Have you ever *RAGED* because of vidya?

>Be me 10 years old
>buy Budokai tenkaichi 2 for ps2
>older brother tries to beat ape boss for HOURS
>finally snaps
>throws Dualshock 2 on the ground
>parts fly ttrough the air
>Mom storms in
>*Slaps* ME
>Takes tenkaichi and *Snaps* it in half
>mfw no controller, no game and got beaten

Other urls found in this thread:


Ninja Gaiden, Alma redux.

i smashed several keyboards over the years because of drunken online gaming. im not proud of it but whatever

never, I take care of my stuff. I'm not an idiot

>white """""men""""" in 2017

How is it that you've never ripped an nes controller in half?

broke a laptop screen many years ago, it was fucking retarded and i learned from it

Worst was during my Pokemon Stadium days when I would lose due to Thunder missing.

Only raged and punched old furniture.

I hit my hands against my teeth until they bleed
They've healed over a bit but my thumb joint is still ugly

On rare occassions i bang my fist on my desk. I threw a controller on the ground twice but i held in because i was scared of breaking it. So no real uncontrolled rage really.

y tho?

No, I'm not autistic enough to break shit in a fit of rage. I know to just walk away from it and come back later like a well-adjusted person.

Seeing threads like these gives me a reminder of the kind of people I'm speaking with on this website.

I take care of my stuff. I'm not an idiot

m8 there's plenty of Wolfenstein threads, there's no need to shit on this one.

1v1 games don't seem healthy

Its an autism thing. Youve seen these retards hitting their ears and wearing earmuffs n helmets n shit, right?

Broke my DS' hinges after losing in Mario Kart but that's about it.
The wires are still connected so it still works.

When I was a kid and I bumped into something my nan would slap it and call it a "bad wall" or whatever
I probably got it from that

Pussy boi can't even tear a nes controller in twain if you tried.

He's not wrong.

I like that you immediately knew he was white because he didn't run away from the kids he made.

>slaps me
>got beaten
You sound like a little puss

I was a poor fag so destroying my own shit in a fit of rage was never on the table.

Because you couldn't afford a table?

Your mom sounds like a fucking retard lmao.

>I play fighting games

you need to see a doc asap if you're breaking your own possessions over something trivial and fun like video games.

>playing silent hill origins on PSP when I was about 15
>doing a no-save playthrough
>play for like 3-4 hours, get pretty close to finishing it
>game freezes when going through a mirror to the otherworld
>endless static
>launch the PSP across the room, its smashes into pieces and puts a massive crack in the wall
>realise what I've done
>[autistic screeching]
>angry at myself for breaking my PSP, so proceed to smash my desk fan again the table
>dad comes in and starts yelling
>try to jump out of the window in a psychotic rage
>dad restrains me, says i am literally never allowed to play video games again
>gives my PS2 and PS1 away, plus all of my games
>kept my gameboy advance as he forgot I had it
>playing rayman advance
>get to space mama boss
>cant beat it, lose all my lives
>smash the gameboy up and try to eat the pieces
>dad wasn't home luckily


Instead of taking out my anger on stuff, I just get up and turn off the system. Then I go do something useful.

It wasn't anger, but I pulled the cable out of my controller and snapped my disk in despair.

It was with vanilla SFIV, I was ultra hyped, I pre-ordered the collectors edition which was absolutely horrible and got a fight pad, Seth was busting my balls so hard in arcade, I finally unlocked all the characters and then went online to find nothing but DP spamming Kens and Ryus with that one hit confirm combo, so I pulled out the cable of the controller, snapped the game and went for a walk at like 4AM.

I got SSFIV when that came out and everything was okay because that was what vanilla should have been all along.

