Why does Sup Forums like metacritic now?

Why does Sup Forums like metacritic now?

Sup Forumstendo likes anything that unashamedly sucks nintendos smelly chode

It's just a shitposting tool.

People still think NIER is better then Automata and I think people here like ELEX? The latter might just be memes tho.

Monster Hunter was trash until FU.

You can't trust review sites. A lot of them are afraid to really criticize and lose their early copies or privileges, or are just straight paid to lie. Just watch some stream and see for yourself if the game is shit or not, you can even buy and refund now. Sup Forums is just a bunch of underage kids, so they still can't form their own opinions.

ELEX is just the same people samefagging over and over. Everyone can see that the game is absolute shit.

>Monster Hunter on Sony console 68 score
>Monster Hunter on Nintendo console 86 score

Nintendo bonus is fucking real

Or maybe it's because classic MonHun is incredibly slow and clunky, especially Gen 1 and early Gen 2.

or maybe reviewing a game back then was different?

>comparing 2 different games
So this is the power....whoa...

>Being this retarded

holy fuck

it's great for shitposting

>Played and enjoy many video games throughout the years before I even know what metacritic was
>Still enjoy games regardless if they have negative reception or not.

I challenge to you post ONE video games you enjoyed that has a low metacritic score.

>People still think NIER is better then Automata
No, not really. "there are SOME people that think NIER is better than Automata" doesn't magically turn that into the actual most common opinion. And their reasons are also usually very questionable at best.
>I think people here like ELEX? The latter might just be memes tho.
What meme. It's a good old school RPG with a lot of flaws, something that young and casual gamers instinctively hate.

Monhun is more clunky on 3DS tho

But that goes for every fanbase you consolewarring poorfag

pokemon mystery dungeon

But the first MH was only decent at its best. I love tons of games that are only mediocre to decent, and there's nothing wrong with that.

When I agree with it, it's the best and most reliable thing ever
When I disagree, it's paid reviews and other tinfoil conspiracies


Only Nintendbros do. It's ironic they claim to like a game for being fun yet they are the fanbase that takes the most stock from review scores and what other people think.

>monster hunter was trash until World

because reviewers give the nintendo bonus so its good for false flagging on Sup Forums

MH1 used the buttons for camera control and the right analog stick for attacks

When Nintendo's games started going down the shitter, Sup Forums constantly brought up Metacritic scores, and now that they're back to getting positive receptions, Sup Forums wants to pretend it doesn't matter anymore.

what the fuck