>final boss has no weakness
Final boss has no weakness
>final boss is weak to everything
>final boss isn't immune to status effects
The weakness of the final boss is that they are in opposition to the main character(s), so they are destined to die
>Secret boss is weak to just being hit
>Is still so strong that it's a hard fight
>final boss gets killed by an ambulance
>secondary antagonist is stronger than the main antagonist
>final boss gives you a raise
>beat final boss
>he enter phase 2
>Secret Boss has only 1 HP
>He simply dodges your attacks instead of tanking them like every other dumb boss in the game.
>Analyze Final boss
>He's got crazy ass stats
>Weaknesses: None. You cannot win
>tfw too retarded to understand final boss
>tfw too retarded to attach file
>beat final boss
>he's not actually the final boss
>final boss names one game that does this
>You give the boss his weaknesses.
>Final boss is weak to a weapon/technique only available to the protagonist that is hidden in the game as optional content
Reminder that part 4 > all
>Final boss can parry you
>erases the cause
>keeps the effect
It's pretty simple user
>Normal enemies can parry you
>Final boss says "I'm gonna kick your ass if you don't leave."
>Final boss totally does kick your ass
>There was never any final boss
>fail to defeat final boss
>he later returns in a sequel
>erases the effect
>keeps the cause
that actually makes GER a little more understandable thematically
still an underwhelming end to part 5.
Shaman King
>rival beats you to the final boss
>final boss challenges you to a beetle fight
Name THREE (3) games that do this
Ice wasn't stronger than Dio
Oh but I had the last laugh, Fuckfag. I eliminated your entire team with a single pokemon.
Also how the fuck did you manage to defeat Giovanni before me?
Pokemon Red
Pokemon Blue
Pokemon Yellow
Part 4 OPs > All
Part 2 > All
>Final boss of the first game is also the final boss if the third game.
For me its the best part overall, even if I don't like the high school setting
I liked part 7 a lot, but the end felt underwhelming, I feel like it could've topped part 4
>brags about being to "erase" things when his power is to turn things into bombs and there is another character that literally has the power to erase things
Kira had some powerful autism
>final boss is beaten with a complete asspull
7 > 4 > all
Killer Queens final form is the dumbest fucking thing ever.
>literally giving another person an ability to fuck with you and send you back in time at any moment
Mother 3 did the secondary protagonist thing
>final boss gets defeated by a shard of glass... Twice.
>it gets callback in the 7th game
>final boss is a Jojo reference
How much of Part 4 actually took place in a high school? Because I can't remember a single scene that did.
>Dude could destroy anything he touched.
>Practically immortal thanks to vampirism
>Couldn't be attacked while inside his stand.
>Only weak to the sun.
The only downside is that he's blind while he's using his power.
>Fought final boss in the first chapter
>Now he knows all your moves
It's foreshadowed a lot better in the anime.
dio couldn't kill Ice, but I'm pretty sure Ice could just erase Dio in a quicky
like what, you're gonna stop time and try to kill me when I am also a vampire and no amount of muda muda or gut punch can hurt me?
>Final boss is the protagonist
>You fight him as the antagonist
>you will be dead before part 7 anime is out
>final boss uses previous characters moves with a different coat of paint
>even says the same phrase
Kira was fun villain to watch
In a high school. A handful of scenes where the spikes headed fuck was running away from the David Bowie killer.
The parts with the kid who had he marionette stand. And pretty much every single episode/chapter involved them going to school, coming from school etc etc
He could kill him during the daytime, just freeze time and destroy surrounding structure until sunlight shines through
>Final Boss is as weak as start-game you and grows with you
stop this right NOW
Not much thankfully, I just dislike that setting but its not focused around it enough to be a bad thing
That's pretty much every part
They'll stop animating it after part 6.
part 7 will be outsourced and everyone will look like oatmeal monsters again.
Is part 8 still boring and gay?
I can't believe JoJo has gotten so dull after the wild ride in part 7
I will have kids and make them love me so much that they will freeze me when I'm super old and leave instructions to revive me when part 7 is out.
>"How could he possibly win this fight?"
>He asks in a series literally about pulling the most stupid shit out of your ass as solutions to how people win fights
>former boss asks you to shoot him in the heart so he can have an open casket
There's no way he could do that without exposing himself in the process.
Best thing is that, more often than not, the asspull makes perfect sense
>wanting a part 7 anime
It'll probably never happen
>japan doesn't like part 7
>it's nearly twice as long as the other parts
>horses would mean a LOT of CGI
I'd rather have it stay as a manga desu
does light move if time is frozen?
Do you realize how powerful the ability to stop time is? There is no stronger combination of stand and user
>There is no stronger combination of stand and user
king crimson could negate the world
King Crimson is stronger desu
Do YOU realize how powerful the ability to erase anything you touch is? There is no stronger combination of stand and user.
>Final Boss has the same power and ability as you
>final boss has a wrinkly penis
BOY, all Iceman needed to do was be in his Erase-Ball form for all eternity and nothing could ever kill him
heh... nothin personnel...
En No Ozuno is a little bitch.
King Crimson cannot work if time is stopped.
KC would just erase the time period where dio stops time
He could act before time stops.
diavolo and pucci abilities can kick dio's ass every day of the week, dio just stand above ira and valentine.
*Blocks your path*
And he couldn't kill anything else, since he can't see
>stop time
>kill pucci
t. Dio
Dio could stop time longer than Jotaro and unlike Jotaro he has no personal attachments to others so he wouldn't make the same mistake
Being a vampire implies he would have to leave his ball to drink blood at some point.
KC couldn't because time is stopped
The world could act before KC could act, because you know, it stops time. Dio's immortal anyway, KC couldn't kill Dio.
He could freeze time then kick him through a wall, he kicked kakyoin during stopped time so hard after time resumed he crushed a water tank.
KC can see into the future, dumb-dumb.
He could just erase the time where dio stops time.
>couldn't kill anything else
>manages to kill more protags than DIO.
get off Sup Forums dio
>Freeze time
>Kill Diavolo
>Except Diavolo saw that coming with Epitaph and deleted the part of time where he died
>Now DIO is within Diavolo's range and can smash his head in
Think before you speak
>Kick him through a wall
>Sunlight pours in and kills you.
Great plan.
>Final Boss is trying to stop you after you have murdered hundreds of "mooks"
>each mook was an animal in nature or a person doing their job to support a family in the game
>all of the bosses you killed and how you killed get brought up specifically
>Final Boss reveals smarty pants party member from the start of the game was manipulating you the whole time for their agenda
>Smarty pants provides Machiavellian explanation which is morally ambiguous but reasonable to a certain extent to you the player
>character in game doesn't understand or care due to the narrative of the game
>if you beat the final boss you dont resolve anything for the lives ruined in your wake
>your victory brings a minor benefit to specific groups and peoples in the game world
>Now DIO is within Diavolo's range and can smash his head in
za warudo
>Final boss is the player character of the previous game
>boss fight is a minigame
>part 5 anime never
If it makes perfect sense then is it really an asspull?
So what if he's in range? DIO's immortal while The World can one shot King Crimson. He'd just die so best Diavolo can do is run.