>spend hours trying to beat ape boss in Budokai Tenkaichi 2
>throw controller in rage
>it breaks into pieces
>Mom storms in
>slaps my 10 year old brother
>takes Tenkaichia and snaps it in half
>mfw no controller, no game and a beaten brother

Rainbow Six Siege and Halo Reach have been the only games to make me physically sperg out and actually fuck something up

why did she slap your brother

You're right user, the guy definitely isn't a minority on account of him not being in prison.

what the fuck are you ok

I only "rage", i.e. maybe smash a table one or two times (it's a shitty ikea one, but it handles my light punches well, so I'm sure it will be alright) it if I play with someone, but when I'm alone I just alt+f4 when cannot tolerate the bullshit any longer. Shit is stupid

I punched a hole in a wall from gears of war. Broken a few controllers too but took a step back once I realized my autism

>smash the gameboy up and try to eat the pieces

>fit of rage
Mark wahlberg attacked some poor Vietnamese guy in a fit of rage and he's a successful well-adjusted person.

Yeah, clearly only autistic people have issues controlling their anger or violent tendencies.

my old desk had one of those sliding trays for keyboard and mouse
When I would get mad I would slam my fist down on it (usually on the wrist rest of the keyboard)
Eventually it got to a point where the wood broke off from the screw and the whole thing fell apart when I was playing Hearthstone
I hadn't hit it or anything it just fucking fell.

That's about the worst it gets. I've been trying to not get so worked up from video games and its actually working.
Since I would always play CSGO competitive or Overwatch competitive I would get really salty

I once lightly threw down a PS1 controller at a friends place playing some soccer game from frustration as a young kid.
The blast I got from my parents for that ensured I never raged at vidya again.

I usually just smack my hand on my desk or swear under my breath when I get really mad. Then I just catch myself and walk away for a while before I end up breaking anything.

uh, yes? if every time you get angry you launch into a house-trashing frenzy, you have problems.

the maddest i ever got was over chocobo racing in ffx and all i did was drop my controller on the ground

No, I'm white.

>Used to get super mad at video games
>Like, ultra mad throwing controllers and shit
>this only happened with video games
>played a lot of fighting games
>used to love playing them, but would ocasionally go into tard rage
>I like to feel im relatively well adjusted, its just video games
>playing with this annoying guy
>hes clearly playing of my rage, taunting me
>punch him in the face
>feel bad
>realize that video games are making me angry
>put them down
>get a job (was unemployed trying to become "pro" at street fighter)
>its a pretty shit retail job but who cares
>im getting decent money because im working a lot of hours
>dont really have time for video games anymore
>at least, not the ammount I was playing them
>realize I could probably move out within a few months if I saved correctly
>realize I am not getting enough money
>Get an apprenticeship
>study coding in C#
>now work at a small development company, making pretty decent money
>eventually move out
>have my own place, and more time off than before because I live quite close to work
>decide to get a PS4
>pre order SFV
>it comes out
>its fucking shit
>I was trying to unlock some fucking colours and the game disconnected me
>threw my controller against window
>window breaks
>hit some lady in the street with my SFV special edition fight pad
>knocks her over
>police are called
>they open the door
>Get on the floor
>everybody walks the dinosaur

Headbutted my monitor and broke it playing SF4

Broke my hand hitting my desk playing Starbound

There's stories for each but neither are any good

>tekken career
wew lad

I've been angry and frustrated because of a game but the most I've ever done is say "fuck" or close the game. If a game often makes me angry I stop playing it (last one I can think of is L4D versus) but I don't take it out on other players or my own stuff

My old intellimouse looks like a dog chewed on it but it's actually where I would bite it whenever I got really mad playing video games. Still works fine but I don't think it did my teeth any favors.

There's getting angry over video games, then there's getting angry over people getting angry over video games.

I once got pretty frustrated st MH because the thing I needed didn't drop for a long while. That caused me to play worse and made me really mad, then I calmed myself down and started to play better.
That's it.

I can't imagine being this much of an autistic child. What's it like? What's your everyday life like?

I once got so mad that I jammed my stylus through my DS's bottom screen.

>Broke my hand hitting my desk playing Starbound
>Broke my hand

All the time. It's one of the reasons I use games as a hobby, cause all other pursuits in my life force me to keep my emotions bundled up. Once buisness and private life are on the backburner I throw some games and let out everything. That being said...I'm pretty damn good in most genres and need some real nerve-wrecking stuff to get exited. (also bad camera controls but I don't activly seek out those games).

