles are for calling, Web browsing, and apps.

>implying I play AAA garbage
Feels good to not support EA/Activision/Ubisoft/Bethesda desu.

>It's the future, you all know it.

Naw since battery will forever be a fucking issue as long as they keep on pushing and pushing mobile vidya tech.

Since modern phones are multipurpose shit can never take full advantage of a device since aside from power concerns all other sorts of shit need to be accounted for.



Mario Run :^3

Freemium games can be good tho

Take Duel Links for example, its better than any other YuGiOh game, its free and it makes a shit load of money for konami

>virtual buttons on a regular touchscreen
No thanks.

10 years ago i thought it was pretty stupid

Now i still think it's pretty stupid just very very successful and sometimes fun

Is there a mobile games pastebin ?

Also how do they handle emulation ?

That's because mobiles are fucking ass to play on and have no major support.

>It's the future, you all know it.

I know this is bait, but honestly this post is for people who have to deal with business-types that actually claim this is true.

phone games, even given the limitations, couldve easily been the future. but the gold rush happened. and apple and google had no desire to stop it because they made that money too. now its a fucking battle royale of tricking people to download a game made for free to try and hook some people into hopefully spending 1000$ to keep building a town/army/farm at the same rate they did the first 30 minutes.

it cant crash because theres always new people cycling in and out, and they mass-produce shit so one game can save the whole year. games for the sake of gaming have nothing to do with phones because everyone involved saw profit first. and theres still profit there, new people buy phones every year, and theyre nice and stupid. but game enthusiasts need to be tricked by fun systems into spending money, not time traps.

how is this game? Looking for an mmo to play while im at work

While we're on the topic, have any of you noticed the cancerous ads you get on Youtube that are about mobile games? Seriously it's the most obnoxious shit ever. You get cancer letsplayers go like "OH WOW THIS GAME LOOKS AWESOME" while there's some flashy shit in the background I can't even make out what is. And constant comparisons of shitty drawn anime characters going from lvl 1 to lvl 100 and getting increasingly more retarded outfits as they advance.

I only play Idolmaster, it's got good graphics for a phone game and it's fun.

>theres an ad on YouTube with the title “fallout 4 mobile” or something
>guy in his phone is about to start up this supposed port
>it turns into a shitty mobile f2p game halfway through

>Everyone has a phone, not everyone has a console/PC.
That's not a good thing stupid, a large market will inevitably only get shitty low-quality games because that's all you need to keep the attention/money of most of the market, especially whales.
>Paying for AAA western games
Kek, you're funny user.

I really hate those and it makes me wonder if those games actually get less sales because they hired LPers to promote their game.
I also hate how mobile games are using celebrities or Youtubers in their game ads, like the Final Fantasy mobile game.

>auto target
>auto clear
>auto run
>auto complete

all games that have this are garbage

Why cant someone make normal Phone game that isn't ass?

Dokkan is not fun at all.

Android is just a really non-standard Linux distribution, so pretty much any emulator that supports Linux can run on Android provided they bundle the required libraries and the devices drivers support the relevant APIs. In the past you usually only got OpenGL ES which required the emulators to have a separate graphics backend, but today a lot of Android drivers support full OpenGL and Vulkan and drivers can even be shared between GNU/Linux and Android/Linux.

It might have been the future but they standardised greed and lazy design.

Mobile games are terrible and It's like they are being paid to be terrible on purpose

Do these exist in english?

Bleach Brave Souls has auto stuff but it also has modes that are extremely difficult and not autoable although some people try.

>shit gameplay
>microtansactions and loot boxes up the ass to rip-off idiots
Maybe if you're a legit retard.

If you are braindead, yeah.

Khux is a pretty nice time waster. i play it everytime on the bus to work.


Mobile game habits are infecting console and PC games. Cooldowns for actions. Retarded simple interfaces and controls. Micro transactions. Items locked behind oaywalls.

Fuck mobile games.

You'd have to be pants on head retarded to believe for a second that Fallout 4 would be ported to phones. Even if they could run it the gameplay would be god awful due to the touchscreen.
There's no incentive to. Why put actual time and effort into the game when you could make Clash of War Clan Assault clone #54367 for easy profit via gems and shit? Mobile games did influence gaming as a whole but in a horrendous way. Most are top tier dogshit or awful ports.

