Pete Hines - "If you don't like Wolfenstein 2 You're a NAZI"


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>Pete Hines
Nice try Nazi.


>sounding like Heinz
It's pronounced Heeinz

>Literally Who

>Pete Hines is the vice president of Bethesda Softworks and is in charge of public relations and marketing of games published by Bethesda, including Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4.

>VP of PR and Marketing
>Bethesda Softworks
>October 1999 – Present (18 years 1 month)

>PR and Marketing
Yep, a literal who

Man vice really went downhill fast

Yes i am

What the FUCK is that black guy's haircut?

>if you don't like x, then you are y
lol are they really trying that again? because its worked so well before

>Joe Marketing
>PR department

So not only a Literally Who, but one who is probably responsible for how poorly the game was advertised.

Was hines behind the marketing? If so that would explain everything.

Is that the same Pete "don't talk to me or my companies son again about ghouls in fridges" hines" or a different one? Dude is a genius, he gets fanboys riled up by being an ass and generates mindshare in the people who aren't invested in the franchise, which is their key market. Fanboys will always buy in, so they need to court the new fans hell or high water.

"5 nazis disliked this" youtube comment but unironically

>"Killing Nazis is cool and it shouldn't be controversial, you Nazi."


Nazis fugg off :DDDDDD
If you have a different opinion you are a nazi and should die :DDDDDDD

Pete Hines is a literal retard though.

>Killing Nazis is cool and it shouldn't be controversial
This is true though

you're an idiot and a cuck trying to pretend you dont know who he is, he was on E3 center stage for like 3-4 fucking years now for bethesda and bethesda games

yall niggers got the last thread deleted because you want to compartmentalize "NAZI" threads because you can't handle an actual dialog about absolute death sentence towards anyone being wrong

meanwhile you cry and moan about "enslaving" orcs in shadow of war its the mental gymnastics of someone that knows they are wrong

>Make a shitty 6h full price game
>Make it about killing Nazis
>Everyone who complains is a Nazi
Winning as developer in 2017

>"Unless your a Nazi there should be no one opposed to the idea of killing Nazi's"
What's wrong with that? You all need to be beaten into shape if you think that literal WW2 Nazi's are anything to be proud over. Ironic that you call the anti-Nazi generation now the cucked or pussified generation when the anti-Nazi generation half a century ago would've kicked your arse for spending all day playing video games. Or maybe that's exactly why you're all so pro-Nazi, fed up of your grandad beating the shit out of you for being worthless.

Looking at the sales figures there must be a lot of Nazis

Why is he in charge of PR if he is so terrible at his job?

Nuremburg Trials had plenty of controversies though. You're not meant to debase your self hanging a Nazi by beating them like a pinata, no matter how cathartic.


It was true when Nazi was a world for German national socialist during WW2, but these days the left uses the Nazi label for anyone who isn't extreme left.

Not gonna watch it but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if he was retarded enough to say that. I'm just going to assume it's true.

This. Should've pushed The Evil Within 2, it's a better game but had shit marketing

Most of our grandparents generation also found faggots disgusting, let alone trannies. Likewise for race-mixing.

Do you agree with them on that too, libcuck?

Dude I'm talking about videogame Nazis, killing videogame nazis is cool, same as killing videogame commies or videogame americans

You faggots have such thin skin that I don't know how you don't burst in flames when you're under sunlight.

And which of those two appear in the game, I wonder

>"Killing people is cool."

The edge

>if you don't know who this guy is you're a cuck
>*and a nazi too
t. hines


They may as well be blaming Gamergate at this point.

The anti-nazi generation half a centry ago wouldve been pro-nazi or true neutral if they could have seen the state of the world today.

At least 70% of western allied forces wouldve protested the war in europe if they could see how things turned out. The UK wouldve joined forces or sided with Germany guaranteed.

The anti-Nazi generation still made niggers sit at the back of the bus.

