Nintendo is dead
Literally optional joke clothing for Mario. Fuck off.
I remembered when a guy in a drag was considered funny and not SJW nosense...
I miss the old looney tunes.
Why? This is good.
>Being trans is a joke
I missed the timeline where they were called looney toons and merry melodies never existed.
Link dressing like a chick makes sense because he's a fuckboy.
Mario dressing as a woman makes sense because it's funny seeing as he's a chunky italian plumber.
Silly Simphonies is superior to both Merry Melodies and Looney Toons.
I honestly want to know if Mario is wearing high heels with that dress because if he is that's gangsta
Nobody bitched when bugs bunny did it.
>it's just a prank bro
kys desu
Yeah because people were much worse back then. Most of them still are but support LBTQXYZ!Ç is growing
>tfw these idiots are killing themselves off
agreed, if only we could censor this somehow or force the developers to cater to us.
SINCE 1882!
>One unverifiable piece of anecdotal evidence represents all transgendered women.
DK is next
What can they actually do at this point? Scoop up the whole thing and live as a Ken doll?
>nintendo is dead
>not the whole gaming
I would assume so.
To me it just sounds like depression posting and after a long cry and sleep she would probably feel better and wouldnt trade it for the world.
>Being trans is a joke
>Some guy wearing female clothing for shit and giggles is automatically trans
You tards are only undermining yourselves.
Mario is dressed that way as a joke.
Link is dressed that way for fujo/otome pandering, which is pretty much all BOTW is aside from potato/eyebrow/jew fetishists.
It is a joke. A man can never be a woman, gaffer. The biggest problem however, are those "genderfluids." Now those freaks must be exterminated rather than mocked like trans/drag fags are.
>trying to beat sonic wings special with Tee Bee to unlock the additional fighters
fuck that fucking shit robot he is absolutely useless
So let me get this straight. Men in women's clothes is a joke, but SJWs don't like it because they feel like you shouldn't joke about such things. In order to piss SJWs off anti-SJWs now refuse to acknowledge men in drag as a joke?
>trannies getting fucking owned by their own stupidity
And the best part is that it will never stop
>what trannies think they look like
>what the rest of the world sees
>Different groups that claim to have a similar way of thinking
>In reality each individual has their own way of thinking
so you're admitting Link is cute
they fucking kill themselves idiot.
after they get genital surgery, their chance of suicide goes up like 4x or something ridiculous. they also already have 8x higher chance than normal people anyways as well
>sonic wing
nice taste
>Quoteing a 70's study.
You do know that the process has change dramatically.
Its hard to trust a study that old when the procedure studied is not even done in the US anymore.
Nintendo just holds the mirror to society. Sex sells. New fetishes are the norm
There's really nothing they can do at this point. They were told that chopping off their dick would solve all of their problems and make them happy, but now they're still just as unhappy and have a gaping hole where their penis was that they have to stick a dildo up daily so it doesn't close(since it's a wound).
It's a sad situation.
I bought it for my vita alongside about $70 worth of other games because I was going on a 14 hr flight, but I played it for most of the time because I just love it and this version in complete as fuck.
Also makes me happy that Mao Mao is absurdly op.
>They were told that chopping off their dick would solve all of their problems and make them happy
Sorry, but transwomen are not told that at least by professionals.
They are told that it can help GDI, but it does nothing for any other depression issues they may have because surprise Transwomen are not solely defend by being transwomen.
this is why most just go trap mode cause they know deep down that slicing it off is going to fuck them over
>Nintendo is dead
But my boner rages on.
They think that they're depressed BECAUSE they're trans and haven't been able to transition, dipshit. Therefore if they just do that they're removing the problem and thus don't have to be depressed anymore, or at least that's the plan.
You're killing them with kindness by encouraging them to go through with this shit. It fucks up their body and often their mind for life.
Even though it's a joke, I'd rather just have Peach and Luigi playable.
I'd love to see your evidence that isnt a 70's report which fails to take into account current medical advances and growing acceptance of transgender issues
Armchair experts will quote literally anything to justify their shitposts
and traps age like shit and fuck up their bodies too
which is good
All these anti sjw kids probably dont fit into many actual social circles, do they? Typical gamers, I guess.
Imagine being fucked in the head, doing all kinds of stupid dumb shit and once you regain your senses it's already way too late and there is no return.
>anti sjw
Don't delude yourself, gaffer. Most anti-sjw are ultra conservative boomers in their 50s and 60s. Kids today open their asses to the sjw multiculti cock.
Yes because Sup Forums and r/donald is full of 50 and 60 year olds.
>50-60 year old
>Baked alaska
Boy that fuck is a crybaby.
I wish you two were right
how to admit you lose the argument.