>Younger people on Sup Forums actually play and maybe sometimes buy these shitty excuses for what legally is a video game

I truly feel sorry you guys. Many of us grew up with console/PC gaming before Mobile phone game was even a thing. We will never see phone games as anything more than shovelware to waste your hard earned money/time and spam you with microtransactions and advertising alone with shitty controls

Clash Royale

Or if it's available to you: Dragon Project (Decent MH clone with intuitive one finger controls)

Why doesn't anyone try to make a phone with slide-out controls like a PSP Go? Sony tried it forever ago but it was ahead of it's time, there are so many phone emulators that support controllers, if they gave the thing decent power it could be great.

Literally this, it doesn't even make me mad, just sad.
How people can play phone """games""" and enjoy them.

>phone games, even given the limitations, couldve easily been the future
maybe as a diversion for commuting, but nobody will get hyped for a 4 inch wide, original xbox-powered game with terrible controls and no battery time
there's no market for it except for the people who are so casual that they make the people who only buy the latest COD and FIFA look hardcore, we're talking your mom-tier enthusiasts here, or the occasional whale with addiction problems

and if you believe they could be the future for games going by quality and not just economic dominance, then you should genuinely end your life, this goes for anyone here

I swear this shit actually triggers me whenever it pops up on my phone. If you want to present your high end mobile game why would you EVER hire a squeaker Youtube letsplayer to shout at it? WOOW IT'S SO COOL AND FLASHY WOW. I am god damn upstanding about this I fucking despise it

The only reason why you don't understand why phone games are a success the world over, is because you're not the target audience. You're not normies. The discussion is futile amongst us here.

Stuff like this will only affect the mainstream stuff. It won't really change gaming as a whole.

What's the point of lewd mobile games i just discovered nutaku and was wondering, why?

What game is that?

>It's the fut-
*blocks your path*

The thing is, not everyone is into gaming regardless. Everyone owned a computer too, but they weren't all computer gamers. Also I know a lot of people who pretend to like video games so they go out and buy a console and play Madden or NBA for a week and never touch it again. So even people with dedicated gaming systems don't even like video games in some cases.

Are you ready to get rid of the trap using normies?

It's about having something to enjoy yourself with when you're not at home while also not reducing yourself to looking like a manchild with a PSP or DS in public
But ofcourse you autists wouldn't know anything about that because you're never leave the house

The only reason issue I have with mobile is that the phones don't come with a controller or slide out one from the bottom. Using your fucking hands covers up so much of the goddamn screen and leaves huge blind spots.

Steppy Pants is pretty dope tho. I play 2048 as well.

>Dragon Project

This doesn't look to bad, is it full of gacha bullshit? I'm wanting a phone game to play and I'm burnt out on emulators right now.

Looks like I won't be playing any games in the future then.

>while also not reducing yourself to looking like a manchild with a PSP or DS in public
Are you white?
Because only white people give a fuck about that kind of shit.
If you are, please fuck off to facebook or something, you can talk about your shitty mobile games there.

fucking delete this post and buy a Nintendo Switch

It's the nutshack

>tfw Sony with never re-release the Xperia Play with Modern or even Mid-range specs.

It was my dream phone but its barely usable now.

theres a reason why the most popular mobile games are barely more than waiting simulators
no matter what happens, just being able to use touch screen will limit phone games to being shovelware forever
will awful sensitivity and delay
and no one will ever support them because there's no standard

So i could emulate every handheld system (pre- DS/ psp) ?

Why does no one talk about this , that's awesome !

You fucking retarded nigger, when I'm on the train travelling I READ A FUCKING BOOK or browse Sup Forums.
Which I can do for hours without worrying about battery life, without shit controls and cancerous graphics and framerates.

I'd much rather not play at all than play mobile phone games.
If you're such an ADHD kid that NEEDS to play games all day long no matter where they are but is so self conscious they don't wanna get a PSP or DS you might as well just kill yourself already.

>bing bing wahoo *1up*

Spotted the autist.

Didn’t actually believe it got ported to mobile, just the shit that they pull and get away with to sell shitty games pisses me off.

No shit it has a gacha. You basically gacha for missions to get parts of the monsters.

>And constant comparisons of shitty drawn anime characters going from lvl 1 to lvl 100 and getting increasingly more retarded outfits as they advance.