>doing a no-save playthrough



but why man? that game is so easy

or did you lose all your shit in lava or smth


replied to the wrong post faggot

why did you rage over starbound

Every time I play Rocket League. The trading is what keeps me going sadly.

I threw and broke my 360 controller last week, still mad at myself about that. First time in like eight years or so I broke something in rage

Had about 5 days worth of shit in my inventory because I hate sorting shit.

Died on some bullshit hard modded world with like no light and a "timer" in the form of radiation or something like that. Died like 10 more times trying to just rush to my shit.

tl;dr I died with a bunch of stuff and couldn't get it back.

What the fuck man how do you function on a daily basis

I've raged pretty hard at Starbound before. I set up all my shit on the ship and then one accidental mouse click with a melee weapon equipped was all it took to destroy the platforms holding up a bunch of containers. Everything broke and spilled out.

>Soul Calibur 2
>almost 100% on weapon master
>so close to lizardman unlocked
>lose for the nth time
>slam DS2 on arm rest
>3 shoulder buttons pop off and fly into different corners of room
>last one hits me in the eye
never intentionally broke anything like that again

better than a pussy shitter who breaks controllers because they suck at games

>tldr for three fucking sentences


Mh is bad for this. I stayed up till the early hours trying to get an item once. I need to capture the monster to get it and every time i'd get there something would go wrong with laying the trap. I nearly broke my 3ds in two but luckily managed to breath and just walk away in a foul mood.
Needless to say i didn't play mh again for a while

that is very annoying but you mustve felt like a fucking retarded breaking your hand over it lol

>you have problems
true, but probably not fucking autism, more like rage issues

A friend and I once broke a third party ps2 controller with a hammer, It was actually not out of rage much, the controller deserved it.

maddest ive got I bit a chunk out of my pillow

Yeah because people use words like autism and sperg in their rightful contexts on this board
You lost this one move on

>also, not even him

Pretty much.

All I could think about for like 2 months while I healed was "God, fucking starbound of all games"

It healed weird too. Doesn't really fit together like it used to and there's this dent in the top of my hand now

>this entire thread
wtf man are you all some kind of autistic gorillas or some shit? i get mad sometimes at video games but why would you break your stuff?

>saving thumbnails
wew lad

when i rage at vidya i usually enter The Zone

It felt rambly while I was typing it.

All the time really. My blood boils whenever I get frustrated. Over the years I've achieved some progress (I don't rage as hard anymore), yet I still let out a yell from time to time.

>lifelong health issues for fucking starbound
jesus christ dude

I snapped my guitar hero controller over my knee when I was high on cocaine and kept failing a part of Raining Blood that I could normally FC. Good times.

Had the same fracture once due to a non vidya related tizzy rage, but still man, starbound? please elaborate on this shit

I once yelled when playing cs.

Sometimes I'll get so frustrated at a game that I involuntarily grit my teeth and then maybe say a cuss word, like "sh!t" or "d@mn it".

It's pretty embarrassing afterwards when I realise it's just a game and it's pretty stupid to keep playing if it's past the point of fun. I'm just thankful that I play games alone so no one ever sees me in such a state.

>Getting mad at videogames to the point of getting physical
If it wasn't Mario Party then you're an idiot.

Jesus user, you need to see a shrink or something. Get your shit under control please.

Shit man, I lost my save data minutes after unlocking Lizardman
I quit out to save once I got him, and turned off the console when the 'Save Completed' popup came. Instantly remembered that's how you corrupt your shit, you had to press X one more time and get to the main menu before turning off

Sure enough, data corrupted. I was so pissed

I just quit for three days and come back later once I forgot what happened. I really don't see how anyone can justify breaking shit.

Around 1:20 this guy flips his shit real hard



I close the game after failing the last round in Vanquish's Tac Challenge 6 moments from winning because it was frustrating.

I don't really get mad at the games. I get mad at the people. Even if you try to be nice, everyone is just a massive cunt.

I mean yeah, obviously I regret it. But it went down and I figure y'all can get some decent schadenfreude from it at the very least

most you'll get from me is wowwwwwwww that was bullsssssshit and maybe an angry slapping both of my palms together I've never yelled at the top of my lungs or broke anything that is fucking dumb lol