>Ironic that you call the anti-Nazi generation now the cucked or pussified generation

>You all need to be beaten into shape if you think that literal WW2 Nazi's are anything to be proud over.
You need to be shoved into the oven if you think ww2 nazis did anything wrong

That black woman in the video is right, you don't learn if you stay in the comfort zone. And political online comminutes are ultimately all about staying in their bubbles.
Wish that chick took her own advice too

>"Killing virtual men in a video game is wrong"
Horseshoe theory in action


Anybody ever wonder how Jews make up 1 percent of the population but are 90% of the writers or executives off all news publications?

They had virtual families, user

the nazis were fighting against the people on the left

the people on the right for fighting for the people on the left

therefore they were cucked


>If you don't like Wolfenstein 2 You're a NAZI
Where did he say that?

>you're an idiot and a cuck trying to pretend you dont know who he is, he was on E3 center stage for like 3-4 fucking years now for bethesda and bethesda games

That would explain it, I don't give a shit about Bethesda games so I didn't even bother looking at their conference.

He's still a Literally Who. He's not a CEO, he's not a Starlet, he's not a developer.

He's a cuckold that tells people to buy this game, and so far he's done a fucking terrible job of it for Wolfenstein 2.

>yall niggers got the last thread deleted because you want to compartmentalize "NAZI" threads because you can't handle an actual dialog about absolute death sentence towards anyone being wrong

Nazi's and people to the right of Lenin aren't the same thing. It's sad that the Wolf2 crew couldn't see how poor a decision it was to lean so heavily into communist propoganda rather than just making it about Blowjob Blastedshit killing Nazis, because the game is failing because of it and I genuinely enjoyed New Order.

>meanwhile you cry and moan about "enslaving" orcs in shadow of war its the mental gymnastics of someone that knows they are wrong

Nah nigger, that shit is also stupid. But I don't play slot machine games with asscreed gameplay like Shadow of Boredom: War of Bores.

Yeah naw dont give a fuck about you projecting shit to fuel your victim complex OP.

But even so some i actually had an what would now be an old as realtive that got killed by nazis.

So yeah fuck nazis they hated America. The fucking hell kind of unpatriotic American would even defend a group of people who if you met in person would hate your guts and even want to/try to kill you?

Like for starters shit is about world war nazis. Not the modern day fag lord wanna be misconstruing fag lord nazis of today.

So why the fuck are the loser as nazis of today projecting and self inserting themselves into the German nazi of old who would probably want them american nazis dead.

Like god damn again. Shit is about ww2 nazis. Not the modern day hysterical like women fagity nazis of now. While the marketing may be making light of the lame modern day naizis. The game though, and you fucking losers know this perfectly well this being a vidya board, is about fucking WW2 nazis.

So god damn faggots quit projecting like the fucking worthless losers yall are god damn.

>You need to be shoved into the oven if you think ww2 nazis did anything wrong
They lost


I think that's more insulting for Nazis.
Alt-Right are also embarrassing for the USA since they want to be Nazis.

If you want to actually show what was bad about Nazi Germany, you need to deconstruct what seemed to go right and not stupid shit like that

Video game extremism isn't all that great. It just reinforces existing prejudices. This is why we should only be fighting robots/demons. There's no ethical reason not to have robots/demons instead of humans unless you're making a game about the historical horrors that humanity has unleashed upon ourselves. Why do we need that added visceralness of targeting not just a human but a particular racial/religious/political subset?

Is this series any good?

>If you don't like this generic single player first-person shooter you are a Nazi.

That's not actually true but they are vastly over-represented in media and it's for the same reason black people are over-represented in crime; culture.

Isn´t Bethesda (partly) owned by one of Trump's brothers?
No better way to stick it to Trump then give money to his brother.

>Emanuel Maiberg

but can pete hines tell us was that scene really necessary to the game?

Years of complaining about SJWs needing a safe space and playing the victim and it's all Sup Forums does.

