Time to apologize, Sup Forums....
Star Citizen
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Game will never be released
Games of this scale take around 7-10 years to make, from start to finish. Yes, even AAA games.
Looks pretty good. Can't wait to play it in 2039
all this work for a multiplayer game, what a waste
Wife is mad at me because I spent the money we were saving for a house on Star Citizen
She just doesn't understand, this will literally be the greatest video game of all time
That doesn't mean that it's ever going to be released.
i'm glad this game exists. development trainwrecks are more fun than any actual video games.
>there are people out there who blew 3k on a fucking vaporware game based on the ramblings of a guy who made a Wing Commander movie happen
Unless you're a dumbo who actually donated money for this there is no reason to be overly critical of the game. It looks pretty good.
Why did something happen? Should I come back? No? It was delayed? What else is new
Did it came out and I can play it now?
>making it multiplayer instead of single/multi-player hybrid simulator
>like a mixture of Mount & Blade single player and Dark Souls or MGS V multiplayer
>where you invade other people's universes through wormholes with your fleets to rek their shit and steal their resources
Can't wait till they sell all these show off assets they made for the game for dirt cheap and actual GAMES get made with them.
SC will never ever release or it will be extremely underwhelming. It will be the tortanic of the decade.
Tortanic was the Tortanic of the Decade
I'm glad I just get to enjoy their stuff for free "hey can I fly your 2k ship?" I have fun for 20 minutes and don't have to take out a loan for code
Yeah you might be right. SC looks more like it will be the tortanic of the next decade.
Video games aren't about the premise, they are about the excution of it. You can conjour up the greatest game of all time within a few hours of thinking about it but you could not make it at a quality where it's enjoyable.
Say SC will release in 2022 or whenever they finally start putting it together and shipping. How is the business model then? If they spent 150 million US$ on making it they have to ask a lot for this game to make a profit. Space games like that are niche titles. They already have 2 million customers - how many more could they get?
Then there's the bug issue. This is a massive project with ever increasing features - will it ever run well? Will it ever be bugfree? How about netcode? Is it going to lag or have insane loading times due to server delays? Will it be pay2win on release? Right now it sure is. Balance is another problem - will this game truly nail the feel and purpose of space ships when going up against another? I have severe doubts, it's all just standalone concept shit, nobody puts those concepts in the same space and lets them duke it out.
There is so much that can go wrong when making software and the gameplay parts they've released so far were totally underwhelming and buggy. The FPS experience was 5-7 years behind the industry, the space combat still is not good and has severe design and balance issues. The controls are clunky and the UI is awful.
How much money will they spend on polishing this for 1-2 years before release? So far everything goes into trailers with few new features to market this concept and nothing of value has been released.
My prediciton is they will run out of funds towards the end and leave a raw and buggy mess and then trash around helplessly trying to grab as much money from their disgusting p2w business model as they can before just abandoning the project and sailing off into the sunset.
>using mgsv multiplayer
Straight multi in mgsv woulda been 10x better since nothing fucking mattered but the gameplay.
>hey user, SC is going to literally redefine video gaming
>hey user, you can just spend $50 and get a really cool ship
>hey user, version 3.0 is right around the corner nows the time to get it
No, Jim. I will not buy SC until it is released.
Kill all xenos
>So far everything goes into trailers with few new features to market this concept and nothing of value has been released.
Because it's a scam.
>My prediciton is they will run out of funds towards the end and leave a raw and buggy mess and then trash around helplessly trying to grab as much money from their disgusting p2w business model as they can before just abandoning the project and sailing off into the sunset.
This will also happen.
>spending anything on an early access game
QA testing shit games for free has clearly improved the industry
>development trainwrecks are more fun than any actual video games
Sup Forums - video games
>They already have 2 million customers - how many more could they get?
fuckton more if they actually deliver on their promises. Like a marriage of EVE and DayZ, what more could one ask?
>Will it be pay2win on release? Right now it sure is.
>Balance is another problem - will this game truly nail the feel and purpose of space ships when going up against another?
If it's a truly open sandbox, balance doesn't really matter that much. Disbalance is kind of part of the point. You want some people to be much stronger than others and honestly, it doesn't really matter how they became strong.
It would be exactly like introducing pay to win in DayZ. It wouldn't actually ruin the game for anyone. Not that DayZ will ever be pay to win.
>it's a scam
It's not a scam. The whole project is just poorly fucking managed. I mean look at OP: this is the kind of shit you shouldn't be wasting resources on when the game is still far from finished. Pointless fluff gets added later.
