Things sequel of this should do:

Things sequel of this should do:

Not be made.

Not have one.



lootboxes and main character should be strong black woman in open relationship with 2 dogs and canadian transman

Actually be a decent game that isn't entirely QTEs, exceedingly generic shooting and long walking sections to pad out the length

let me play as a werewolf in steampunk London

that would require making an actual game though

>Alternate History
Should have never been made to begin with

Be a game.

Add gameplay.


>He doesn't like alternate history games

There is a QTE in here that you can't fail, it just keeps looping the animation until you press the button. I don't understand it. If there isn't choice involved and I can't fail it why make me push the button.

those are the best
>tfw never see resistance 4 in Siberia

Why did Insomniac have to fuck up so hard with Resistance 2? Third game fixed everything, but I'm guessing it sold fuckall because of the reception of the second and effectively killed the series

be about 10 hours longer

>tfw replaying this a few years ago

that game did not age well at all. even for a last gen launch title it looks and plays like shit

>looks like shit
>plays like shit
No way fag

Doesn't the ending set up for a sequel? Did it even sell enough?

is this worth it on sale?

CoD has proven to be very successful, so they codified R2 (was a nifty feature that you could "infect" your PSP game w/ it and make MC more powerful + be able to play the game with dualshock)

Resistance 3 literally destroyed any hopes for another game with its "they live happily ever after" credits. Only hope is for Sony to reboot the franchise.

it's very clunky, 2 is a massive improvement in every way.

I really hope they make another one. it's like DOOM but with bigger set pieces

>2 is a massive improvement in every way.
>Drop the weapon wheel in favor of a 2 gun limit
>Full health regen instead of the perfect segmented regen
>Less unique weapons
>Enemies go down exceedingly fast

i wouldn't mind to have a prequel spin-off located somewhere else

I got R3 some time ago and now that shit is fucking unplayable. Runs at like 20 FPS, has gross textures all overthe place and is a big mess in general. Shame cause I really wanted to see how the trilogy ends.

Resistance 3 was really well designed. Hopefully it'll be able to be played on RPCS3 at some point so that people can experience it at a decent framerate and resolution

your opinion faggot I'll suck your dick

If I wanted to play CoD I'd play fuckin CoD