Why do people pretend Sonic 2 is good?

Why do people pretend Sonic 2 is good?

You realize Sonic 3 has the spindash too right?

If it wasn't for CD, it'd be the most overrated game in the franchise.

Sonic 1 is kusoge no matter how you look at it.
Go play Mario -- good level design, makes sense.
Compare to Sonic -- very sharp contrast, trash design! Bad.

>implying there are any good Sonic games

Why do people pretend Sonic is good?

>not wanting more tools to go fast
sonic 2 was not made for you

Because it is

>4:3 ratio screen for a horizontal momentum platformer

You are now realising Sonic was deeply flawed originally anyway despite it's function design.

Spin dash
No third act (fuck You Metropolis)
Catchy toonz
Overall more common of a game to find

>when you run out of ideas when making your shitposting template thread of the day and you have to fall back on near 30-year-old games from the same franchise
Is this the power of Nu-Sup Forums?

Sure do love all that momentum in the Marble Zone.

are you kidding, everyone clamors that sonic 3 is the magnum opus of classic sonic. That is clearly the most overated game

Why do people post /vr/ topics in Sup Forums?

>Sonic 1 is better than Sonic 2
The absolute state of Sup Forums

>I'm a moronic 2000s babby who has never watched anything other than a flat screen TV. Please neck yourself.

But all the bad Sonic 1 levels are bad because they are designed like Mario levels

Mario is bottom of the barrel platformer stuff honestly, bar a few games. It is as safe and unremarkable as possible with almost no distinguishing features. Absolute entry level stuff with nothing to offer anyone who has played anything else in the genre.

It had overall good presentation.

why do people pretend sonic 1 is good?

I do agree that Sonic 1 is a good game and a lot of retard millennials are shitting on it because it's actually difficult and has a slower pace than the other games, but 2 is still better.

3D has the same issue, after Mania came out you get a lot of retards who have never played it before going on about how the level design is bad. It has issues in places but people need to realise that Sonic 1 and CD are not designed in the same way as 2 onwards and coming in and crying it isn't like Sonic 2 is retarded.

That isn't against the rules

Why do people pretend Sonic 1 was bad or the worst of the main series? Is it because CD was technically better?

I'm trying to figure out why people pretend Mario games are good.

>implying there's any bad retro Sonic games

Why pretend it has any flaws?

It's harder to get into than the other ones and will actually fuck you up if you're bad, while you can be shit and still have a fun romp with 2 and 3

It also has issues where it seems to alternate between 'block' type stages and 'ramp' type stages, with the block stages being typical platformer stuff and not fun at all, while Sonic 2 basically made everything exclusively ramp from that point on so people prefer that.

>Sonic 1 contrarians
Backtracking constantly to build momentum isn't fucking fun. Also the spin dash is a highly skill based tool as well, just look at speedruns of Sonic 2 and 3. It adds tons of depth to the game.