Which one? At the rate the game is being produced it will be set in the past.
that's a scam though
release little stuff like this instead of working on big stuff to tease out your fans and backers
>worrying about profit
They aren't making a loss because it wasn't funded with their money
so it's out then
So assuming this game ever actually sees a "release day" whatever that means for it I'm pretty sure PS5 and the next Xbox will already be out by that point. Do you guys think they'll cave and make a console port? I'm sure at that point those consoles wouldn't really have a problem running it.
Damn son
>It's not a scam. The whole project is just poorly fucking managed
Nah it's a scam my man and not a poorly managed one at all. Shit like in the OP gets made so idiots buy into into without thinking about the entire Structure that would make the game even work.
Don't remind me. What a shitshow. Wish It would leave EA already so I can refund.
Fuck off with your vaporware Ponzi scheme
>The game is released
>It isn't bad, it isn't good, its okay
Would this be the most infuriating possibility?
I'm glad because I like seeing technical achievements of scale. If it isn't possible and this game never releases, that just proves to me the irrelevancy of the medium (video games/interactive media) an unimportant side show, with no bearing on technical skill and prowess as a bar to entry. Which means you can exclude people with those skills on a resume in any other industry, or at the very least, those skills go down in value and become easier to buy. Gamers love to shoot themselves in the foot, but that foot shooting tends to be profitable.
B-but star citizen 2 will fix it
If they still required you to spend a fuckload of real money for ships in order to play it yea. Otherwise not really. I mean why would anyone be upset about a good game?
>Star Citizen working on details when they should be developing the core game
>Elite dangerous working on the core game when they should be working on details
>Don't remind me. What a shitshow. Wish It would leave EA already so I can refund.
Now's probably the worst time to refund as they're finally fixing the number one problem with the game. Well, number two, since horrid FPS issues are a thing of the past. Number two is the poor character handling/animations. Shit's fixed and will hit experimental very soon.
With DayZ, I'm glad they took their time because the game will actually be exactly what was promised. And honestly, despite all the terrible bugs and all other issues with the EA thus far, I was never bored.
>Vaporwave game
what did user mean by this?
>It's not a scam. The whole project is just poorly fucking managed
At what point does one become the other?
A scam is never intended to provide a project.
A badly managed project has the intent, but not the oversight or competence, to deliver the project. Whether or not a scam is up to how aware the people are about their own shortcomings.
>Like a marriage of EVE and DayZ, what more could one ask?
You won't win anyone from either camp over with that.
FPS people don't want the space ship combat and pilots don't want the FPS gameplay. Skill does not translate well at all between those. The trader/industrialst doesn't want the PvP and the PvPer doesn't want the industry. These styles are all just contained bubbles of gameplay and do not mix well at all. If the game then has design issues and bugs coming into the mix it'll quickly wither and die.
>If it's a truly open sandbox, balance doesn't really matter that much
How much fun will you have if you undock as new player and some p2w shitter in his high-end cash shop bought vessel just one-shots you? Sure, sandbox means slight imbalance but in exteme cases like SC it means you can lose something you had to work a long time for. There's a difference between a survival shooter with a match lasting 1 hour or a space game in which you spend weeks to get something. Enjoy going up against someone who bought his way to victory when you can't/won't afford it because it takes weeks of in-game grind and lasts for a single second against someone with real-life money advantage.
It's not about them making a loss, it's about turning a continous profit to keep their company afloat. They have to make a profit eventually or there would not be a reason to release anything to begin with or they'd just shut down once they can't reach positive balance anymore. The instant that happens the servers will be gone and with that the entire game. Everything so far requires a server connection, it's not an offline-singleplayer game.
>FPS people don't want the space ship combat and pilots don't want the FPS gameplay.
No, a AAA game would release 'something', and then release more of 'something' in the yearly follow-up.
Instead Star Citizen is trying to release it all at once instead of just releasing the core foundation of the gameplay.
I have no response but at least you gave me an excuse to post this ad.
Well, what if they had originally intended and thought they could make the game, realized the couldn't and instead of saying, "Sorry guys, we just can't do it." They continue selling what they know they cannot do?
If they can actually get some good hardware optimization on it the next generation consoles could probably run it decently on highish settings at 30FPS.
Fair enough.
That gameplay is all I've ever wanted, and now I see people want to fuck that up. It's infuriating.
Do you think the oneX could?
just watched this youtube.com
i know its from Sept but i am in fucking tears, i cannot believe there are STILL morons who are excited for this garbage
Hence the second part of my post
"Whether or not a scam is up to how aware the people are about their own shortcomings."
