B-but i thought we wuz kangz?

b-but i thought we wuz kangz?

What does this have to do with Vidya? .

african blacks don't think they were egyptians, it's an ameritard thing.

Wrong board

>kangz not vidya

Aside from all the murderers, thieves, and rapists native africans are actually pretty based

>actual ancient empires all over africa
>afro-murricans identify with the one non-black empire

>african blacks
how fucking stupid are you

can someone post the video of the guys apeing out in a congress in south africa because they want to accuse all the white people of racism?

I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS! HAHAHA (please don't ban me for use of the n word I'm just trying to fit in with my fellow Sup Forumsgaffers)

DELETE THIS liberals think only whites are racist

it's because the descendants of slaves were never taught their heritage and are mostly mixed together anyway, so they just associate themselves with Africa as a whole.
The most well-known and impressive African civilization was the ancient egyptians.

So about 3% of the male African population?

The absolute STATE of Sup Forums these days

Only retarded American blacks think that

Everybody hates subsaharian africans,every single race on earth.

yeah but only because african blacks are too stupid to even know about ancient egypt.

Containment boards don't work

Lol you're mad cus someone say n*gger

>we wuz kingz ‘n sheeit
>not vidya

Fuckin newfags

>kingdom of Kush

Google it.



Six in the morn
Fire in the streets
Burn baby burn
That's all I wanna see

not as much as every single race on Earth hates the jews, the ethnic tribe of people kicked out of 359 countries, regions and locations since 77B.C. and that's only what's officially recorded. for over 2,000 years every single group of people on the face of planet Earth who encountered the wandering jew has wanted them to have nothing to do with their civilisation and societies

every few generations forget however because the kikes control the media, entertainment industries, finance, food industries, big pharma, lobbies and every other faucet of your existence so its very easy for dumb dumb test tube gub gub people to never bother reading books


Egypt pretty much enslaved everyone that happened to be in whipping distance though.

This fucking board and entire site is pure refined cancer at this point