Really makes you think...

So did America in Korea and Vietnam.

Hines looks like a Nazi, there's no way I'm buying his Nazi game. Fuck Nazis. If you look like a Nazi, FUCK YOU.

antifa anarco communist fags and larping internet neo-nazi wannabes are just as bad as each other.
also it's funny the punch le nazi people think they are in any way comparable to the staunchly conservative G.I.'s that actually fought the nazi's
the whole thing is frankly a joke, its just good for ratings.

nazis didn't hate america

jews do tho

From a moral standpoint I agree, but people need to be able to make and buy they games they want.

Yeah,he's still a literal who. According to the information posted by he has no hand in actual game development. He has no part in the actual process and therefore has no say in anything important. He's clearly a shit pr manager, but hes not someone important. Hes a fucking nobody.

thats because britain didn't give up when they had already lost, and forced america into ww2

>linking directly to vice
get the fuck out of here

>muh murrica
How embarrassing.

I cannot grasp this concept, its like when they released Company of Heroes 2 back then and the russians were assmad because it portrayed the russian soldiers "unfairly", you can make a game about killing nazis/commies, as long as you don't use it to send obvious political statements.

A "anti-"Wolfenstein would be much more fun. Who do you think most people would choose?


Difference is, losing those didn't destroy our current political party for decades to come, and brand us in most of recorded history as cartoon tier villains.

People fuck. Why wouldn't they fuck? She also wants to get back at her Nazi parents

Shame about Vice, they used to put out entertaining shit all the time a few years ago. N

No one is crying about safe spaces though. It's cute when leftists try to turn memes around without grasping what they mean.

>nazis didn't hate america

Are you serious?

thesde days id say the pr campaigns have a greater influence on development than ever before.

A Trump family company, not a Donald Trump company, that is run by Trump's brother was one of many firms to invest in ZeniMax years ago. On paper he serves on the board of directors for ZeniMax, in reality he has retired to a small town and hasn't done a fucking thing for years.



My problem wasn't with the killing nazis though it was with the fucking horrible generic sassy African American #19203381 woman the west is obsessed with though. The awful moments didn't help outside of that, and I wish more of the game was stuff to do with like Fergus or Bombate.

The last 10 minutes of the game (including the fucking awful tongue in cheek speech at the end) approaches Mass Effect 3 quality where it's a tolerable level of dogs shit just for the game play but decides to take a nosedive right at the very end.

I haven't played any of the new games, did BJ manage to fuck the only attractive woman left in the entire fucking world?
True, pr and social management is important. But then you have a guy like Pete Hines, who literally does not give 2 shits about this companies product.

the OP was probably from NeoGaf and doesn't know any better about fake news.

>unless you're a nigger no one is opposed to killing niggers

I'm confused, if I buy this game am I supporting SJWs or Trump? I want to make the right choice.

the only winning move is not to play.

>A political ideology is an equivalence to the way you're born

Literally this guy

>Game shits on white people
>"I don't much care for this"

You are supporting a developer who made a game and a publisher that paid them to make it. No political force gains or loses any power from the purchase.

Well SJW's are complaining about the game, but the game has some sjw shit in it...... its a mixed fucking bag for sure.

yea. the only people nazis hated were commies. which includes all the jews and fags and so forth. they were willing to sacrifice some retard poles and frenchmen to save the world from communism. and it almost worked to if it weren't for Churchill and FDR saving bolshevism and dooming giving europe to the soviet union.

Dude should have better taste.

Pete Hines is the cancer that's killing Bethesda

My question is how did someone who is such an asshole most of the time make it into PR of all places?

Ideals wise you're showing sjw shit sells, but some of that money goes to the board and therefore trump.

Not any amount that matters tho. Pay no attention to the fact we've got trumps brother on the board

There's another scene where the same nigger makes out with another white woman.

Hearing Pete Hines talk makes me want to punch him in his shitty face.