Post vaporware that hurts the most
Post vaporware that hurts the most
I'll post vaporwave
Still waiting for Shaq Fu 2 but it'll probably be complete trash
Bannerlord 2
it's not 2013 anymore, buddy
no, dont... it's ok you dont have to...
Hold me
just a little more
>Hey guys we're delaying the game, but it'll only be by a few months maximum!
>Posted one year ago
This hurts. Worst part is it'll come out and there will be no mention of Charles
It's still coming, right guys?
>Not posting Kobewave
lmaoing @ur lyfe
One bump for sadness and depression
There was an update this month
I'm frankly amazed
As far as I know they're out of money. That's why they're at a snail's pace now. I wouldn't mind another round of funding to give them the final push to finish but idk if they'll be realistic about their costs. I also don't know what they'd give backers that fund a second time.
>As far as I know they're out of money. That's why they're at a snail's pace now
oh wow. Did they mention this on a stream?
>I also don't know what they'd give backers that fund a second time.
a video game would be nice
not interested in reddit memes sorry
It was in one of their past updates or backer emails. Essentially to the effect of "we're developing this out of our own pockets now inbetween our real jobs".
Synthwave > Vaporwave
my faith is unwavering
my devotion is unshakeable
vidya will be restored and elevated by this work of divinity for all time
true doom metal heads will inherit gaming nirvana
If they ran out of money they weren't realistic about their costs from the beginning
Mount and Blade: Bannerlord
This upcoming Dwarf Fortress update
B-But they updated for the first time in months just a week or two ago
They ileven said that they're pretty much finished the tutorial
Still on track for 2023 my man.
>This upcoming Dwarf Fortress update
How fucking long has it been?
We'll never get to go alien bounty hunting in a cyberpunk world.
>oh wow. Did they mention this on a stream?
They didn't raise that much in the first place and that was years ago. they all quit their jobs at the time and worked from the same house for like 2 years to stretch the money, then had to get jobs again.