Will the Switch be remembered as Nintendo's best console ?

Will the Switch be remembered as Nintendo's best console ?

None of the games you listed are good

Sonic Mania is on everything, why is that listed?

To tip off the fact that this is a false flag thread.

This but exactly the oposite.

i am more worried about nintendos worst 2nd year lineup

I think so. Best Zelda, best Mario (or second best one), best Mario Kart, lots of good exclusives such as Xeno2, Spl2n, Metroid, FE, Pokemon


That’s some terrible box art. Games are mostly good.


Not when the Gamecube exists.

The gamecube only had five good games user

And those five games are some of the best games ever made. Quality > Quantity

Mario is good...a bit shallow but solid.

Zelda isn't exclusive and Sup Forums for years said exclusives don't count as games. Same goes for Mario Kart. Rabbids and Splatoon are okay games, they sure as fuck aren't great. I have no clue about the sonic game.

>2 ports
>a barebones sequel
>a multiplataform
>a game not made by Nintendo

I agree. You can play a higher quality version of all the good gamecube games on other consoles

where the fuck are the online services/apps?
where is the virtual console?

Forgot pic

>Mania, Mario Kart and Zelda aren't exclusive

Not with that lineup it won't be

You posted this a few hours ago.

>where is the virtual console?
It will be available after you buy the n64 mini gamecube mini, Wii mini and the Wii u mini.

Alright Wiifag, just remember your games are waggle shit and piggybacking off of previous console libraries being the only redeeming feature isn't a good thing.

There won't be virtual console, they'll just keep releasing meme emulation boxes

>where is the virtual console?
I'm almost certain they're stalling on the VC so that they can rinse people out of more money with the NES and SNES mini.

That, and Nintendo has this autistic obsession with creating their own in-house emulators from scratch each time they have a new console iteration. If they just paid a tidy sum to some basement dweller gaijins they'd have the VC on Switch by now.

i REALLY hope this isn't true

>Only accepting first-party games
Let me know what you think of PS4 and Xbone.