NEETs spend 10 years of their lives making a video game

>NEETs spend 10 years of their lives making a video game
>its a 2D side scroller that can be completed in a few hours

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Shut the fuck up it has dope ass Art Design and Animation. Its pretty cool, No hate. And I havent even played it.

they're also millionaire now. have fun pumping gas


but I'm on welfare and never worked a day in my life, and don't own a car because I'm not a normalfag so I don't pump gas, bitch.

t. casual who never played the game and met chad

and it sold over million copies, now share your achievements dumbcuck

>I'm nigger that makes me better

>has to beg to get a potato machine console

>one developer is a chad
>they're literally millonaries now
>an awesome art style that is inspiring everyone
>Sup Forums keeps talking about it every day
Kill yourself.

>team of over 200 veteran and other highly skilled artists, animators, sound designers and programmers spend four years making a movie
>it's only 90 minutes long

>being a literal nigger

>NEET spends hours a day posting on Sup Forums for years
>spends more time here than actually playing games
>his life will amount to nothing and he'll be remembered by no one

>Plane bosses on expert


Wow, you sure showed him. I bet he feels really silly about challenging you, now. Implying that you have a shitty job, when in fact you have never had a job at all? What a faux pas.

Pumping gas refers to working a shitty menial job, not pumping gas for your own car you fucking idiot

They didn't really start making the game until like a year or two ago when they got funded and the game became more than just a boss gallery.

Check yo facts before you shit post.


>bragging about not having a car to pump gas in

>NEETs spend 30 years of their lives making an animated film.
>It can be completed in a few hours.

What's the point?

>dope ass
God I hate the adoption of negroid culture. Have some self respect.


Cocksucker quit LARPing as OP

You aren't OP

>They didn't really start making the game until like a year or two ago
I didn't know that, it gives me hope for a dlc, as in a dlc that won't come in two years.

>people actually replying to this bait seriously
cmon guys, he was only pretending to be retarded.

I beat them using the weapon swap exploit x)

Just enjoy one of the best 2017's OST guys

Isn't the game like 90% boss gallery? The boss fights in the 2015 trailer are p much the same as when they released

It is, user was trying a little bit too hard to defend his game.