Sales Thread

No sales thread? Seriously guys?
I'm thinking about buying Bastion and Furi, how is Ruiner, worth 18 bucks?
I also have this -50% coupon for Civ VI, it says that it's tradable, if someone is interested I'd trade it for a cheap as fuck game.

>Sales Thread
>no reply.
What's going on on this board, are you people too busy shitposting on Mario threads or something.

Last bump.

>What's going on on this board
It's a pirate shithole. Welcome to 4chins, enjoy your stay.

>Halloween sale
Wait for something worthwhile like Winter.

Everybody already has all the games they want and sales aren't as good as they were last year.

>typing of the dead isnt on sale
>for halloween
its all I really wanted tho

>buying any Civilization game before the ultra super mega deluxe complete game of all time edition is released 5 years later and actually works for $19.99

Nobody's talking about it most likely because the sale is shit.

1) Sale is subpar, lots of games not on sale for nearly as much as they will be later on
2) Everyone got that Civ VI discount coupon
3) Bastion is okay, I didn't care for it too much for the price it'll be worth it. Furi is amazing for the OST alone.
idk on Ruiner.

Bought the base version of Grim Dawn, but the DLC wasn't on sale, so I didn't buy it. Is it worth playing the base version or do I really need the DLC and should just wait until I can get it?

What are you looking for for that coupon?

I'll give you mine for free user

Reminder that there are games available on GOG Connect.

The following games are cheaper on Steam, so if you want a GOG copy, it would be cheaper to buy a Steam copy and then use GOG Connect to claim the GOG copy for free. (If you would rather avoid giving money to Steam and pay more for the GOG version without getting a Steam version, that's cool too.)

• Amnesia: The Dark Descent
• Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
• Dracula 4 and 5
• Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi
• Stasis
• Sunless Sea

The following games are the same price on both stores. If you want two copies of one of these, buy it on Steam and port it over to GOG.

• Darkwood
• Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut
• The Last Door: Season 1
• The Last Door: Season 2
• Layers of Fear
• >observer_
• Pathologic Classic HD
• Postal
• Shattered Haven
• The Walking Dead: Season 1
• The Walking Dead: Season 2
• The Walking Dead: Michonne
• The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
• The Void

The following games are cheaper on GOG, so if you only want GOG copies, don't bother buying them on Steam.

• Bad Mojo Redux
• Corpse Party
• Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
• Knock-Knock
• Realms of the Haunting
• Skyhill
• Smugglers V: Invasion

And then there's this game, which is cheaper on GOG than on Steam, but even cheaper if you get a Steam key through the Humble "Down Under" Bundle. If you buy it on Humble Bundle, redeem the key on Steam, and then redeem a GOG copy via GOG Connect, you'll have three copies of it for $1. Is the game good? I don't know. But it exists.

• Hand of Fate

I wanted to buy Yomawari but I noticed the sequel is 30 bucks and not actually on sale.

The summer and winter sales aren't much better, these days. There are no daily deals, so the discounts just stay the same for two weeks and there's no reason to check after day one, unless you want trading cards, which are the only special thing that ever happens during a sale anymore.

>still supporting valve and steam in 2017
>supporting a platform that bans all mention of Sup Forums while promoting neogaf, ign, reddit, rps
>Gabe Newell: "The link filter is used in chats to prevent people from sending known scam links to their friends. If you want to link to that site use another chat service. Steam will not be removing its protection."
steam is trash and SJW central these days

>wanting links to Sup Forums on the Steam community

No thanks.

based redditbro

>not wanting newfags to advertise Sup Forums to other newfags is a "reddit" thing now

>censorship is OK
>sharing Sup Forums links with your friends is bad
>supporting NeoGaf and ResetEra is OK
based reddit SJW glad you're on the right side of herstory

>being this mad that you can't share epic Sup Forums memes with your normie friends

your thread failed loser, get over it. shit sale, shit platform, shit country

GOG is better

>"your thread"

If I were OP then I wouldn't be able to bump the thread, as I'm doing right now.

Thanks for proving that you're new here.

>he takes notice of whether a shit thread is getting bumped
redditbro trying very hard to fit in but ends up literally seething

I didn't "take notice" of it being bumped. I know for a fact that it's being bumped simply because I am posting it in without sage and am not OP.

at what

obsessed seething mad reddicuck
let it go kid, nobody wants to talk about steam anymore. take it to whatever subreddit you crawled out of

>he's still replying in a thread he claims he doesn't care about

I also have a 50% off coupon for the deluxe version of civ 6. I'll trade it for a cheap fightan game.


yeah you and everyone else on steam who owns any civ game has that voucher you retarded cuck what makes you think anyone would pay money for a voucher? kys steam cuck

>resorting to anime reaction faces and all-caps