ITT: Post games you vaguely remember, others help to give you the name

ITT: Post games you vaguely remember, others help to give you the name.

There was this walking sim horror game on PC. You wander around in a dark void with not much going on IIRC, but there were a lot of giant monitors displaying static. Once you finish the game, there's a jump scare involving a hand appearing on your desktop.

Image unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:

mummy give me milkies!

It was some kind of flash based chatroom that used cutsey anime-esque avatars in a tropical island theme. For some reason there was a big redbull can in the bottom right, and if you clicked it, you drank out of it and grew wings.

I could have hallucinated that, to be honest with you.

Oh hey, i follow that guy on twitter, love the Jenny Hanniver girl.

Chinese/Japanese people don't have souls, even their language is soulless, they're closer to insects than any other race. Their language sounds like megabits and bits being flipped, like gobbledygook


whats wrong with her face?



Lack of vitamin D




sauce user, don't be mean to me like this

I literally used iqdb and got the sauce. Fuck off newfag.


I need sauce

sauce is Kathia Nobili, that user is user is a faggot and won't provide it

ok ive done this a few times now and nobody has been able to find it
>snes(possibly genesis, but i dont think so)
>hero is a short guy in blue, maybe has a blue cap pulled down over his eyes
>game, or maybe just one level, is set in a beanstalk/plant area
>have to rescue a girl

but the most important clue is that i personally laid eyes on a preview of this game in a gamepro magazine from the mid 90s, and i think that the issue also contained a mini walkthrough for super castlevania 4

its been haunting me for 20 fucking years and i want to know the name of the game

>Sup Forums actually gets erect to 3D old hags

It's shit like this that makes me want SJWs to win even though I hate them too.

>their languages sounds like megabits and bits being flipped


sjws hate asians, especially japs
they consider them the same as whites

Ok so
This was some flash game i found on one of those obscure game sites that look like garbage
it was some sort of sequel to another flash game, it started with a cutscene of a blonde girl going home and then a ufo crashes down
and for some reason everytime you solve a puzzle a character flashes her tits, i can't remember why

>getting triggered by memes

It was a Mars rover simulator from the 90s, it was very slow and you could get stuck in craters very easily.


>ywn be her
why live?

You navigate a maze in a castle to find parts of an automaton as well as commands for that automaton
After you get everything you input commands to that automaton to navigate a miniature maze to unlock a door you have to go through to advance to the next level
You throw fruits to pacify enemy bats and activate buttons that move doors


>his penis doesn't work

My penis works fine user, ask your waifu

Okay, so, you know Tony hawk's Pro skater?
Now, this game i'm looking for was on PSP, and it was like THPS but with parcour and freerunning instead. only remember that it had
>a rooftop level all in brown - orange
>a street level all in dark blues
>a construction yard level
>task-based gameplay: you select a level then a task and if you dont that task you dont progress.

also, please dont derail this thread just yet, my dick loves it but i wanna get the answers first.


plz, the sauce anons

>He doesn't like both 2d and 3d

Is the two pics in the OP not part of a larger series of office slut pictures? The other pictures are great and all, but I really like office sluts.

I'm having problems remembering a game from 20 years ago, but I don't remember anything about it other than a quote from it which was, "never post an image in your OP that's more interesting than your thread."

I like 3D but not dried up witches caked in foundation

It ignores too much of your list to be likely but guesses do not cost anyone anything.

fuck, there it is. i feel stupid now.
okay, you can now derail the thread, errybody

Most of the rest are the same girl, sans suit

game about moms and cooking

or this guy from the goemon games?

It was a point and click flash game made entirely out of claymation, all I remember is that you navigate through a temple.

>Vehicle game
>Each car had a character associated with them
>One was a police car with two female cops
>Part of it was based in a city
>Another part was underground tunnel (subway?)
Vague but that's all i remember

>moderate exercise

almost definitely Neverhood

now were talking

I need sause for reasons

You could always grind out the answer if its a car combat game.

Cooking Pakopako _ Cooking Fucka [English] =LWB=
クッキングパコパコ [英訳]
Creator(s): otochichi

[Otochichi] Cooking Pakopako _ Cooking Fucka [English] =LWB=
[おとちち] クッキングパコパコ

Cooking PakoPako

This is an important question. Do they start off prenant, or do they get impregnated over the course of the doujin?

I haven't watched game sack yet bro. don't spoil it

>instinctively started reading up-down, right-left
I'm far too gone.

last page

I can't quite remember the name of the game but I think I played that on Newgrounds. I think the title had "Red" in it and this song played in the background for most of it:

I don't know what this image is trying to say

That’s what I thought at first too, but the animation was much clunkier and I’m pretty sure the main character didn’t look anything like that.

Fuck me

I'm actually looking forward to next year just so I can see the new comic

>PS1 game
>Multiple characters to choose from
>First (few?) levels in kind of lab like settings, but with big glass containers with green liquid in them, very grungy looking style
>Think it played kinda like Fighting Force, and had boss fights, was a third person game, not top down
>Think it came out in roughly '98 or so

The kind of people who start going to the gym for their new years resolution



She's not a slut, she is cute!

It was a psx game I think and in the game's world males were just kept in stasis (or something) and merely served as sperm donors otherwise women ruled the world.
Basically a game that predicted the actual future of our world right now but I forgot the game's name.

Fantastic then. Thanks, user.

There was this one game and all I remember is cleaning up trash and killing bosses with said trash.
Also the bosses had like fucking numbers randomly on their body, it was weird

PC game, somewhere around 1996-1999 maybe. You played as a flying saurcer-ish vehicle (I think), in a kind of birds eye view I dont think it was completely top-down. It was a action game, with maybe some very light puzzles, and I remember one of the early, possibly first, levels being in a jungle. I think you could get different weaponry and the level was a bit destructible and being able to set trees and stuff on fire. Sorry this is probably pretty vague.

WHy is her face melting

A game for the N64 where you play a dude with a big head in a square stage shooting waves of monsters running at you

>She's not a slut, she's cute

user, I'm not one of these plebs who think women are only one or the other. Sluts a best and a cute. I will definitely check out this comic.

I remember playing a PC sidescroller action/puzzle game. I want to say it was titled or starred the "Man Eating Cow". I kind of remember that the levels took place inside a human body, and you may have fought the heart and other organs perhaps?

I remember the Start or Loading screen had the cow protagonist working out on a treadmill.

Any ideas?

yeah, that was the song
i'm gonna go and try to find it

a sidescrolling adventure game or something, one of the characters had wolverine-claw gloves. pretty colorful. played on PC like 17 years ago.

Thanks, I'll take a look

I didn't say "not a slut, but cute" Although I prefer non-slutty girls
It's a comfy manga otherwise, enjoy

She's just nervous

There was a sega genesis sidescroller shooter where you were on an alien planet and a pretty detailed black or white dude (your choice or changes randomly dont remember) and you shoot aliens, not contra.
I was like 6 or some shit back then may as well be a dream.

robotron 64

no these arent it, thanks though

i dont think goemom had any NA releases for the snes

that's the one, thanks mang

waifufags need to just drop fucking dead already, how many more containment boards do you need?

contain THIS


We're making a town.



Found it, it’s called Tomb of Doom.


>there's a sequel to this
Can't recall if it's translated yet or not though.

It is. It's fucking hot and heart-boner inducing.

t.Sup Forumsfugee

Sauce me up my dude.

I raise you the superior OL


wow, but no, it reminded me of 2010~ flash games

The true OL questions her lonely existence.

A kind user helped me remember Pinobee in one of these threads

How do I get a christmas cake wife?

artist is orutoro