What went wrong?

What went wrong?

pubg happened

Cooldown abilities in an FPS

Too much focus on teamplay and counter picking yields a minimal focus on individual skill

Game winning pushes and teamplay strategy consists of coordinating q presses

actiblizz can't make good games, dunno why people are surprised

Nothing it's one of the most popular games right now just because you don't like it didn't mean it failed must be an only child

Not enough room for the individual to shine.

ultimates were a huge mistake
blizzard cant balance games for shit

Not having to back off for ammo pickups

Created the perfect woman

Terrible balancing and forcing people to play characters they don't want to for team countering.

Sure it has it's cons but it's still a fun casual game. Only autists that take the game far too seriously and complain because they couldn't get the competitive E-Peen rank they wanted shit up Sup Forums with their complaints.

Ultimates are fine as a concept.
But you need to have consistency with how they work. A lot of ults simply seem like an after-thought, or poorly balanced.
Compare Lucio's ult to Zenyatta's for instance, they're just in vastly different weight-classes, and for seemingly no reason - same with Phara versus Genji - it's just vastly different weight-classes and it doesn't feel consistent.

Too many entitled silvers and bronzies, in CSGO casuals know their place, but in this game, braindead people make balancing decisons

>Less balance than Paladins
>Less character than Paladins
>Worst gameplay then Paladins
>Loot Boxes in full price game
>too much shitskins
>users banned for stupid reasons

Mad faggots moan about it on Sup Forums to get a rise out of other people.

I shit on OW because I paid full price for this shit game and I regret it.

Looks like it worked

It capitalized on the self-inflicted retardation of it's main competitor early on, and as such stood uncontested at the top of it's genre. Without somebody nipping at it's heels to spur competition and improve it will eventually fade. It is not something that went wrong, but there are very limited options and ways to play.

le PvP ASSFAGGOTS fps meme

God I hate OverWatch. The shallow game design makes it a shining example on how fucking AWFUL the gaming industry has become.

Complex maneuvers are dumbed down into a press of a button (Press SHIFT to fly high as Pharah!), alongside every character running at the same speed makes every game feel incredibly boring.

The character design is mediocre at best. Character depth is dumped for sexy looks, different skin tones, or for mass appeal. (I'm a quirky British girl! I'm an edgy Japanese ninja! I'm a dirty Aussie!) They have none of the charm of the stereotypes they represent, let alone anything memorable.

The average person could probably quote the entire Meet the Team videos but most people can probably at most remember "Cheers luv, the Cavalry's here!". At the very least they could have put some banter to accommodate for it, but all you'd hear is characters praising each other with the worst interaction being Widow calling D.va a child, because god forbid anything possibly controversial.

The competitive scene feels forced and unnatural. Instead of letting the community develop the scene, Blizzard threw money at it since beta in an attempt to make it the next big eSport. This practice gotten so bad that it negatively affected other game features.

QP got hero limits to make it more like comp. Hero balances are made to appeal to comp. Community toxicity runs rampant because of the focus on comp.

Play a match in Overwatch and 9 times out of 10 you'd see the match end with people pointing fingers and whining about how the DPS is shit or how the Tanks are retarded. But hey, Blizzard's trying their best to resolve it! Maybe don't play out of meta or spam voicelines and you'll be safe!

When I pay $40 for a game, I'd expect all of the content in getting it. Not the bare minimum in (mediocre) gameplay, with 98% of the cosmetics locked behind a weekly reward of a few free loot boxes with the option to spend MORE MONEY for a chance to unlock it. It's fucking retarded.

Only Valve can make a good TF2 copy.

>Hero balances are made to appeal to comp.

ayy lmao, i wish they were made to appeal to comp

Balance is made to appeal to silvers and goldies though, e.g roadhog nerfs and reworks.
This is just a single example of a lot more, but the hero had mediocre pick and win rates in actual competitive matches and was nerfed because the dum dum playerbase couldnt handle it.

healers are too necessary.
shields arent a fun mechanic.
maps are chokepoint bullshit (granted the maps are getting better.
and some characters are too simple to play and the difference between a good player and a bad player is literally just how good you can aim.

no mod support

The trailers and the porn are better than the actual game.

