November: The month Switch finally got games

November: The month Switch finally got games.

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>all ports

so this is...the power...

Nintendo Power...

>half a decade old games

what happened to Sam?

Why are the majority of 3rd party titles on Switch from Bethesda?

Now you're playing with Power.

Why do they rerelease revelations? Nobody really liked it.

To shill a GnG clone with barry. Not even kidding.

Revelations 1 was great

Just in time for Steam Sales season where I can buy all of those games for the price of one Switch game.

>Staying mad at a company for no other reason than to get a reaction out of people on an anonymous forum because of no friends irl..

Stay lonely

>we want the too-poor-to-afford-a-PC audience

>buy new console
>get decade old games on low settings
>at 30 fps

I'm actually excited for all of these because I haven't gotten to play any of them yet. Except Revelations 1. And I heard 2 isn't great, so I might skip the collection.

But I'm mostly excited for L.A Noire.

>You can bring a desktop PC with you to work
>You can sit in a park in the sun with a desktop PC
>You can go to friends house with your Desktop PC
>You can play your Desktop PC on the bus to work

Portability is lost on you social life fearing virgins.

I'm excited for LA Noire, but i'd rather get it on PS4.

Have you even been on the eshop?

>plays video games in public
>calls other people virgins
This is what the world thinks of you

>Quentin meme in 2017

Neck yourself

i miss him

>Post a 2009 macro that hasn't been relevant for over 5 years.

Wake up kid. "Nerd cred" is and has been a hot topic for socialites for the past 4 years ever wince the retro game boom. You aren't given swirlies by the jocks anymore and shunned by the women who don't understand what a computer does. That era has come and gone, and you haven't left the sanctity of your basement to even know this? I mean this in the most literal sense: Get a fucking life.

Looks like he's upside down being a silly faggot.


>Implying /that/ even remotely has the power of a titan or any decent card to run PC games at 60FPS.


>Implying /that/ even remotely has the power of a titan
Wait, a Nintendo Switch does?

Don't know why that surprises you. Maybe if you actually owned one instead of shitposting on the internet, you'd know this.

The More You Know :Star:

Bleh, i didn't bought a switch for this shit.
played for 2 hours before uninstalling
>L.A. noire
same as above
Half a decade old at this point, who hasn't played it yet?
>RE Revelations
decent RE games, already completed them though.

Doomguy confirmed for Smash before Shantae

Shantae was never going to be in smash you mook. Matt made a joke post to his backers and they went rabbid with it and made a campaign out of it.

2 is better than 1.

What games is that and how well does it run?
Also I got a laptop so that I can play on the train/at work. I am really THAT autistic.

>last console was filled with exclusives
>it sold worse than rocks
ports sell, get over it

>bring back the shitty teammate mechanic from 5.

Yeah no.

>All games people have beaten like a red-headed stepchild over and over again

I adored Rev1 on release and still think it's one of the better RE games overall. Rev2 was alright, still vastly superior to RE5/6.

It's the GPD Win

Atom with integrated graphics but still runs Skyrim/Arkham/Bioshock/etc.


>This is what the world thinks of you
Are you one of those people that think everyone is secretly watching you, giving a shit about anything you do? You're not that special, sweetheart.

Giving the characters different abilities and toning down the bullshit made the teammate stuff infinitely better than it was in 5 or 6. Meanwhile Revelations 1 was ruined by awful flashback missions.

>"hahaha switch has no 3rd party games"
>switch gets 3rd party games
>"hahaha switch has 3rd party games"

Let's all take a moment to appreciate Jill's thiccness in Revelations

As someone who hates co-op and partners in horror games (hell, the worst chapter I've played in The Evil Within 2 by far was the Torres one) Rev2 is the most bearable because you can actually play that shit competently solo and it doesn't get bogged down its own ass with the characters and narrative. I actually liked the dynamics used too - one character fights, the other is support and it's actually not an actionfest because of it.

The golden era of toddposting begins

I don't see anything I want.


>moving the goalposts as usual
>you can only enjoy a game on the day it was released

One of Rev1's best missions was a flashback mission. Namely, the lategame Parker one where he's escaping from a building full of Hunters and it starts you off with TEW levels of ammo. It's like the one moment in the game where ammo management actually matters a lot and it's great.

Doom is impressive, the others are not, they still need modern third party games which they're getting but going by Wolfenstein 2 they'll get delayed versions

>Buy new handheld
>Play GOTY revered console games in the palm of your hand

Why does it need to be impressive?
You people were constantly shitting on the Switch for not having 3rd party games, and now it does.

Is DOOm really that bad? Trying to cancel pre-orders and not have so many games year one after xenoverse 2 being awful.

It's probably the best shooter since FEAR. Switch port may be iffy though.

oooo skyrim great ooooo i cant wait to playi t oooo

>Buy new console
>Get shitty gimped versions of games you can get on steam for cheap
I understand why you would buy a switch for the exclusives but these shitty ports are downright retarded

It's not terrible, but you're insane if you're trying to get it on the Switch.

>It's probably the best shooter since FEAR
It's incredibly sad that this is probably true.

Yuck, I wouldn't touch any of those pieces of shit outside of DOOM with a 50-foot pole. Especially shitrim, I don't want to think how garbage that piece of shit game is now with its dogshit graphics, bug and no mods on top of that....I'd kill myself if I had to play that garbage again.

It amazes me how much Sup Forums vastly underestimates the wantability of the switch.

