Wtf went so wrong with Fallout?



>concept art and promotional images
>ingame closeup screenshot on low settings

You really don't even try to find excuses to whine about Fallout 4 any more do you?

bethesda have always been the same

for that image it's not a fair comparison

Gurl gamers and normies doomed Fallout 4. You could see it coming when they latched onto Skyrim.



>The artistic vision of Fallout when it was good
>The joke reality of the worst entry in the franchise
Stay mad

apart from the story, fallout 4 is the best fallout game since it doesn't play like complete ass

The reality is that you're a retarded troglodyte who wants to shit up the catalog with more of these threads while making blatantly biased and unfair images without any regard for "reality".



>people are still replying after first post answered OPs question

Shilling this hard, the only thing 4 is best at is combat and even then it just dumbs it down to a regular shooter with 0 rpg elements in play

Most the armor in fallout 4 is fucking ugly

why are you playing bethesda games if you want an RPG?

why is the New Vegas ranger armor so edgy?

>red lenses i'm so scary rawr xD!
>le trench coat to wear over my armor please, my good sir!
>gas masks are soooo cool!!
>i'm le elite sniper of doom!
>oh shit is that a heat stroke coming on

big iron best song
heartaches by the number second best song

>right side is vault suit every game has
>not showing the pvc pipe armor
Do you fucks just posting anything made in ms paint with text on it regardless of what it is?


It was just the armor system itself that was a mistake

Fallout 4 had a lot of problems but I didn't really mind the art direction when it came to the actual outfits, but once you start stacking weird bulky armor pieces all over them things start getting ridiculous.

>savages vs actual war veteran
i pick the war veteran desu.

Its the nuclear desert you retard, goggles, dusters and gas masks are appropriate

You should play the original games before you post in a fallout thread

You're an autist and your arguments are absurd, but honestly ranger armor DID look like shit, and generally only bitches wore any variant of it. Same goes for power armor in New Vegas.

Is there any way to make fallout 4 good?

Sole survivor fucking sucks.

>0 points in non combat skills

This is supposed to be the superior version? I mean, even if it's CHAD you'd think he'd be able to speech his way through anything.

shitty meme.

Yeah, those all sound like awful things to have in a radioactive desert.

what the fuck is this meant to prove, you retard
fallout 4 is shit but this post is the most autistic thing I've ever seen
1. First one is concept art
2. Ranger equipment is late game gear
3. FO4 vault suit is literally what you start with
You're a fucking retard.

>"We stopped caring, so should you."
Okay, I won't pay for your games ever again.

install porn mods and think of it as a porn game

Is it just me or is Pete Hines a really bad PR guy? Whenever he opens his mouth he makes Bethesda look worse.

I made this thread but Ill admit it, I kek'd


Is it even possible at this point?

>low settings


the fact that the city is still standing in fallout 4 is a bit silly really
would be much better if it was just a big giant junkpile filled with mutants and stuff

mind you, I could also complain about how there isn't a large settlement ran by raiders who use slaves to manage farms and stuff
but oh well

How to fix Fallout 4 in three easy steps:

- Make the power armor end game armor
They should have given you the chassis early and made it non functional. Over the game you could find parts and mix and match armor plating to get it up and running. Ditch the consumable idea. Just make it shit until you've put hours into making it not shit. Hours that will see you playing the game and getting mid game and even late game light armors typically before completing it.

- Get rid of legendary enemies and legendary weapons
Magic powers granted by weapons need to stick to fantasy games. Also health sponges are never fun.

- Get rid of the level scaled world.
Give us big kid regions that demand skillful game play, a good spec, or power armor instead.

- Actually while we're at it can Bethesda try and make a hub based open world?
I got into Fallout 1&2, Deus Ex, VTMB, and other games in part because of this world design philosophy. I already have the Skyrim franchise for that itch. So yeah, would be nice to have Skyrim for mile wide inch deep, and Fallout for inch wide mile deep.

- Give us back meaningful skill based character builds.
This ties in with the hub world design. I want multiple shorter 20 hour campaigns over 120 walkathons. I still want to dump 100 hours into the game just through multiple saves over the one save fits all style of Elder Scrolls.

- Give us back skill checks in the world and dialogue.
My power armor idea sounds like it pigeonholes every run into wearing it in the end game? Not with Bethesda giving us back skill checks and a design philosophy that caters to multiple playthroughs! No, your stealthy sniper is probably stuck in light armor sweety. Build for power in the next run :^)

- Get rid of radiant quests.

- Give us back FO3/NV's amount of actual hand made quests.

- Get rid of the creation club

I know he's just a smug jack ass of a PR dude but seriously fuck that guy.

Are there any FO:NV mods that make combat just ever so slightly better? I ain't saying it's wrong, just sometimes seems janky.

cuck suit for the nu-male audience

also if you ever cosplayed this autistic shit you deserve to be hung from a tree and laughed at as people walk by watching you sway in the breeze

>there are fantasy elements in it, so absolutely nothing has to make sense

Every fucking time

Not saying fallout 4 is good but why not make an actual decent picture proving this instead of this cherry picked bait garbage?

>Wtf went so wrong with Fallout?

It became a shallow self inserting hero story about someone who can do anything and everything at all times.

It was originally a game about the people and the world and as to how people deal with it all. Essentially it was a game culture and how it would deal and survive it all. Since from the 1st fallout. Society has been rebuilt more or less. The player joins it all now that that society is more so expanding than anything else.

