The Great Debate
The Great Debate
Playstation is a persona non grata here on Sup Forums, I reported your thread user
Bloodborne of course.
>mature aesthetic
>harder gameplay
>Souls-like combat
>better plot
It does not have the 10 point Nintendo bonus too.
soulsborne is just a shit dynasty warrior clone
dodge dodge dodge hit hit hit dodge dodge dodge
Mario is just a shit mario clone
Jump jump jump jump jump jump
>the great console war shitpost
But the two games arent even in the same genre so it literally boils down to your own personal bias
I like grimdark dungeon crawlers and whimsical 3d platforms equally now what?
>20fps sickdark rehash
Why would I lower myself to this level?
>tfw still no bloodborne 3 years later
>Plenty of other games to enjoy on PS4 besides bloodborne
>Sup Forums keeps circlejerking Bloodborne
You younger people amuse me.
Both are superb games, fuck off
ass too large
skin too white
t. Irish
Sup Forums = Nintendo
Neofags = Sony
There's your answer.
I'm not a fan of Soulsborne so I can't answer this question seriously.
Only negro men like asses that large. White women do not need large asses.
BB is literally the singular reason I went and got a PS4, for a bargain price of course
The Great Debate
Well I'm older than 12 so bloodborne
How many idorts here have played both?
One is casual and the other is fun
>apples and tomatoes
Then again I am posting in a bait thread.
97>92 sony cuck
Bloodborne is more to my tastes but I can't wait to try Mario Odyssey
You can like more than 1 thing turns out
Not even the same fucking genre.
>2 PCs
great times
>Muh metacritic score
You can't beat perfection user. THPS 2 was a goddamn mastercraft of its time.
Sorry sony cuck you have nothing. Talk when you have 2 sony ps4 exclusives that can even match those 97s. You dumb sony cucks should get back to playing nogaems.
A real game compared to a kids game. Bloodborne wins.
Is it true bloodborne is getting a sequel?
You need a vacation. Only like 3 days though.
>Sup Forums does nothing but shit on game 'journalism' and how retarded it is at every level
>Sup Forums does nothing but throw metacritic scores back and forth as 'proof' of superiority
and there's not an ounce of irony to be found.
I'd say both are pretty good games.
One having an obscure theme, and the other being a toy game, which is perfectly fine.
What pisses me off are toy games that pretend to be mature and serious, which 100% of the times fall short in both aspects.
Uncharted being a prime example
This guy gave Mario a 10/10.
Mario Odyssey you can play as a t rex
>a real game vs. an all age children's toy
Gee, I wonder
Well it's okay when game journalist confirm my biases.
You left out the more accurate user reviews.
who is this guy
Why are you even trying to compare these two games
They're really hard to compare, but both are top quality in their genre
Odyssey edges out bloodborne alone perhaps, but Bloodborne + multiplats is obviously the better deal
Luke Plunkett of the popular and Metacritic-approved site Kotaku.
>Plenty of other games to enjoy on PS4 besides bloodborne
what did s(he) mean by this?
t.switch owner
You're right, it takes an idiot to buy a Switch before the inevitable price drop.
Mario looks alright mind you, but I'm not dumb enough to drop $300 on an underpowered tablet just to play it.
I'm waiting on the christcenteredgamer review to drop before I get the new Mario.
There's Persona 5, Yakuza 0, and... uhhhh...
Well, take off that Nintendo bonus and plenty of games go over 87 user.
This doesn't fit my narrative, delet this!
>>Plenty of other games to enjoy on PS4 besides bloodborne
>apples and oranges
>Sup Forums
No, only NintendoGAFers.
How can you even compare the two? They aren’t the genre nor target the same demographic. The only similarity they have is they are video games.
Yak 0 p5 peach beach splash 4go
I prefer switch tho
i know this is a shitposting thread but mario games are for 12 year olds and can't touch even Dark Souls 1.
ngl i'd hit patrick stewart if he was a bit younger
I have a PS4, and it really doesn't have more than a couple of worthwhile games if you own a good PC.
Though, if you don't, then all the multiplats make it worth it
if you honestly think that your a dumb faggot lmao
>Plenty of other games to enjoy on PS4 besides bloodborne
>Samefagging this hard
you can call me whatever the fuck you like, you enjoy mario.
that's an L.
Patrick. I’d hype you up before hand and get you a smoke afterwards. Might even invite his friend Gandalf to join. Zero downside.
Mario has much better jumping than Dark Souls or Bloodborne. They don't even have wall jumps
You're a fag
so go jump off a cliff you 12 year old faggot. i'm gonna be playing an actual video game.
one a 4 year old can't pick up and do the same thing in.
U mad
I want to put my dick in that things facehole
Not that guy, but I hope you guys know I only come to Sup Forums to bully Nintendo fans. I don't even play vidya lmao, but bullying retards is always good fun.
this guy gets it, and is an adult
>Plenty of other games to enjoy on PS4 besides bloodborne
yeah pretty much
I mean, there is Sony in the OP also.
I bet you wish you could defeat your real life problems with dumb image macros, too.
Sony fans aren't as gullible as Nintendo fans.
the baldie
Nintendo fans are the least retarted fan group in Sup Forums, since they're the only ones who have good games to play right now
Two completely different games, both of them very good. Stop being faggots.
I've seen this Holly Willoughby WebM on Sup Forums twice today. Any reason?
Keep telling yourself that buddy.
If you guys had so many games to keep you busy, you wouldn't be in these threads.
This comparison is dumb.
I have PS4 and it sux
I have no regrets.
your image is old shitposter kun
>bloodborne has bonfires that you can fast travel to
>mario has checkpoint flags that you can fast travel to
>you drop your souls after death in bloodborne that you can pick up when you respawn
>you drop your coins after death in mario that you can pick up when you respawn
they're practically the same game, user
i want to say bloodborne, but when it came out years ago it had a lot of fucking problems, low fps, more than 10 minutes in loading screen, shitty online etc etc
>implying THPS2 was a shit game
the fucking state of Sup Forums
I want to buy Bloodborne but I don't know if I'll be able to beat it. I played Demon's Souls for at least a hundred hours and could never beat it over several attempts over the years. I tried to git gud but I just never cud. How is Bloodborne compared to Demon's Souls?
>dynasty warrior
My ass, if only it were that easy