For me, they updated and changed the game so much that I coulsnt keep up. I played it for months straight, left for a week, then EVERYTHING changed to the point where I didnt know how to use my favorite characters anymore.

to be fair, credit where credit is due and Dva is so much more fun to play now than she was at launch.

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with cooldowns, it prevents spam and keeps players from having to leave the fight and go hunt for resources (unfun).
I do agree with everything else you said, though.

How to fix Overwatch:
>Remove all ultimate abilities
>Increase the speed of all players
>Nerf the healing rate of Ana and Mercy
>Add more health packs to the map
>Add more flanking routes to the map

someone post the massive dva with the thick bulge

Blizzard balance, but now in a FPS it only takes like 2-3 days for people to break it and form a cancerous "play it or lose" meta. With so few characters in the standout roles people like Reinhardt and Mercy just become too mainstay.

This, why do games have to update so often? I felt the same way with Halo 5, I took a break for half a year, and it was a whole new game when I came back.

Content and event updates are nice because they keep people coming back, but if you have to rebalancing shit every month then you're shit at balancing. Not to mention sometimes they REMOVE content like playlists and gamemodes...


It's a fucking FPS Moba.

It's the same reason halo 3 got cucked by Modernwarfare back in the day.

ITT: tf2 babbies who can't handle the fact that Overwatch deleted their playerbase

Sorry you're such a poorfag

All the maps focus on choke points. The playerbase is a bunch of trannies and fags who can't handle trash talk.

>Blizzard balancing
>Half the roster isn't really viable, are outclassed by the meta heroes to where you to get yelled at if you even want to play them
>teamplay and positioning is the main skill focus rather than mechanical skill, if one of your allies is a faggot or throws the game you basically auto-lose.
>blizzard focusing too much on shilling esports and pandering to as wide of audience as possible
>slow paced, not necessarily a bad thing if the game is balanced around it, but it clearly isn't. Mobile heroes like genji and tracer are complete monsters.
>Incredibly slow updates making the game get boring and feel stale, only 1-2 hero releases a year and a handful of balance changes. Blizzard instead focuses development on shitty cash grab events where they just release skins for the users to buy gamble lootboxes.
>Game feels boring and same-y after a few matches, likely due to the slow content updates mentioned above as well as the meta reducing the amount of heroes you can effectively play
>New character releases have all been awful, either underpowered or completely broken. Designs have also been pretty bad, both in ability and aesthetics
>No personality or solid lore. I hate to compare the game to tf2, but for a game that advertises itself with "lore" animated shorts, it really lacks it. Characters are tropey and bland, and even in comics and shorts the story and world isn't really expanded on. TF2 whilst silly, has more memorable, fleshed out characters.

I just fucking loved Road hog pre-nerf and am sad to see how much he was gutted compared to the fucking ridiculous state of Mercy at the moment. I literally could ignore most of Overwatches flaws because how much fun I had with him.


The end.

i am in a similar boat.
i still can have fun playing overwatch simply because Pharah is really satisfying and fun to play.
however due to the forced Meta bullshit in ranked and people getting mad and triggered almost instantly it makes it a pain in the ass to play the game if your team just stops trying.

>Hunting for resources is not fun

Legit go fuck yourself. Resources such as ammo forces team synergy to have weaknesses as well as escape options when it all falls apart. Overwatch is so mindnumbingly boring.

But new Dva fucking sucks.

i highly disagree.
the rockets are really fun and being able to shoot while flying should have been in the game from day 1.

She's pretty useful for charging my ult at least.

The characters only have one weapon and a shitty melee attack, how is being unable to do anything fun? Ammo pickups work in games where the characters have backup weapons and/or can switch on the fly, but your main gun is practically everything in Overwatch.

Don't get me wrong, the game has problems, but cooldowns aren't one of them.