Modern day fallout is all war- war never changes.

straying from the less shallow: war - war never changes but men do by the paths they walk.
Now its not exactly always said in those words. But it used to be something close to that.

So essentially by that alone Fallout became super shallow. Even missing the point and not really using the entire war never changes line.

>game has character creator
>decide to self-insert
>surprised when your character looks like a numale faggot every single time
>blame the game designers


you don't need speech when you're chad, chad can just grunt and everyone will surrender to his charisma and follow him to hell and back

why didn't shaun just put his mind into a synth

>didn't read Chad's S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
he considers Charisma to be a combat skill, for slaying pussy.


>Here's this joke quest, pretty funny, right?

What? I agree Fallout 4 is bad but every game starts with the jumpsuit, even New Vegas.

holy fuck that's cool

why didnt you post the artwork/wallpapers from the original fallout
that artstyle was the best and will probably never ever return
i notice someone posted the other one i wanted to post but this one is good too

>Survivors that know how the world works
>A dad with a vague military background

>Bethesda so shit at creating human models they make the male have a feminine waist
They need to sack whoever designed that body, and then hire someone to at least thicken out the midsection of the body. Holy fuck I honestly thought that was a picture of some numale cosplaying at first.

It really only takes a bit of tweaking the default character to make something half decent, too.
My first guy ended up looking a lot like Mads.

But you play as a former lawyer in FO4. :^)

Not to mention Fallout 4 has aim assist. That's right, all the people who claim "b-but Fallout 4 has better gunplay" are literally playing New Vegas gunplay with help from the computer.

>A 150 GB porn game with shit story and shit graphics and uninteresting terrain

Oh man never noticed before but that guys legs are super fucked up, like his left leg seems to be bending backwards from the way it's shaded, but at the same time the soles of his feet are positioned to imply that he is stepping forwards.

But the others end in badass armour and 4 ends in Toilet Armour

he is employing panzer kunst

How about a decent resolution bud.

>not ending up in a x-01
Shit taste

Assaultrons are the best thing Bethesda introduced to Fallout lore.

install mod that gives you hud overlay when inside power armor that makes it look like you are inside the power armor.
Make power armor never run out of power. Make yourself invincible.
Turn on the radio.

You are now playing a comfy simlulator

Its raining and the droplets are on the power armors glass. The radio is going and you're comfy strolling through the apocalypse, safe and warm in your armor.

Man that dude is ripped

>tfw no mod to turn Ada into a qt robot loli waifu


radiant quests aren't bad, their application of it was terrible.

you can do fun radiant quests by having a variety of them, and making them less of an excuse to go places you'd have no reason to ever go.

Just make them give you tidbits, background lore, side stories, and the like instead so it builds up the world instead of shoving it down your throat.

That's why Wild Wasteland existed.

Start Me Up
All the realism mods you can find
Turn Fallout 4 into a gritty survival simulator where you completely avoid the main quest

This is all implying that the armour itself is the biggest problem. The shit, goofy armour is just an emblematic representation of the wider problems that FO4 has

What do you think that BoS member is saying?

>you can do fun radiant quests by having a variety of them

You can't do variety with radiant quests. Most of a radiant quest is hardcoded, the only things dynamically filled are the target objects. Dialogue, objectives, etc., etc. are always the same. Basically, the only use of a radiant quest is that it might send you to a location you would otherwise never go to.

OK then put that in the meme image instead.

>Three easy steps
>Lists 10
Also the story is still pretty bad for Fallout 4. Literally lost my motivation to continue once they revealed the twist about the Institute and your son.

>Just ignore the main quest breh
>Your character keeps mentioning MUH BABY in every single god damn conversation like a fucking spastic sperg lord
Yeah sure sounds like fun.

Start Me Up literally cuts out all dialogue related to Shaun, so nice try.

The fuck did Creation Club ever do to you?

So like 30% of it?

Is that from the same guy who did the silent hill one? (you all know what I'm talking about.)

>tfw can't buy the whole thing
ain't that a kick in the nuts

How well does the Steam version of Fallout 1 run on modern machines and Windows 10?

I want to try that game.

>new vegas

>other soldiers and regular people can live in the wasteland without the need of masks and coats
gee you sure showed me

It's been over 7 years user, that's a lifetime in vidya years.

I honestly wanted to give Fallout 4 a chance and hoped Bethesda/Zenimax had learned from the glaringly huge flaws and issues Fallout 3 had but nope, none of that happened. I can actually say that I could not make it more than two hours into the game without being immediately bored. Not even getting into the shitty textures, DLC practices, the nonsense of the Institute, or the paid "mods" and Creator Content bullshit, this game is legitimately bad.

No problems. F2 and Tactics are fine as well.

So? Its still the like fifth game in the series

Someone in a recent Fallout thread said Bethesda "finally" gave Fallout a unique aesthetic. I fucking hate this place.

And the older games in the series are nothing more than a distant, fading memory. They're utterly and completely irrelevant.

>Steam version

No, you are supposed to pirate it now because none of the original devs blah, blah, blah

ALL of it. It replaces it with dialogue that it sensible for the discussion at hand. The only strange sounding cut-together piece is when you talk to Codsworth since Shaun's name was cut into the line to start the main quest if you're retarded and want to do that.

It runs fine since Bethesda integrated fan patches. I'm not sure if it includes Fallout Fixt or not though.

>Windows 10

If you can't handle differing opinions you shouldn't be on the internet in the first place. Just leave.