What's with the obsession of game length? A lengthy game isn't necessarily a good game. And no game, recently released...

What's with the obsession of game length? A lengthy game isn't necessarily a good game. And no game, recently released, had issues with this.

When NEETs finish video games they have nothing to do but shitpost on the internet, so they want video games to be as long as possible.

Because 1h=1$ meme. But hey japs maybe want their games to atleast 1000 hours.

It all depends on the content and the kind of game.

A 2 hour puzzle game with some writing on it, I'll pass. A shooter with a 6 hour campaign that doesn't really offer much of anything besides any other shooter for the last 20 years, I'll pass. An RPG that's worth 200-300 hours but is filled with generic shitty quests and repetitive crap, I'll pass.

>dat toilet room rape scene
Love dem viper games

Is Viper even around anymore?

Not for a long time sadly

Never ever thought I would fall in love with a pear

I used to complain about length until I realized that a lot of long games have tons of grinding (to make up for the price?)

So if a long game equals good game does that make Dragon Warrior VII the best game ever? Average playthrough of DWVII takes around 120 hours and that is just playing through the game normally.

Shame. I'm a sucker for early 90's anime designs and Viper's stuff was perfect.

It's a pretty good game, though.

It all started with the Gone Home vidya gaem, which turned playtimes into a laughing stock if it was too short.
Since then any new release gets peppered with "ONLY X HOURS TO BEAT, X-FAGS ON SUICIDE WATCH"

So yeah. It's always been content > playtime. Some of my favorite games fall within 20-30 hours to max%, with beating them in 10 hours being perfectly reasonable.
Expectations have been for any AAA game to have at LEAST 60 hours of playtime or some shiz

If it isn't padded out or a grindfest, can continuously introduce new concepts and ideas without resorting to one-off setpieces and has mechanics that can be thoroughly explored during its runtime the length justifies itself and it becomes good value for money.

Some shmups are the greatest games ever and you can finish them in under one hour,length means shit.

>no game, recently released, had issues with this.
The fuck are you smoking? Games are pathetically short nowadays.

Persona 5 is one of the best recent examples of how a longer game is not automatically a better game. It had so much padding and dragged on and on. Remove some of the free days, make mementos completely optional/postgame and shorten some of the palaces a bit and it would be a 4 star game for me instead of 3 star.

Short games are fine if they're good and especially if they have plenty of replayability.
But there seems to be a trend of walking simulators lately and they're neither fun nor have any replayability.

That's not always true though, NEETs like myself just pirate another game or play games that are f2p to begin with. Those are just self entitled moralfags.

Because most gamers alive today grew up on games made harder at the request of console manufacturers. As we start dying the pardigm will shift.

I blame the e-celeb culture. These guys have more influence on game market than anyone else right now, and they gravitate towards long games because of ease of streaming. Shit got worse as Youtube and twitch blew up.

Game length discussion has been a thing ever since the PS1 days after jrpgs became popular, if a game was less than 20 hours long it was shit.
Walking simulator shouldn't be that long anyway, gone home's problem was the high pricepoint for such a lame story and reviewers calling it the next coming of Jesus.

I recognize this anime slut

>old viper works
where can these be found actually? Can only find a couple gifs on gelbooru but that's it. Is there more to it?

They're all on sanic.

as in "gotta go fast" sanic?

>What's with the obsession of game length?

lots of people that play games just want an activity to do. It doesn't matter if you're doing the exact same shit 60 hours in as you were 0 hours in with higher stats as long as there's some illusion of change like different models or skins. Like, in a shitty 3D action game a dog, melee bandit and bear all fight the same way. They charge into melee combat and stay there until they die. It's the exact same experience every time but they're "different" because the models are different.

If you look at a loot driven game such as Diablo you can see that players are totally content running the same dungeons over and over again to get better gear so they can run the same dungeons faster

I've noticed that the older i get the less interested i am in open world games, 10 years ago the idea of having these massive maps was the dream and now it's oh filler? Meh I'll skip this one too
Hell this year i only played 2 new games i think and now I'm skipping everything except nioh and im waiting for ace combat 7

Which Viper game is OP pic?