Fail QTE

>Fail QTE
>Instant game over

Other urls found in this thread:

name five games that do this

>Fail QTE
>Instant death

>Your only punishment is a loading screen

>fail QTE
>game deletes itself off your computer

Name one game that tops Ace Combat AH in terms of QTE overdoses
Protip: you can't

>fail QTE
>game deletes your computer

What's the point of spotting if you're just going to keep your hands a fucking feet above where he could reach at most?


There should be a gameover regardless. People who buy games with QTE should just face a game over screen.

Bayonetta 1's only flaw.

You don't spot during the reps, you spot when the guy is visible struggling. If you are benching seeing someones hands over your face doesn't help.

It's not like he started already though, I figured you'd hold your hands away if you're sure he's not struggling. If he hasn't started yet then you can't be sure.

It slipped. He wasn't struggling at all.

>fail qte
>game over
>have to sit through unskippable cutscenes before trying again

You can tell that in retrospect, but not during I think.

>fail QTE
>your mom dies in her sleep tonight unless you give me a (you)


resident evil 4
uncharted 1
uncharted 2
uncharted 3
tomb raider reboot

(You) bastard

>fail boss kill QTE
>QTE restarts
>if you fail it enough times the entire fight restarts



>Fail QTE
>Triggers another QTE that's the character trying something else

Dying Lights final boss.

>Fail QTE

D, D2, BIOHAZARD 4, Shadow of Memories, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CLOCK TOWER EVER...and a shitton more.

>Fail QTE
>The game carries on but you have less health

Shenmue II.

>Sup Forums tells me to play with the ching chong dub because the american voice of Zelda is horrible
>It's absolutely fucking perfect
I'm literally never listening to you again faggots.

>game has QTEs

>qte during a cutscene in co-op
>lag keeps causing you to fail
>have to watch the cutscene over and over again
>with the same dialog over and over again

Fuck (you)


>Fail Sudden QTE
>Character dies and affects the story

I dropped bayonetta over this


fuck you my mom has stage 4 cancer and i pray every day that its not today