Super Mario Odyssey screenshot thread
Super Mario Odyssey screenshot thread
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The screenshots mode had no right to be this good
> cappy first kiss
We Blade Runner now
He's the hero NDC deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Crop it to 1:1
I like that the Tanuki suit makes Peach's ass phat.
I took it immediately after he said he'd fund a business using another character's ideas and skill
Peach says "meow" like a filthy Westerner. Does the Jap version have her saying "nya"?
this one always gets me
making it my tablet wallpaper
Do you think her fursuit wreaks when it's all wet?
*record scratch*
You are probably asking how i got into this mess...
These little fuckers crash CEMU whenever they splash. Literally everything else in this game runs perfectly, but these fags have on animation that bugs out. Fucking why? I have to play fucking MGS whenever I'm near them, and then there's this screen. I hope it's the last of them.
I want Super Mario Odyssey emulated on PC, so some wizard can turn it online just like they did for Mario 64 so i can have a good time with other Sup Forums anons!
>if you throw your hat you are open for others to posess you
Really? I refuse to believe that Nintendo textured that dog with an anus.
They really did.
Why does Mario hate Mexicans and foreigners in general so much?
l i c c
We'll never get a screenshot mode again, will we?
Oh, so environmental effects on costumes is kind of old? Shit, I skipped older games and got blown away by odyssey doing it in captown when you can get soot on you.
Why is this game so good
>screenshot up her skirt
>surprisingly curvy legs and her pantyhose have fishnet patterns to them
Just two legs going into a void in her torso, so no actual ass or vagoo covered by her pink and/or purple panties. Drawfags get on this.
>no good screenshots of bikini Peach
What is wrong with Sup Forums
How do I get my screenshots on my PC without a Facebook or Twitter account?
Japs have always drew dogs with anus, they think is cute and funny. Americans like the disgusting furries they are think is obscene and thst it will make children want to fuck the dog
SD card
I bet Bowser doesn't have one. Hypocrites.
Need more Wedding dress Peach. This is my fetish.
These are the only good Odyssey threads on Sup Forums where almost no one says the game is shit due to some random complaint despite stellar reviews, in an attempt to demonstrate their "refined taste" about a game that is just mindless fun.
Thank you, screenshot mode.
Boys, I really enjoyed Galaxy 2 and 64. Never played Sunshine outside first five hours.
Should I like Oddessy?
>These are the only good Odyssey threads where nobody expresses a unique opinion. Those aren't allowed. The reviews are stellar so you aren't allowed to dislike the game or any aspect of it.
At this moment, I knew it was gonna be some good shit
I fucking love the game but is it me or does Mario feel a little bit ... hmmm, floaty at times?
Not too much, just a bit. Like there is some odd momentum to him, even in the "2D" sections.
The stellar reviews are just bait for shitposters who want to have a different opinion from the mainstream community. The game does have genuine flaws but I guarantee you that if this game got a 85-90 score, everyone would be praising it as the best Mario game of all time.
Don't be a dumbass
If it got an 85 everyone would call it a blunder, since every other 3D Mario got at least a 90
When the metacritic scores came out, yeah they would. After playing it? Yeah no, many would just be contrarian to pretend they have better taste than critics.
> 85
> Blunder
lol, it's pathetic to see how Sup Forums considers those high score to be a "blunder" when they're infact very good rating and very good game. What a joke, i call this simply disliking a game so you just grasp at straw to hate on it.
Protip: Sonyroaches would shitpost regardless of the score.
If it's too low, the game is shit. If it's too high, the game is shit but got a nintendo bonus. Just don't bother.
when do you gain the ability to take screenshots?
Did i do a good meme, you guys?
He's one of us
I thought you had to unlock it
The game has not mentioned it once yet
thats because its a switch feature
Same here, some user in another thread said it's just down on the d-pad
well she's white with blue eyes and blonde hair so
Sunshine & Galaxy > Odyssey = 64
Never play G2 or 3D World
Suckle my dick.
man they really nailed the gameboy filter
you can put this shit in a gameboy game it would have any difficulty running it
Imagine if you could play with the filter on thought
>never play galaxy 2
>odyssey not best
I want a switch right now!
Send help please!!!!!!! :C
My favorite.
That picture reminds me of this:
i need some with motion blur please
Do you have a picture of her pantyhose?
my gf took like a dozen screenshots with the fisheye filter alone
I was too retarded to turn the text off at the time.
>[D O T H E K O O P A].jpg