Switch is the most expected/wanted item for the holidays right now, primarily by people who ahve yet to buy/couldn't fine one. YOu need to realize the common public doesn't give two shits about hardware fidelity or better performance. They want a handheld device with popular games they can take places with them that isn't a phone. Whether you want to admit it or not, Mario and Zelda alone are so iconic these days that people will buy the product whether or not they like it, just to have the conversation topic and to be a trend follower.

Just the other day at work, one of my co-workers made a comment about a guys hat looking like a mario cap, and that suddenly spurred a discussion on everyone wanting odyssey, but a switch being to expensive for it. This is in financial district and banking, mind you.

It's ok if you like rooty tooty point and shooty i guess, which is not my case.

He was never funny and his show didn't go over well and brought in too much controversy. Now he's selling all his Bitcoins and working fulltime on an app version of one of the stories in the MDE book.

i've already played 2 of those games to death. will there be anything new about them on the switch?

It's fun but it's bogged down by many poor creative decisions, especially the terrible level design. Don't get it on Switch, they've already confirmed that it's significantly gimped.

You could say this about ANY game on any console.

People don't normally hold onto consoles mate. The average video game player tends to have 2-3 consoles max, and sells off ones they don't want/need anymore. So the majority of people who bought a PS3, Liked skyrim/noire/Revelations, Probably would be thrilled to buy it back on their newer console they moved on to.

Yeah, so what?

Yes I definitely could.
Why do you think people play PC?

*Why do you think Sup Forums plays on PC

Sup Forums is not representitive of "the people" Try going out and asking people on the streets if they play computer games. The answer may shock you.

Nope. I rather play Revelations 1 and 2 over RE5 and RE6 any day. They're underrated as fuck and are fun games.

What does that have to do with the fact that you're playing a gimped version of a game?

That nobody but you and this "community" (If you can even call it that), Cares. A good game is a good game regardless of platform used. Nobody needs, wants nor cares for your petty graphics elitism.

>As we all know only Sup Forums plays PC
Despite the stupidity of that, you're still paying 60 dollars for a shit version of games available in other consoles

Lmfao everybody in my country plays CSGO, PUBG, LOL and DOTA and almost nobody has a console

>Availible on other consoles

Yes, because every single video gamer owns every single consoles. Clearly.

>Graphics elitism
> Nobody but you
> A good game is still good if it's completely gimped
Oh i get it now, nice bait

Stay salty friendos

>it sold like shit because the console had a terrible day 1 UI that took 5 minutes to get to the home screen if you used any auxiliary features, had no games for a year and low games for 2 years, and had a terrible marketing campaign. Parents all the time thought that the wii u was just a gamepad attachment for the Wii because whoever marketed that at Nintendo sucks at their job.

Then you combine the actual meat of the titles, a bunch of single player games, Bayo 2, W101, your couch co-op games in a period where nobody I grew up with even live near each other. And you have this. A whole lot of nothing

hi bethesda

Browser/Client based MMO =/= PC game

"Gimped" is your subjective term. It runs fine on the console it's made and optomized for. Its only "gimped" to you because you've played your "superior" version on an overcloced several thousand dollar waste of money.

wow 2 games

2 whole games


>This PC game isn't a PC game because i said so!
Nobody can be this stupid

>took the ps4 more than a year to get bloodborne
>the switch already has two of the higest rated games ever in one year
>xbox still has no games (pc games don't count)

A console is judged by it's power games

Revelations 1 sure it's a underrated gem that mixes old and new Resident Evil. 2 can go and die in a fire with the retarded forced abd hamfisted co-op campaing. Raid mode it's awesome doe

>Browser/Client based MMO
Holy fuck which of the games listed in that post were games like you're describing?

>several thousand dollar waste of money
I'm actually starting to cry from laughter

Revelations 1 it is awesome, 2 Is a mixed bag: raid mode is awesome, campaign it's fucking garbitch

>selling all his Bitcoins

So he's rich?

Retail PC games are full time $60 investments. A free to play MMO is not. Its that simple.

Retail is not free to play. PC games are PC games, not internet based server games. A mboile game getting a PC port doesnt suddenly make it a "PC game"

Prove me wrong. The average consumer pays less and gets more out of their purchase.

>games from 6 years ago...

>rev 1
You fucking what?

What the fuck are you talking about

The games stated to you are "CSGO, PUBG, LOL and DOTA", which one of them is a fucking MMO?

Mario Odyssey came out 2 days ago.

LOL and DOTA are Massive multiplayer online. Do I seriously need to spell everything out for you? At least research the terms you use, shitposter.

He looks like Peter Griffin


>Prove me wrong
I'm not sure if understand but you can get a Pc that is better than a Ps4 for the same price and you don't even have to pay for online play

>third party trash

I don't think you know what the term MMO means

>I'm not sure if understand but you can get a Pc that is better than a Ps4

With no user base, several attachement payment plans, and masive lack of accesibility. PC is not a go-to platform for novice users and new gamers. A console is a cheaper, simpler, and overall better expense.

>you don't even have to pay for online play
Please look up what an internet service provider is. You clearly live with your mother.

You make no sense at all mate

>The average consumer pays less and gets more out of their purchase
dude, i spend 12 hours plus a day behind my screen, i doubt my 2 year old 1000$ PC is worthless. I love my switch but i don't spend more time with it than my PC.
don't resort to ad hominem and call me a NEET Sup Forumsirgin for spending so much time on my PC

>resident evil revelations
Hold the fuck up. The 3ds games were so good, holy shit

Doom came out like last year, didn't it?

being able to play games of that caliber on a fucking handheld is a good enough reason to justify a re-release

truly this is the 7th generation remastered generation