So is this actually a good game?

so is this actually a good game?

Or is it just propped up by a dedicated group of autists

Other urls found in this thread:

It's both desu op

that's right keep on shilling

Just watch what a bunch of normie, non-autists have to say about the game. Watch gameplay reviews on Youtube and form your own opinion.

it's a really good game and really impressive debut game, it really could have been more challenging, the camera is janky at times, and some of the voice acting sucks but over all it's a really fun game and controls really well. I really can't wait to see more from the devs after hearing them say they've learned so much from making AHIT I'd like to see the game evolve even more.

If you want challenging levels, you can create them yourself

It's pretty cute.

I could also build a whole fucking game from scratch myself, but that's what I pay the devs for.


>Forming an opinion based on the opinions of others.

What did the cuck mean by this?

Geniune shill.

So, do you only get an achievment if you're ashamed of DICK?

It's really good, but over-shilled here by a disgusting bunch of diddlers.

>I could
if you could, you can also add on and improve an existing game too

Some sort of viral marketing campaign on Sup Forums

It's good but it's not really worth it because of its price/duration relation, 30 dollars for like 10 hours is pretty shitty unless you plan on modding or speedrunning

You're the shill OP.

Well I mean he's not entirely wrong, you better form your opinion if you've discussed it with others and they can prove your opinions wrong or flawed, thus allowing you to refine it. But you still need an opinion to start with, where you would need to play the game.

How the fuck can you even read with this layout.

by no stretch of the imagination is it worth 30 bucks, it simply lack the content to be a 30 dollar game.

It's a 10 bucks game.

Other than that, it's a bit rough around the edges and way too easy. It plays okay

It's good if you like 3D platformer collectathons. For some reason it reminds me of SM64. I quite like it, even tho i didn't have too much time to play it.

I will wait a sale to buy it. I kinda don't want to pirate, I always feel bad when I pirate indie games.

That sounds more like the dude's trying to get some ammo for the omnipresent shilling argument 2bh fammie. Mostly because there's no actual way you could gather that kind of info from a Sup Forums thread of all places.

And this reads more like a lot of crying about shills + some """ironic""" tripfag shitting things up like they always do.
But perhaps I'm just jaded and we actually have a viral marketing problem on Sup Forums. Maybe it's not our own fault this place is in such shambles. One can only hope.

don't, the dev is a literal thief

there's absolutely viral marketing on Sup Forums

wouldn't be surprised if those nonstop assassins creed origins goty best game this game is really good threads were also viral marketing


Yes it is , just make sure to get the 1 hit hero badge quick otherwise it is too easy

i still havent beaten the final boss though , it's a bs fight in 1 hit mode x(

How can you tell the difference between a viral marketer and somebody who genuinely enjoys a game?

by nonstop samefag spamming

making a hundred assassin's creed threads in a row, all staring with the same ''goty'' and nothing more is pretty telling

mecha the slag is a thief, he is the creator of this game

They're autistic about its controls, story, characters, VA work.
It's definitely worth playing.


look up maxof2D and mecha the slag

in a nutshell

>The basic summary was: I was working with him, he became a very rude person over time. I quit and asked him to stop using the work I made for him, he refused, and it escalated into him making a hate/doxx website about me. I had IP proof and everything it was him but he never admitted it.

>actually recommending a fucking IGN link
>"God Had is 3.0" IGN
>"Sonic was never good" IGN
>"8.8" IGN

The game is pretty good but there are shills pushing the game very hard. There was one autist freaking out in every thread because that one IGN woman gave the game an 8 instead of a 10.

They're right about God Hand and Sonic though.

I mean literal nonstop of this

Fuck off

Sup Forums is full of shills. There was a time some shill literally gave me 5 or 6 keys for Uplay.

I can believe someone out there's shilling AC on Sup Forums. I've seen my fair share of shady posts praising Ubi games in the past. Not that guy though, in all likelihood. Looks more like some falseflagging shitposter, which seems to be the "in" thing to do nowadays. Just look at any AHiT thread, or any Cuphead thread, or those Mario Odyssey threads with a .webm of bing bing wahoo man just kind of jumping in place.

this a best grill

>"8.8" IGN
It deserved to be lower, though.

oh well, to me it makes no difference if they're doing it because they're being paid or because they are obsessed over it or even if they are doing it ironically

It makes no difference in the end, true. I just find it kind of sad that anybody with enough free time can turn Sup Forums against a game, just by being an annoying cunt about it all the time. It shouldn't work, yet it does. I suppose there's a reason the brainlet meme's picking up steam on Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums can't tell the difference between autistic waifufagging and shilling.

Next you're going to tell me /c/ and /mlp/ are full of shills.

both should fuck off

I think you didn't play many PS2 games to understand why God Hand wasn't a bad beat em up game.

Is there a way to invert vertical camera in this?

I did this pose a couple years ago in a photo. Fast forward to a month back when some bitch comments on me dabbing.