There's a good reason why doctors refuse to do that shit anymore. If you have to leave the country to have a surgery, don't fucking do it.
in Japan crossdressing man is a gag
in America its a woman
wowee ledditors larp as much as 4chin
oh man this makes me so fucking mad
i hope based jordan b peterson or based sargon do a video taking down this cultural marxist shit
Youre probably just baiting but should still go back to ResetEra you enormous faggot
Sup Forumstendo BTFO
>Sup Forums ironically pretends to be from neogaf and calls everyone and everything "neogaf" ever since neofag crashed
>soon the actual neofag population will rise exponentially thinking they found a good place for themselves
you're making the bed you will sleep in, ultraironic shitposters
Can't believe these shit doctors would ever agree to these surgeries
There's a reason they have to go to third world counties to get these surgeries.
SRS doctors in america exist you flaming retard.
Many out of country because its cheaper thanks to governmental price controls on the healthcare industry.
Reminder that this is the same board that elevated Rhymes-with-Egg Beater If Said In A Non-Rhotic Accent to stardom. They will deny it of course, but they were responsible.
This board deserves E V E R Y bit of criticism from others it gets, PERIOD. Every. Single. Bit. Of. Abuse. That Hiro is letting the Sup Forumsddit hordes colonize this board even further than they already have instead of letting the mods do their jobs is proof positive of it's reputation.
Mutilating yourself is a bad idea. Who would've guessed?
>Rhymes-with-Egg Beater If Said In A Non-Rhotic Accent
Snake Eater?
good old times
>being this uncomfortable with sexuality
this is truly upsetting, I feel so bad for them
all their retard friends probably coached them into it too, having literally no experience or insight with it, just for the sake of "you GO girl!" and goodie points
This person will almost definitely kill themselves, too. There's just no coming back from shit like this.
all because they wanted to feel pretty
Link dressed as a woman was supposed to be embarrassing and goofy. Also, all the women commented on how manly he was. I believe the lady in the INN even discovers he's a male and does something intense with him. Or at least, it's implied.
That dress is clearly a fucking joke for Mario.
Trap Link is fine because he's hot, a fat, ugly guy with a mustache and in a dress is vomit-inducing.
Even if you took the mustache away I would still want to puke.
I want to cuddle link
The trans community is incredibly judging and fucked up too.
> it's implied
The deluxe option is a massage. You hear Link and her moan. What other confirmation do you need that Link got the Snu Snu?
You do know what implied means right?
Either way, the entire point of Link dressing up as a girl is that it's hilarious and that everyone calls him manly. And the woman in the secret club even directly knows he's a guy and sells male clothing.
Ya see, the Japanese, they see a man in drag, and it's like "LOL", that's funny. But Foreigners, they see a man in drag, and it's a political statement about ethics in video games.
Whose dick do you think is bigger? Mario's or Link's?
But all his 'friends', who have no doubt already abandoned them, told him it was a good idea "be the person you want to be!"
Definitely Mario's.
>There are no surgeries that go wrong
>They were "coached into it"
>Look, this one person regretted it therefore it is bad for everyone
Yeah I'm sure you know that from your years living in japan you idiot
Not realizing that cross dressing is as much a part of Japanese humor as it is British Humor and this existed before you fucking Sup Forumstards and gamergate tards brought your political whining into every video game.
Its no secret transsexual agenda here faggot.
A ton of people are destransitioning and it's not talked about because it's taboo.
It's definitely a fad. It was created by tumblr. This hysteria did NOT exist before I'd say 08 or 09. "Transitioning" wasn't a thing.
Hopefully they kill this thread and remove the rest of you Sup Forumsddit crossie faggots too.
Don't even try to reason with these subhumans.
If FF7 came out today, you faggots would be whining about political conspiracy theories instead of just finding it funny like the makers intended.
You're too obvious
Why the remake is destined for failure: the post.
Nobody was bitching when Cloud did it.
Once again, Japan treats trans / gays / cross dressers as comical oddities, not your retarded American ideology of "So strong, so brave!" bullshit.
It's literally a joke to them.
This happens in multiple various fucking Eastern titles across multiple platforms. Deal with it.
I found it really embarrassing and was glad that my parents didn't see this part in FF back then, because crossdressing Bugs Bunny in cartoons always made my dad mad.
My dad got really mad about homosexual stuff too and got really uncomfortable at stuff with guys in girls outfits. It must be a product of the 50s or 60s.
fuck me, this Sup Forumsdditor thread is seriously going to go 500 posts innit
Wearing a dress doesn't make you trans, being trans makes you trans. At least that's what you trans people keep saying.
Its very strange that your dad gets really upset at stuff like that instead of thinking its funny.
Even in the 60s it was considered funny. There was an episode of Get Smart where he dresses as a woman for comedic effect so its not just because of the times.
I mean I get you don't want fluff boys to become the norm but making it a joke if anything discourages it because its comical instead of normal.
Japan thinks effeminate men, and bishounen, which are pretty boys, are more attractive than buff or manly men. They don't have any of the "trans" culture western nations do. It doesn't exist because men are allowed to be more effeminate and gentle/graceful, and it's seen as more attractive. They also like fucked up crooked up teeth.