Now are they selling what they know they cannot do with the intent of cutting and run, or is it a matter that they can't back down now because they already invested their money into the project and simply walking away will leave them in debt and no reputation to make more money in the future?
In that case, either delusion or hope comes in and they work despite the unlikelihood of them suceeding largely because they have no other recourse.
Start-ups are hard shit, dawg
Sc fans are autistic enough that they'll reverse engineer the thing and create a community patch for it.
3.0 never ever
I can't wait to play a game with shitty ps3 graphics in 2020+
>"Whether or not a scam is up to how aware the people are about their own shortcomings."
>Now are they selling what they know they cannot do with the intent of cutting and run, or is it a matter that they can't back down now because they already invested their money into the project and simply walking away will leave them in debt and no reputation to make more money in the future?
Well, one is fraud and the other is ego. But selling people something you cannot deliver on is fraud. That's literally what fraud is.
I didnt contribute but got excited about the initial announcement when I knew little about it.
Now after all these years, crpgs actually have been resurrected with some pretty good games and now a masterpiece.
I was simply expecting a Wing Commander\Starlancer Freespace with modern tech and Mark Hamil that could amaze people like Tie Fighter did back in the 90s but instead have this megalomaniacal fever dream scam that does not simply end.
Star Citizen was supposed to just be Arena Commander but fan autism and dev judaism both spiraled out of control.
>The year is 2019
>people complaining star citizen has been pushed back to 2021
>Haters don't realize real development only started in 2018
>everything before that was just organizing the company and streamlining pipelines
>>Elite dangerous working on the core game when they should be working on details
eh no they should keep working on the core game.
It worse than out of control. Roberts has lost all credibility.
You start small and then get your feet wet for more expansive stuff, I just fucking wanted a simple space fighter with modern engine that could make wonders.
Imagine thousands of capital ships and your small fighter zipping around, no need for crazy graphics.
For behold the Mountain will give birth to a little mouse.
is that VR Helmet actually fully functioning, or is it some kind of extreme super ultra Supercomputer tier CGI?
Don't really like the idea of being entombed into my cockpit/rover.
Honestly it feels as though they have been focusing on more of the tech than actually making a game. Hopefully once they finish with all the procedurally generated bullshit they can start making the actual game.
Now imagine as an unoptimized mess of a game lags and stutters at 12 fps as people are doing their custom helmet animations from their "exclusive" in-game content they got from buying a new GPU, a new smartphone or a lot of Doritos
But you just keep walking and pick up that new automatically-generated infinite "dynamic" quest that says you need to go to Sector-3D and recover the cargo of Frigate SS-8F which was attacked by Pirate Band 384H
It is surely going to be a new and exciting experience, and it's probably going to give you enough money to finally buy that ship insurance for this month.
it's in release limbo...
each helmet piece, down to the smallest rivet, rendered in full 4k resolution
All in the while the normies just play on their smartphones, and what we call indie is middle market these days with some decent games that require as much pc power as 16bit emulators. And consoles just chug along.
Where is this ultra high tech pc gaming? Where the fuck are they?
did they ever fix the shitty netcode that causes low framerates?
How can DayZ be what will promised if nobody is playing it?
This is the biggest problem with kickstart/early access. Nobody cares about DayZ anymore. It's niche was taken by other survival games, and then by Battle Royale games when people realized they played DayZ like a shitty BR game.
And now that DayZ shed all those shoot on sight retards, it needs to fundamentally rethink its gameplay and mechanics. But they've been working on a run and gun sim for 4 years and players have gotten bored of it.
An entire genre squandered due to mismanagement.
I hardly knew thee multiplayer survival genre.
It's funny cause its true
i think i gave tor a try back in 2014 and had a bit of fun with it before getting bored. i really liked the class storylines in that game and having dialogue options for quests was cool.
i think the game has had 2 expansions now? people are still playing it so i guess it wasn't a total flop like Sup Forums wanted it to be at the time.
>0 star systems
>0 planets
>1 procedurally generated moon
>10 players per server >mmo game
ha haha ha
its not even funny anymore...
IT'S IN THE PIPLELINE. They just need to organize the pipelines. Once they do this, the performance will be unreal 4k resolution 60 fps over 10,000 people per instance. My wife's 8 year old son & I saw a sneak peak a few months ago and we both applauded when we see it in action
yea i didnt think so. i saw the one (and only) vlog with their network guy and he looked like a nervous wreck, like he was way over his head.