The only healer on your team is a russian

>the only healer on your team is a russian
>can't speak english so he starts speaking in russian without anybody else understanding him

Why do you need to understand your healer?


I never have issues crossing the language barrier. Google translate exists and we can copy-paste eachother a few words to establish basic communication or explain important mechanics.


Only a true nigger could handle that amount of ass fat. Randalin is kinda sexy tho.

its funny, russian and germans constantly keep talking in their language expecting other people to eventually understand what they are saying.
they are rediculously insecure about their english skills.


She's not for everyone but the longing in her eyes is elite. She's a brilliant teaser.

oh baby

That's some kind of genetic problem, right? There's no way you can have an ass that fat without the rest of your body being fat too


Maybe, but I'm pretty sure that she intentionally wanted her legs like that. She's probably a bit fucked in the head and thinks its incredibly sexy to have obese legs and ass while having a normal upper body. My guess is that she used to be obese, started working out upper body and had surgery but kept everything below the waist as fat as she could.

Oink Oink

That isn't how the burning of fatty tissue works tho

>being this retarded

>i'm pretty sure
>my guess

just fucking stop, nobody wants to read your unfiltered presumptions

Why are niggers attracted to these kind of women?

Wait, it's impossible to start out totally obese but for the most part stay bed ridden but just work you upper body with situps and weight lifting while maintaining your fat legs?

>white boys don't like superior breeding stock

>unfiltered presumptions

This is almost every single post on Sup Forums

My gf is Russian and she does this when she's mad at me. It's wonderful because I never have to listen to her bitch.

Why do Russian do this? It's almost always only Russians doing this as well. Why the fuck would they assume someone who can speak English, the goddamn global business language, would be able to speak some shit language barely 200 million people speak? Fuck me there's almost as many people speaking Turkish as Russian ffs. and a lot of people can't hear the difference between them.

A friend of mine uses cutting cream it pushes liquid out and with caloric deficit destroys local fat cells.

Your entire body serves as an energy storage, meaning it doesn't matter what part of it you work out

No way she gets all when she whipes her ass

nice thread

Not him but no, a body will burn fat throughout when there's a caloric deficit. You can kind of do it with glycogen but not the kind of fat she's rocking on her lower body. I'm inclined to believe the genetic disorder or surgery angle the other user said is most likely.

t. former manager of a General Nutrition Center and someone who has exercised religiously for over 15 years.

Your legs will lose weight evenly with the rest of your body, they just wont be toned like your upper body in that case. Where the majority of your fat stores is based on genetics but even then it doesn't affect it to that degree. Also randalin has Lipedema.

you cant just lose fat from one part of your body by working out
that's not how it works

>he doesn't know about liposuction and plastic surgery

Because most Russians can't speak English for shit. My gf has been speaking it for 15 years and she still struggles with some words and concepts.

>he can't read

at least some people attempt to mask it

How do you get rid of babyfat on your face?

It's not just russians, not sure why you would assume that. The reason why you don't see other "almost 3rd world" shitters like the Chinese, Turks, Peruvians, eastern europeans etc. do the same is because either there just isn't that many of them or they have their own versions of the websites/serves etc. so they don't have to go to the english-speaking ones.

Also, as a russian myself, there's a whole brainwashing program (which isn't really a program but rather an side effect of a shared mindset of the post-soviet shithole) of your language being superior to all the other ones at russian schools in addition to the anti-american anti-english anti-everyone but us propaganda which also helps in the development of anglophobic youth

>like to main the healer/support class
>dont trust the rest of the team to carry the game if i do

Excuse me while get my Irish citizenship. That ass is too fat.

Suddenly I begin to think that having the genes of dyslexia might have been the greatest blessing for me, yeah sure I know everything is shit, but at least I don't have genes that forces most of my fat to swell up in my lower body region.

Genes: Fucked up shit