Those have been things for a long time though. Not just on mobile but some shitty games on PC.
There was one game that had several ads and I think one of them had some kind of Harry Potter and on Level 100 he was a literal flaming homo

Probably because on screen controls don't work for a lot of old games, but if you pair a controller with your phone, or play turn based rpgs its not a big deal.

Anyone here play kings raid or ffbe ?

Both of those are pretty shitty.

There are still major flaws to fix before this happen. Google play is really shitty and there's no controller standard. Mixing apps and games was a bad idea, someone like valve should release a platform dedicated to good games on android/ios.

It's unironically the future, though. Give it a little time, and you'll have independent positional tracking for phone VR.

It still has gacha shit but there is no energy system. You can hunt and join in any lobby with no problem. Plus it's generous in gems/tickets. It's a Japanese game and I wish Capcom wouldve been smart enough to do this first, scummy as they are.

Why aren't they porting more PS2/Xbox 360 era games to Smartphones?

I'd love to play Oblivion on the go.

Lara Croft Go. Also the other Go games from that company are pretty good. Has nothing to do with Pokemon Go and they were using it before Pokemon.

There are two Monster Hunter mobile games dummy.

(You)'s cannot express my gratitude

Thank you very much user !!!

Fuck off you literal nigger
Damn, check this guy out he reads BOOKS
that's right FUCKING BOOKS, that means he's fucking smart and you're a fucking dumbass.
I realize you're making this shit up right now because you need an argument to defend your autism, but most people don't travel by train daily, the daily commute requires about 30 minutes on avarage in a noisy, busy enviorment on public transportation and if you have your own car you won't be using your phone at all.
Most people in the modern age would rather not just stare at the wall while waiting so that's why everyone has their fucking phones out, texting, surfing the internet or playing mobile games because that's normal and everyone does it.
Somebody over the age of 18 looks ridiculous with a dedicated portable gaming machine on a daily transit sitiuation and makes him look like a fucking manchild

95% of AAA games are complete garbage already so doesnt make any difference desu

>Fuck off you literal nigger
Suck my dick you white fuck, only your worthless irrelevant race gives two fucks about someone playing a Switch on the subway.
Can't wait for you to hurry up and get replaced by niggers and kikes already.

>Reading books is something out of the ordinary
Fucking americans, I see people reading books in the train and subway all the time.

Is this webm... You know...

>someone like valve should release a platform dedicated to good games on android/ios.
They can't because iOS is a closed platform, and most Android users don't install apps from third party sources.
That's Valve launched their own Linux based SteamOS, to avoid getting locked out of platforms.

SteamOS will make more sense as the cost for gaming capable hardware continues to fall and gaming devices get smaller and more integrated. Their strategy will make a lot more sense when SOC hardware is the norm and we see single board PCs for less than $100.
They could hypothetically even launch an ARM version in the future, porting from Windows AMD64 to Linux/BSD ARM64 is a big step. Linux AMD64 to Linux ARM64 is much smaller so the devs who are onboard with SteamOS would have a leg up, but it would still require some extra effort.
The next-gen Raspberry Pi is even rumored to support Vulkan.

Touch controls are absolute shit.

Tales of the Rays wasn't bad.
Combat kinda played like an actual tales game just watered down.
Also that one SAO game wasn't all that bad either. Never got really far into it tho.

Any one know if this will be capable of handing PPSSPP?
>CPU: MediaTek MT6737 QuadCore 1,256GHz, 64 bit
>GPU: ARM Mali-T720
>1GB Ram

kek thats not even how the game looks like
fucking chinese company

This game was actually pretty good when it first came out, the graphics still hold up as well. And if you like the first one, the sequels greatly improve upon the first's gameplay.

Not really, games designed to play on your phone have great controls

You can do card games and simple clickers.
Everything else on phones suck ass.

>games designed to play on your phone CAN have great controls
Fixed that for you. Most of them still have absolutely shit controls.

So basically phones will always suck for gaming and our only choice is to buy dedicated handhelds.

Phone is really shit but hoping to buy a new one. Animal Crossing looks cute.

Generally I just emulate Tetris and Pokemons.


Graffiti Smash is pretty fun but it's in Japanese.

>Somebody over the age of 18 looks ridiculous with a dedicated portable gaming machine on a daily transit sitiuation and makes him look like a fucking manchild
I'm 30 and regularly play my Vita/3DS while commuting, nobody gives a shit unless you do dress and behave like a manchild, just like nobody gives a shit about what you're texting on your phone.